Really so its not like with smoking where making it socially unacceptable and the general public looking down on smokers or heroin users that has greatly influenced usage?
Perhaps we should looks at socially taking parents of obese kids to task. Not through law but perception and lack of acceptance like we do with smokers?
If you saw a 10 year old and their mum both puffing on a cig you would see a very public condemnation.
See a mum and her 10 year old both obese and eating a full mcdonalds meal and you dont see a reaction.
I'm not saying shame is a healthy thing for an individual but as a tool in society shame is an amazing influencer of peoples behaviour.
I suppose its if the cost to individuals is worth the pay off over time
To be fair, you're still drawing pretty flawed comparisons.
In the case of the 10 year old and her child smoking a cigarette, it's actually illegal for a start, that's quite different from eating some bad food, and I'd say it's perhaps more reasonable to condemn the mother for allowing something so egregious. And also remember, you can eat treats / fast food, in healthy amounts - you cannot smoke in healthy amounts.
I'd agree in some respects, that making obesity socially unacceptable could in theory be useful, but I think in reality it won't help us actually solve the problem, not without enacting really hardline rules such as those found in Japan with the metabo law, but then again - Japan, despite having very low levels of obesity, is socially very distant from the west - I'm not sure we could ever do it here.
For example, I'm against these silly ideas, such as 'fit at any size' where you have obese women celebrating how great it is to be 'big' and how they're super healthy even though they're probably pre-diabetic and have high blood pressure. I think that's dangerous.
However, inside all of this, there's a bigger question;
You want to allow the condemnation of obese people - I get it. But instead, why not aim your condemnation at the food industry and make it unacceptable for them to wreck the food chain? They're the ones who've created this crazy environment, since 1980 they've been making more and more money, whilst the health of western nations has been into steep decline. When children get obese - instead of forcing the food industry to change their ways, we try to solve the problem by prescribing Metformin and then later send them for Bariatric surgery. It seems like we're putting the cart before the horse.
Don't these kids have parents?
I know it's 2019 and all and children should not be oppressed by the tyranny of adults and their rules, man, but surely allowing parents to set food boundaries might, maybe, be just about OK?
Children get pocket money, they also spend a lot of time outside/away (school, friends, etc) so any attempt to keep reigns on them will just fail and it does fail, hence the childhood obesity epidemic, it's hard enough to prevent children from smoking (although thankfully thats on the decline) let alone them eating unhealthily, because kids like to be on the boundaries of just about everything.
And, I'm not against parents setting health boundaries, or teaching their children to be healthy - but it seems like we're playing with half-measures, when we send them outside into the world (or they go online) they're absolutely saturated with opposing messages, powered by billions of pounds of dollars, in advertising and scientific research - the majority can't compete with it.
Surely, you must accept, or partially accept - that the food industry are a problem here? or are you happy for them to just carry on as they are without interference or legislation?