What an absolute pile of dog poop. I wanted to like it just at least a little bit, one tiny thing but really I was all bad in the end.
I think back to the man I was 1/2 years ago when I heard of kenobi was getting a series, imagining all the interesting things we will find out, and now if today me spoke to that person, to tell them one interesting bit of information that I learnt from kenobi, I couldn't think of one.
I would much prefer a series that was a flash back between episode 1/2/3, and then the main time is supposed to be between 3 and 4 if that makes sense.
So it'd jump back to time 1.5 when a anakin was a boy/early teen, then back to now time, then maybe later jump to between episode 2 and 3 when anakin was a young adult, giving us a glimpse of a mission that further shows why anakin fell, taking the angle that maybe we end up feeling sorry for anakin etc.
You get nothing. Some rubbish for leia, some rubbish for luke, no new information, just scenes with them being in it as kids.
Avoid imo