Obi Wan Kenobi (Disney+)

It's always been a thing that the dark side can stay alive using rage like Vader

Jedi don't because they don't hold big grudges or something

Agree that's enough from this era, give me some Kotor please, Kotor 1/2 retell in live action with no changes
Just started 1st eps Obi has his Light sabre buried in the desert, and needs a Shovel to get to it LOL Why not use the Force. Surely should have picked up on that lesson in Jedi Academy Class 101
The kid running away from the bandits in the Forest was so badly acted, feel so scripted. Obi outfit and Hair so clean, again hes in the desert. i think they got it better in Bobba Fett
Thats was...............odd and, at times, interesting but never "good" for me, call it 4/10 overall and not something I would consider re-watching sadly.

We know Kenobi lives, so why show him trapped then cut away as if to make you think "oh no", it's worthless drama as we already know its meaningless, just show the scene of him regaining full force powers instead of cutting away. It's the same with Third Sister chasing Luke, we know he's fine so it's worthless trying to make it look dramatic. Also, Third sister has done evil things, not killing a child doesn't suddenly make her "good" and someone to be treated with kindness without punishment first.

As we know the "end state" for these characters I thought the idea was to show "How" they got there, rather than trying to inject "Oh No" drama where it clearly doesn't work, and the "How" when it was shown was far better than the fake drama.
Overall I enjoyed it

Negatives - Some very questionable CGI at times, adults inability to catch a 10 year old child, Stormtrooper and Star Destroyer inability to hit anything they shot at.

Positives - Tied things together quite well without rewriting history, showing/introducing injures to bridge the swirly swirly lightsaber action of the prequels to the more swing and clobber of the originals, the Vader/Obi fight making use of the force etc.
Didn't like it overall

Vadar buries him and walks away instead of trying to impale him. Obiwan suddenly becoming badass and owning Vader. Obiwan not killing Vader, really!? Why still bother with Reva? After being stabbed she's still able to run. Why didn't they get Qui-Gon to boost obiwans confidence or train him before facing Vader?
Only now noticing reva's sabre has the same rippling\pulsing sound effect as Kylo Rens had.

It's funny that in all the star wars movies and live action series that force ghosts have appeared in, only a single one has shown their power alluded to by Obi Wan in episode 4, that being Yoda in TLJ calling down lightning. Besides that they just seem to appear to give vague "wisdom" and **** off again.
I know it's Star Wars lore that Stormtroopers have the aim of a Ray Charles with Parkinson's, but surely the turbolasers on capital ships should be linked to some form of targeting and fire control system. It can't be that difficult, I mean they have Hyperdrives FFS! Also, the ship they were escaping on was ducking and weaving in order to avoid fire, yet strangely only on a single plane, why didn't they just go up or down too (obviously relative to the Star Destroyer as space and all that)? And then when they were talking on the inside, they stopped avoiding fire and started flying in a straight line, or at least that's what it looked like going by the view out of the windows.
It's beautifully made like most modern Sar Wars but the writing is just not goo enough.

There are immersion breaking elements for me. Before Disney Star Wars I assumed hyperspace took some time to get places and big ships loading up and stuff heavily implied that. But now everything is about 2 minutes journey away. Why do you need massive ships and garrisons when you can get their in 5 minutes. It takes me longer to get to Tesco's than it does for Obi-Wan to fly from one planet to another. There are many others it just feels like a lack of care.

I'm not sure I feel that Obi-Wan overpowering Darth Vader was right, surely he should have used finesse not force. His mastery of himself not greater force powers being what makes him a master.

How the Empire forgets for 10 years that Leia has been linked to the rebels and Obi-Wan is beyond me.

Personally I would have preferred that Obi-Wan remain an anonymous Jedi to the Empire throughout and that Reva only finds out at the end as part of some epiphany as she renounces the dark side having seen the true way.
About to watch 6, just caught up on 4 and 5...

Good lord the CGI is armature levels of production. THe Speeders coming in and strafing in episode 4. Honestly i thought it was among the cringiest false perspective nonsensical, just awful....

THe overall aesthetic of the show is really janky too. It has the horrible fake dirtiness and "homogenous" generic look to all the extras clothing and the props are trying to look like like they are from the right era but mostly look final trilogy style.... I dont know if thats a good explanation but i know what i mean lol..

The writing is cheese, the story is borderline.... The empire is more useless than ever. Any scene with stormtroopers is cringey hilarious. I love how 50% of them have a female death scream now... Equal rights! yay!

Oh well time to wrap this up... Its fine... Its just really Fan made.....
Just started 1st eps Obi has his Light sabre buried in the desert, and needs a Shovel to get to it LOL Why not use the Force. Surely should have picked up on that lesson in Jedi Academy Class 101
The kid running away from the bandits in the Forest was so badly acted, feel so scripted. Obi outfit and Hair so clean, again hes in the desert. i think they got it better in Bobba Fett

The trick with D+ is don't try imagine there's going to be a plot that makes any sense, or that any real thought has gone into it, just turn your brain off and be dazzled by some light sabres and 'memerberries. Try and blank out the massive holes in the plot, all the things that make no sense whatsoever but just need to happen, all the political messaging, all the cheap looking sets, the terrible scripts, all the unintentional Benny Hill comedy moments, like the escape with Leia hiding under Obi's coat and non-launch of the tie fighters in pursuit, or that Obi is so stupid now he can't walk around agate with large gaps either side, or think drive a truck when there's one right there...or Leia is somehow an electronics wizard for some reason,

Just pretend it's all fantastic because it's says Star Wars on it, it's just a Jedi mind trick to tell yourself all this stuff is actually good somehow...and if you're very good boy you can have a whole new REVA show! woo hoo!
It's beautifully made like most modern Sar Wars but the writing is just not goo enough.

There are immersion breaking elements for me. Before Disney Star Wars I assumed hyperspace took some time to get places and big ships loading up and stuff heavily implied that. But now everything is about 2 minutes journey away. Why do you need massive ships and garrisons when you can get their in 5 minutes. It takes me longer to get to Tesco's than it does for Obi-Wan to fly from one planet to another. There are many others it just feels like a lack of care.

I'm not sure I feel that Obi-Wan overpowering Darth Vader was right, surely he should have used finesse not force. His mastery of himself not greater force powers being what makes him a master.

How the Empire forgets for 10 years that Leia has been linked to the rebels and Obi-Wan is beyond me.

Personally I would have preferred that Obi-Wan remain an anonymous Jedi to the Empire throughout and that Reva only finds out at the end as part of some epiphany as she renounces the dark side having seen the true way.

It's beautifully made? it's cheap and nasty looking, with little thought and effort gone into the production, it's just thrown together the effects are very poor. I mean the infamous checkpoint scene, no-one thought "Hey this looks ridiculous, better re-shoot or think of something better"? The entire Benny Hill escape scence? - That's not a show this is beautifully made.

I agree with the rest of your comments though.
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