Oblivion Mods

As the title suggests, Darker Dungeons makes the dungeons darker :). More realistic lighting in the caves and makes the brighter torches mod more useful.

Also, Darker Nights makes night time more realistic, and the brighter torches more useful again :).

Short grass is great for lower spec PCs. Reduces the height of the grass, thus improving the performance of the PC and a slightly higher frame rate.

Makes it so that none of the items or enemies in the levelled lists become obsolete. What ever your level you might encounter an imp while wandering the forests of Cyrodiil or have a bandit wearing leather armor attack you. This also somewhat alleviates the problem with everyone and their mother dropping high end stuff when you have reached a certain level.

Slow down the day/night time cycle of Oblivion with this mod.

And a mod to get rid of the annoying messages in game (loading area etc...)
One thing I've noticed is that quite a few of the mods available seem to basically be making the game easier.... increased carrying capacity, more storage (must admit I wanted that in Diablo2), more powerful skills etc etc.

While I can appreciate that some do make the game more fun to play by removing annoyances, is there not a danger that the game gets slightly imbalanced in the player's favour compared to what the developer intended? Things like a limit on how much you can carry may seem rather petty, or an annoyance to the player, but perhaps the idea is that you are not supposed to be able to lug around a thousand ingredients all at once?
HangTime said:
One thing I've noticed is that quite a few of the mods available seem to basically be making the game easier.... increased carrying capacity, more storage (must admit I wanted that in Diablo2), more powerful skills etc etc.

While I can appreciate that some do make the game more fun to play by removing annoyances, is there not a danger that the game gets slightly imbalanced in the player's favour compared to what the developer intended? Things like a limit on how much you can carry may seem rather petty, or an annoyance to the player, but perhaps the idea is that you are not supposed to be able to lug around a thousand ingredients all at once?
agree with you completely. I'm not interested in making the game easier, just more involving for me, which the mod list I posted would (hopefully) imply :).
Last Kronin said:
Only for cyrodil (or what ever its called) hopefully soemone does the full map
erm... you do realise that Cyrodiil is the entire county you play in.. Cyrodiil isn't a town, city or village... its the entire "world" that you play in.
HangTime said:
One thing I've noticed is that quite a few of the mods available seem to basically be making the game easier.... increased carrying capacity, more storage (must admit I wanted that in Diablo2), more powerful skills etc etc.

While I can appreciate that some do make the game more fun to play by removing annoyances, is there not a danger that the game gets slightly imbalanced in the player's favour compared to what the developer intended? Things like a limit on how much you can carry may seem rather petty, or an annoyance to the player, but perhaps the idea is that you are not supposed to be able to lug around a thousand ingredients all at once?
mmm have to agree with you there mate, i'm all for the mods that make the game seem more realistic or eliminate what are (in my opinion) annoyances in the game (people dropping very good weapons very quickly in the game, etc..etc...) but mods that let you carry more, give you better skills, have better arrows etc... seem that its just making the game a bit too easy.

yes it might be annoying that you can't carry around all 300 of those pieces of crabmeat that you've found, but it's either that or a nice powerful sword.

molinari's list is something, that for me anyway, that i would consider adding to the game :)
nikebee said:
erm... you do realise that Cyrodiil is the entire county you play in.. Cyrodiil isn't a town, city or village... its the entire "world" that you play in.
That's what he means... Cyrodiil is a province of Tamriel. He's saying hopefully someone will do the same for the whole of Tamriel (although I can't see this making a huge improvement).

How big is the performance hit with this mod?
Inquisitor said:
That's what he means... Cyrodiil is a province of Tamriel. He's saying hopefully someone will do the same for the whole of Tamriel (although I can't see this making a huge improvement).

How big is the performance hit with this mod?
why would you need it to be done outside of Cyrodiil if thats the only province you play in, in the game? (bar the main quest)
nikebee said:
why would you need it to be done outside of Cyrodiil if thats the only province you play in, in the game? (bar the main quest)
Don't ask me :p
Maybe because there are bits of other provinces that you can see from Cyrodiil (e.g. Valenwood)?
I agree that most of the mods simply make the game much easier that the devs intended. Lower mana cost for healing is obviously there just to benefit those fighters with heal spells, and the new arrows... O.o no offense to the creator, but they are ridiculous.

'Lv7 - Stunned-wave Arrow - 8ft, 10s Paralyze on strike (1.25x Speed)'

Why not have the arrow just do 500 damage, same effect really, just saves you time.

molinari said:
Makes it so that none of the items or enemies in the levelled lists become obsolete. What ever your level you might encounter an imp while wandering the forests of Cyrodiil or have a bandit wearing leather armor attack you. This also somewhat alleviates the problem with everyone and their mother dropping high end stuff when you have reached a certain level.

This would be perfect if the 'lower class creatures' had a level relative to yours. like in morrowind.
*wonders if thats possible*
Artheas said:
I agree that most of the mods simply make the game much easier that the devs intended. Lower mana cost for healing is obviously there just to benefit those fighters with heal spells, and the new arrows... O.o no offense to the creator, but they are ridiculous.

'Lv7 - Stunned-wave Arrow - 8ft, 10s Paralyze on strike (1.25x Speed)'

Why not have the arrow just do 500 damage, same effect really, just saves you time.

Thats a good point. My only char I have made is an archer-mage. I am at like lvl 12, and spend most of my time trying to get spells and arrows that will kill anything. If you try playing with a bow as your main weapon, you will get angry and want to cheat to kill everything in one hit, trust me. At lvl 9, I got a troll stuck in the water, and I proceeded to put 134 arrows into him, and he didn't lose health, it regenerated too fast. It is near impossible to be an archer.

But the mod that changes the menus so more stuff fits on the screen is a godsend!!
Get youself a Bow of flames and some dwarven arrows was doing 27 per hit, times that by 3 when get a crit with sneak, made short work of dread zombies with that had 4 x3 crits and 9 arrows into it, do the maths and ull find out how hard that zombie was
Artheas said:
This would be perfect if the 'lower class creatures' had a level relative to yours. like in morrowind.
*wonders if thats possible*

It is possible, but would require you to go through the entire monster list - which is quite big.

But that's not exactly how MW worked: in MW some monsters were leveled, but most were not. MW used a mix of fixed level monsters that spawned depending on your level (the way Oblivion does it), fixed level monsters picked from a list, and monsters spanwned to match your level. That way some creatures were low level, some matched yours.

Draeger said:
I keep getting a "Web site not responding" when I try and grab the Tessfiles "No Psychic Guards" download. :(

They have been having some problems with their severs. I posted a message on their forums saying that one of the files wasn't working got a rely and it was fixed. Looks like they know that some of them are broken but not which ones.

Meridian said:
It is possible, but would require you to go through the entire monster list - which is quite big.

But that's not exactly how MW worked: in MW some monsters were leveled, but most were not. MW used a mix of fixed level monsters that spawned depending on your level (the way Oblivion does it), fixed level monsters picked from a list, and monsters spanwned to match your level. That way some creatures were low level, some matched yours.


i don't think it's that big a list. There is a tick box in the creatures stats that say weather it levels up with the main char or stays static. All that needs to be done is tick this. Also I think that the inventory is done in a similar fasion.

thefranklin said:
Thats a good point. My only char I have made is an archer-mage. I am at like lvl 12, and spend most of my time trying to get spells and arrows that will kill anything. If you try playing with a bow as your main weapon, you will get angry and want to cheat to kill everything in one hit, trust me. At lvl 9, I got a troll stuck in the water, and I proceeded to put 134 arrows into him, and he didn't lose health, it regenerated too fast. It is near impossible to be an archer.

But the mod that changes the menus so more stuff fits on the screen is a godsend!!

I have the exact same character type, i dont know if the 134 figure was an exaggeration (i hope so!) but i'm lvl 9 right now, and it takes me about 15 silver arrows. Being a split type character, you would expect it to take longer if you only utilise one side of your skills, so i summon a frost attronach (uses 95% of my mana) if i'm struggling.
My marksman skill is only <50, but my strength is 55 or 60, agility is low at around 45, so if you do take more arrows to kill things than i do, i can only assume str plays a large part is arrow damage (i thought it was only agi and marksmanship).

The Improved UI mod sounds great, i was going to download that but i read it had some bugs and was therefore a bit apprehensive. Has anyone encountered any?

How easy would you think it will be to implement the 'any lower level creature type can appear no matter what level you are' and also the 'lower level creatures level up with you' mods? I havent downloaded the CS, i understood the morrowind CS decently, but i'm not into scripting unless there are 'instructions'. I heard it uses xml which i have no knowledge of.
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