Observation or Fat Shaming?

I find it amazing that people know this happens but they won't accept it happens the other round way where a person doesn't eat much but puts weight on.

Sorry but it doesn't work like that. You cannot put on weight if you are eating less energy than you are using. People who say they eat very little yet put on weight tend to forget things like cups of tea with two sugars or a bottle of soda or whatever.
I find it amazing that people know this happens but they won't accept it happens the other round way where a person doesn't eat much but puts weight on.

So where is the weight coming from if not from food and drink? Amounts absorbed from breathing must be trivial at most. Photosynthesis doesn't exist in humans at all as far as I know. What else is there?
I find it amazing that people know this happens but they won't accept it happens the other round way where a person doesn't eat much but puts weight on.

Because thats fantastically rare and every single person I know who claims that eats far far far more calories than they claim. Thats why. People are generally awful at tracking their calories. There have been plenty of shows that have covered this and most people who "eat what they like and don't put on any weight" don't actually do that. They might gorge 4,000 calories one day but then only eat 2,000 the next day and it averages out. I'm a bit like this but I am also very active and I probably have a fast matabolism.

Thats the truth. Some people have a fast metabolism and some have a slow metabolism but there is no one who is 6' tall that would get fat on 1500 calories a day. Bodies need fuel and there is only so little you can feed a body without it wasting away and thats if you aren't doing any exercise.
Sorry but it doesn't work like that.

I said elsewhere on these forums, I volunteered for tests at a place in Cambridge back in the 80s along with around 20 other people.
At the end of the weekend I was told that my calorie burn rate was 1200 calories which fell short of the 2200 for a normal male.
So it is true that if I eat 1201 calories then I'm going to put weight on but it's a bit unfair that I have to eat 1000 calories less than a normal average man.
There was one woman who could only eat 900 calories and a man who could eat around 3500 calories.
I said elsewhere on these forums, I volunteered for tests at a place in Cambridge back in the 80s along with around 20 other people.
At the end of the weekend I was told that my calorie burn rate was 1200 calories which fell short of the 2200 for a normal male.
So it is true that if I eat 1201 calories then I'm going to put weight on but it's a bit unfair that I have to eat 1000 calories less than a normal average man.
There was one woman who could only eat 900 calories and a man who could eat around 3500 calories.

I've been reading some papers and the largest variation in either basal metabolic rate per kg or resting metabolic rate per kg in any of the studies (and metastudies) I could find for adults of the same sex and roughly the same age is ~20%. Age is a bigger factor than individual variation. Even that 20% variation might well be at least partially explained by varying proportions of muscle, since muscle requires a much larger amount of energy per mass to maintain.

The rough figure I was given by a doctor as a like for like comparison between individuals was up to 200 calories, which is about 10% for a man of average size with a reasonably ordinary proportion of fat and muscle.

Here's one of the papers, as an example:

So it is true that if I eat 1201 calories then I'm going to put weight on but it's a bit unfair that I have to eat 1000 calories less than a normal average man.

Indeed many people would want a 50% cut in their food bills!

Also would make lots of things like camping or backpacking easier
As someone that struggles with my weight I would prefer people to say, hay you fat @#£& you have put on so much weight..

I don't really notice it myself, I loose 4 stone then slowly put it back on over a year or two.. Its only in the last few years I have tried to keep it in check

Fat shaming is good, it should be done more, no fat models, no normalising being fat
Not only is it fat shaming, it's very, very shallow.

It's good, if people don't point out fat as being wrong it's seen as normal.. I wish someone would stand outside my house and tell me my weight every day.. Possibly slap me when I've put on 1 lb and tell me to loose it.

I put on a stone, look round see fater people, fat models, fats on TV and think meh, there are fatter people than me, its OK..
It's good, if people don't point out fat as being wrong it's seen as normal.. I wish someone would stand outside my house and tell me my weight every day.. Possibly slap me when I've put on 1 lb and tell me to loose it.

I put on a stone, look round see fater people, fat models, fats on TV and think meh, there are fatter people than me, its OK..

Your mental well-being is not reliant on verbal or physical abuse from others. In actual fact, the opposite is true. Whether your current weight is OK or not is a conversation for you and your GP. You don't need sanctimonious, judgemental people telling you how to live your life. You'll find that the majority of those people have never had to work at maintaining their own "acceptable" weight; they just are and expect that you should be too. They'll invest very little effort into understanding why you can't conform to their idea of what's acceptable.
When someone posts online that a celebrity has put on weight without including anything else that's derogatory is that just an observation or fat shaming?

It feels like fat shaming to me as attention is being drawn to it like finger pointing...

I wonder if we saw the same social media post? Was it the celebrities daughter by any chance? I find it a very regrettable situation that obesity is being forcibly made acceptable but those who can't manage their food portions and those who maintain a healthy lifestyle are shot down (or in my case, thin shamed which I never understood as I am a healthy BMI and am very active).

On another note, earlier in the week I was saddened to see a large mother with a proportionally even larger child (probably aged just 3!) who I'm sure had a circumference bigger then her height. It really is disgraceful that has been allowed to happen. Cooking cheap healthy meals is not difficult.

I said elsewhere on these forums, I volunteered for tests at a place in Cambridge back in the 80s along with around 20 other people.

At the end of the weekend I was told that my calorie burn rate was 1200 calories which fell short of the 2200 for a normal male.

So it is true that if I eat 1201 calories then I'm going to put weight on but it's a bit unfair that I have to eat 1000 calories less than a normal average man.

There was one woman who could only eat 900 calories and a man who could eat around 3500 calories.

You could exercise to increase your calorie requirements? Either cycling or for a longer term approach body building (but remember to reduce your intake if you stop training...)

It's good, if people don't point out fat as being wrong it's seen as normal.. I wish someone would stand outside my house and tell me my weight every day.. Possibly slap me when I've put on 1 lb and tell me to loose it.

I put on a stone, look round see fater people, fat models, fats on TV and think meh, there are fatter people than me, its OK..

You could make getting on scales a daily routine.
Indeed many people would want a 50% cut in their food bills!

Also would make lots of things like camping or backpacking easier

but wouldn't you think it's unfair if it was you who couldn't eat the same as men around you doing a similar job, exercise etc?

After all these years of out of control diabetes the Diabetes Clinic are taking me seriously now I've had an operation cancelled 4 times since late 2019 because of my Hb1Ac levels.
They are totally happy with what I eat and a few months ago put me on a new drug (Empagliflozin !) that has got my weight and Hb1Ac levels down to an amazing 56, still high but not as high as 78.
They are now going to put me on Ozempic which is an injection once a week again because my food intake has been carefully checked and they are happy I'm being good.

Some people can't help what their bodies are like but some people just won't accept it :(

You could exercise to increase your calorie requirements? Either cycling or for a longer term approach body building (but remember to reduce your intake if you stop training...)

I'm in a wheelchair dude.
I don't really notice it myself, I loose 4 stone then slowly put it back on over a year or two.. Its only in the last few years I have tried to keep it in check

Not going to lie, if you know that this happens, why aren't you periodically weighing yourself. I weigh myself every few days to a week as one of the sports I do is heavily effected by my weight and if I put on too much weight I cut back a little.

In much the same way that recovering alcoholics are very careful around drinks, people prone to weight gain should be careful around food and keep an eye on their weight before they suddenly need to lose 4 stone.

At the end of the weekend I was told that my calorie burn rate was 1200 calories which fell short of the 2200 for a normal male.

Feel free not to answer these questions obviously but how tall are you, how muscular were you are the time and were you wheelchair bound at the time?
Not going to lie, if you know that this happens, why aren't you periodically weighing yourself. I weigh myself every few days to a week as one of the sports I do is heavily effected by my weight and if I put on too much weight I cut back a little.

In much the same way that recovering alcoholics are very careful around drinks, people prone to weight gain should be careful around food and keep an eye on their weight before they suddenly need to lose 4 stone.

That is a good point,

But we were not discussing that, we were talking about Fat Shaming...

My point is, I would welcome people pointing out i've put on weight..
My point is, I would welcome people pointing out i've put on weight..

The problem is, like you say, its gradual and not always obvious. If you aren't very small to begin with many people won't notice a stone or two if they see you every day. I'm 6'2" so I could put on a few stone without people noticing unless they hadn't seen me for a while.

I'm not sure I agree with fat shaming but I disagree far more with the normalisation of being overweight. Its quite literally going to crush the NHS in the future and massively damage society. When people can't work the state has to support them. When they have a host of health issues related to weight, the state will have to help them. Asking people who take care of themselves to subsidise those who don't bother is not right.

We should not be telling people that big is beautiful.
You must find yourself very conflicted when you encounter a thin smoker and a fat non-smoker. Who would you tut at first, the one with the worst teeth?

Are you not concerned about our ageing population and the fact that we are getting more and more unhealthy with every passing year which is costing the NHS more and more money. I'm sure you will be happy when the NHS crumbles and becomes a basic healthcare only system that doesn't help the most at need in society because of the burden the unhealthy have put on it through their own choices.
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