Observation or Fat Shaming?

We should not be telling people that big is beautiful.

But how would shops like Love Your Curves make money?

There's an advert on the tube, I think it's for Boohoo, which is of an overweight girl in a bikini with lots of drooping back fat pouting 'seductively' at the camera. It's disgusting.
Are you not concerned about our ageing population and the fact that we are getting more and more unhealthy with every passing year which is costing the NHS more and more money. I'm sure you will be happy when the NHS crumbles and becomes a basic healthcare only system that doesn't help the most at need in society because of the burden the unhealthy have put on it through their own choices.

I assume "the most at need" is you, and "the unhealthy" is anyone that's in front of you in the queue.

The burden on the NHS will always be the unhealthy; it's a health service. And to answer your question directly, I couldn't GAF what people choose to do with their lives - it's not my place to judge anyone. We all pay our taxes; the notion that you are paying for them is just a lazy, selfish point of view.
Are you not concerned about our ageing population and the fact that we are getting more and more unhealthy with every passing year which is costing the NHS more and more money. I'm sure you will be happy when the NHS crumbles and becomes a basic healthcare only system that doesn't help the most at need in society because of the burden the unhealthy have put on it through their own choices.

the NHS should be pushing people to lose weight. when is the last time you saw an advert about obesity? 78% of those admitted into hospitals with covid are overweight. yet the government/NHS hasn't mentioned anything about losing weight. but are instead pushing a vaccine that doesn't seem to work. backwards logic
You do realise that this will solve itself in due course?

Yeah, by people eventually dying after costing the country a huge amount of money. There is a reason pensions have been getting worse and worse. If people weren't costing more than they used to we would still all have crazy good pensions and not be looking at retiring in our 70s.

I assume "the most at need" is you, and "the unhealthy" is anyone that's in front of you in the queue.

Are you normally this cynical? I am perfectly fit and healthy, eat well, exercise and have no issues. I have very little need of the NHS and have barely used it during my life. The people who the NHS should be for are those who are ill due to no fault of their own, not the people who have chosen to eat themselves to diabetes or drink themselves to liver failure etc.

The burden on the NHS will always be the unhealthy; it's a health service. And to answer your question directly, I couldn't GAF what people choose to do with their lives - it's not my place to judge anyone. We all pay our taxes; the notion that you are paying for them is just a lazy, selfish point of view.

Its no more lazy than suggesting that we shouldn't try to stop the rot when it comes to our increasingly unhealthy society, most all of which is coming as a result of lifestyle choices. Society is built on the idea that your actions impact more than yourself which is why we have laws, taxes, social security, the NHS and everything else. We don't just say "its a free for all" because society would crumble. The NHS is no different and your attitude of "oh well, who cares what happens" is really sad.
Feel free not to answer these questions obviously but how tall are you, how muscular were you are the time and were you wheelchair bound at the time?

I'm 5ft 6" and I was very active at the time, Karate black belt, football and running while being a good two stone overweight.
Oh and gigging on stage 3 times a week where I was jumping around all the time.
I volunteered because I knew there was something wrong with what I ate compared to the exercise I did.

Like I said, 30 years on and the Diabetic Clinic now know there is an imbalance between what I eat and how fat I am and are now treating it with drugs.
I find it amazing that people know this happens but they won't accept it happens the other round way where a person doesn't eat much but puts weight on.

Thats because its non sense?

I used to be 10 stone, people would comment "oh you need to eat something" "oh you can eat what you like and not put weight on" I actually also thought this.

I had knee surgery and after this started going to the gym to build back my leg muscle, I found it enjoyable and started looking into my diet etc, turns out I wasnt eating much at all, barely 2k per day, unless I had a pizza at the weekend or something, so I started eating around 3k per day and going to the gym 3 times a week, guess what happend? Oh I gained 2.5stone.

The "i cant gain weight" crowd are stupid, I know becuase I used to be one of them.

I dont know of anyone (aside from people with medical conditions) that eat less calories than they burn but still put on weight. I only know the people who eat cakes and coke and are overweight.
I'm 5ft 6" and I was very active at the time, Karate black belt, football and running while being a good two stone overweight.
Oh and gigging on stage 3 times a week where I was jumping around all the time.
I volunteered because I knew there was something wrong with what I ate compared to the exercise I did.

Like I said, 30 years on and the Diabetic Clinic now know there is an imbalance between what I eat and how fat I am and are now treating it with drugs.

Thats quite interesting. Do you know how they calculated the 1200 calories per day allowance for you and what was that based on activity wise? Do you know what your rough calorie intake was at the time?

The simple fact is that our bodies require a certain base amount of calories to exist and anything you do that burns extra will require more input or you will lose weight.

There is definite variance between how people process calories but physics is physics. If you are gaining weight then your body is converting X percentage of that food into fat because it is not required for whatever you are asking your body to do. We're you constantly fatigued and tired?

As with most things, there are outliers and exceptions to most rules but that doesn't mean that the rules don't apply to most people. Its like BMI. Everyone pipes up with "BMI isn't accurate" like they are some sort of bodybuilder when they are 5'2" and weight 15 stone most of which is fat. BMI works in the vast majority of cases and in the cases it doesn't, the people involved usually are very obvious exceptions.
Are you normally this cynical? I am perfectly fit and healthy, eat well, exercise and have no issues. I have very little need of the NHS and have barely used it during my life. The people who the NHS should be for are those who are ill due to no fault of their own, not the people who have chosen to eat themselves to diabetes or drink themselves to liver failure etc.

My point is...

It's not acceptable to publicly shame people who have an illness that you don't approve of. You don't know their situation, which is why, earlier in the thread, someone found themselves advising a chubby guy in a wheelchair to get more exercise by cycling or body building.
My point is...

It's not acceptable to publicly shame people who have an illness that you don't approve of. You don't know their situation, which is why, earlier in the thread, someone found themselves advising a chubby guy in a wheelchair to get more exercise by cycling or body building.

I wasn't advocating that we did shame people. I have said that I don't think thats a good idea. I also said I think its an even worse idea to promote the idea that being overweight is not unhealthy or that being morbidly obese is not very dangerous.

The government steps in to "encourage" people to do all sorts of things but they seem to stay out of this one for the most part because its a hot topic with the twitterati and the perma-offended.

Its a hard issue to tackle because people don't need to drink or smoke to live whereas you have to eat. There is also no issue with high fat or high sugar foods if eaten in moderation but moderation isn't being followed by so many.
Funny isn't it that we accept people being fat these days as if there's nothing wrong with it (except for the fat that it isn't healthy among other things). Other than the rare cases where there is a genetic or biological or medical condition there's no reason to be fat. Unless you like being fat in which case people calling you fat shouldn't be an issue. It's not as if you wake up one morning and suddenly become overweight...

Unpopular opinion I know, but frankly, I don't care.
Funny isn't it that we accept people being fat these days as if there's nothing wrong with it (except for the fat that it isn't healthy among other things). Other than the rare cases where there is a genetic or biological or medical condition there's no reason to be fat.

OMFG *%^&%$%$&%%$$%£ :mad::mad::mad::mad:
You're absolutely right! :)

Does anyone remember the Simpson's episode when the joke was that Homer was so fat that if he gained more he could be hyper-obese and officially classed as disabled?

Well, he initially weighed 239 lbs, that's 17 stone, the same weight as Donald Trump and like probably a similar level of obesity as at least 40% of Americans these days:


Also, just look at the dialogue, obesity is straight-up condemned by the Simpson's doctor and Maggie as very unhealthy, none of this "healthy at every size" guff:

Now looking a bit further back, at the Vietnam war, this is the chosen depiction in the movie Full Metal Jacket of a guy who was a fat **** back then, deemed worthy of bullying for being so fat and useless:


That's more like "overweight", perhaps not even obese at that level of fatness... At least 2/3rds of the adult population in the UK is around that level of BMI or worse! (notwithstanding the tiny % of exceptions re: bodybuilders who have thrown BMI off a bit because of excess muscle mass etc..)
Funny isn't it that we accept people being fat these days as if there's nothing wrong with it (except for the fat that it isn't healthy among other things). Other than the rare cases where there is a genetic or biological or medical condition there's no reason to be fat. Unless you like being fat in which case people calling you fat shouldn't be an issue. It's not as if you wake up one morning and suddenly become overweight...

Unpopular opinion I know, but frankly, I don't care.

well you have simps that date these things and also guys off dating apps that smash and dash (but wouldn't be caught in public with them). this gives them the idea that they don't look that bad, or at least they are 'normal'. then you have their fat friends or social media following reinforcing it all by telling them how beautiful they look. the delusion continues.

so they either get a simp that will put up with it and provide. or they get banged multiple times a year by a horny good looking guy.

they won't ever not get male attention.

the market dictates their value. if they got zero male attention they would be forced to compete with other females and be in half decent shape.

but many men have no standards in today's world because they don't value themselves so take what they can get.
Thats quite interesting. Do you know how they calculated the 1200 calories per day allowance for you and what was that based on activity wise? Do you know what your rough calorie intake was at the time?

As with most things, there are outliers and exceptions to most rules but that doesn't mean that the rules don't apply to most people. Its like BMI. Everyone pipes up with "BMI isn't accurate" like they are some sort of bodybuilder when they are 5'2" and weight 15 stone most of which is fat. BMI works in the vast majority of cases and in the cases it doesn't, the people involved usually are very obvious exceptions.

We drank liquids for the whole weekend, put on exercise equipment and blood and urine samples taken.
My calorie intake at the time was around 2000 with loads of exercise so I should have been losing weight.

Here at the hospital back between 2008 to 2010 I used to take classes with teenage girls and one of them was a health class where BMI was part of it.
I ended up asking my manager to stop this class because it's very hard to tell young girls they have a BMI of anything because over 1 meant they were fat :)
Anyway one girl wasn't making sense and I used multiple scales and measured her over and over, she looked normal, not an inch of fat but her BMI kept saying she obese (I forget the exact figure).
I ran upstairs to get a proper Clinician who came down and did the tests and she also came to the same conclusion but this girl looked normal.
That incident was the nail in the coffin for that lesson because a couple of months earlier during the blood pressure tests one girl was showing 170/145.
I tested her on 4 different machines, again go t a Clinician who rang the girls school to tell them what we had found.
I felt I couldn't run this class any more because I wasn't qualified, it was meant to be a bit of fun.
explain your point

He doesn't have one, only the post just above that one featured fat men... but the guy who replied after talked about women so time for some virtue signalling - reply with a claim of an *ism, *phobia or similar etc... and run.
but wouldn't you think it's unfair if it was you who couldn't eat the same as men around you doing a similar job, exercise etc?

After all these years of out of control diabetes the Diabetes Clinic are taking me seriously now I've had an operation cancelled 4 times since late 2019 because of my Hb1Ac levels.
They are totally happy with what I eat and a few months ago put me on a new drug (Empagliflozin !) that has got my weight and Hb1Ac levels down to an amazing 56, still high but not as high as 78.
They are now going to put me on Ozempic which is an injection once a week again because my food intake has been carefully checked and they are happy I'm being good.

Some people can't help what their bodies are like but some people just won't accept it :(

I'm in a wheelchair dude.

I've been around her long enough to know a bit about your history with food, didn't know about the wheel chair though, sorry to hear that.(I assume it has already been retrofitted with a guitar rack?)

There's are cases that are well outside the norm and are medical monitored and cause other issues.

A lower calorific need makes getting in your protein/non calories requirement difficult and the easy fix is just to eat whats needed and gain weight.

Eh I did start writing another paragraph but honestly I'd be arguing for arguments sake youve actually convinced me the situation is more nuanced.
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