but wouldn't you think it's unfair if it was you who couldn't eat the same as men around you doing a similar job, exercise etc?
After all these years of out of control diabetes the Diabetes Clinic are taking me seriously now I've had an operation cancelled 4 times since late 2019 because of my Hb1Ac levels.
They are totally happy with what I eat and a few months ago put me on a new drug (Empagliflozin !) that has got my weight and Hb1Ac levels down to an amazing 56, still high but not as high as 78.
They are now going to put me on Ozempic which is an injection once a week again because my food intake has been carefully checked and they are happy I'm being good.
Some people can't help what their bodies are like but some people just won't accept it
I'm in a wheelchair dude.