Your very wise
So what your saying i should get more than one in charge, say have 4 dons and they agree together on what should be done, when it comes to clan things eg kicking/map votes etc.
Also im on mumble i checked to see if any of your guys were there for a chat.
Some1 will be on shortly no doubt, if not quite a few will be on 2nite.
You need to create a structure, if you try to do everything yourself you'll fail..
Clan = a group of players who only play together
Community = a place where every1 shares the same tag but don’t all play together <---- This what it will be, not a clan.... imagin the amount of groups you'll have how can you run match nights or decide who's playing and who isn't ?
You dont necessarily have to have Don's, however i would seriously contact one them to make sure what your thinking of doing is allowed, it might be against the rules.
If they give the ok, i'd do the following...
1) Get a mumble server up to get people together.
2) Speak directly to a few guys who are interested, put a post up on ocuk with a list of the members wishing to be a leader, they can then be voted in by the ocuk community to manage the clan.
3) Play together and set out a mission type statement, saying your rules and procedures. These will have to reflect that of OcUk, its not something you can decide.
4) Give jobs out:
Our set up is:
Leaders jobs:
* Website/forum design
* Community leader
* Server Owner
* War arranger
* Application process
* Finance guy ( we have a dedicated TFU bank account with paypal set up)
Senior Admins jobs:
* Server support i.e restarts, scrims and anti cheat
* Forum mod
* War team leader
* Ban’s (only senior admin can dish out ban’s incase we have rouge admin’s.)
There is mega amount of work to do, if you want to have an efficiently run clan…. We’re lucky now that we're at a point where our clan run's its self, every1 knows what their doing and when to do it.
I'm telling you tho i dont think you realise how much crap your going to take for doing this, You will not be able to please every1…… You technically have no authority over any1 on the forums, so whats to stop a clan member contacting a don if they dont like how your running it, and then what can they do... this will no doubt really get on the don's nerves majorly…. There was an ocuk clan before and from what I know it was hard to run, you’ll have a lot of groups playing, so it will just be a community not a clan……….
Two people in my clan have admin on the steam ocuk group, hence us being the closest thing to an Ocuk clan..... might be an idea to see if you can get admin on that.