OcUK Captains Log - The Great Pirate Hunt

It's up to 20,816 now. Whatever the problem was it has obviously cleared. Looks like them Pirates have been foiled. :)

As for me, just passed 10k credit. :cool:

EGADS!! I think I see them off the starboard bow. Man the cannons boys! We be in fer a fight here. AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!!
well, according to boinc stats, our daily credit strips them by about 7k the last day, so that 5-12k lead should be gone by the morrow or the day after....
but the real question is how long can our fleet remain in battle for before it gets ordered back towards seti or folding
Wohoo, looks like the OcUK Navy has put that scurvy rabble in it's place :D


Not bad since at one point they had a 30,000 credit lead.
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YAY! Then we get to pass you again. :cool:

Well I have some good news and bad news for you.:D

The GOOD news for Rosetta, is that I'm thinking of keeping my fleet on the same bearing for a while longer.

The BAD news for FAH is that my output will be down by over 15000 ppd, but I'm sure they won't miss me that much. I'm almost at the 7,000,000 points mark (in the next couple of days probably), but I think I'll wait for some more stable GPU code (ATI performance closer to the nVidia cards), then add some new graphics cards to the farm to bring my output back up again.

The GOOD news for the OcUK Rosetta team is that we will be able to climb the Rosetta team ladder a bit quicker from now on.

The BAD news for TPF is that it will take you a good while longer for you to catch the OcUK fleet again, especially when the wind is fully in my sails (I'm hoping for a RAC in excess of 6000, possibly a lot more).

The main factor will be how long the rest of the diverted fleet stays with the Rosetta team before they return to their original headings.

Should be interesting, No?

I don't mind leaving one of my cores on Rosetta, I doubt Seti will really notice, but I have to keep my fleet on course for that first million tiffy...
I think I'll be shifting some resources over to Rosetta when I get back - most of them, actually.

I had a bit of a go at it a while back and then went back to Folding but there seems to be a bit more interest in it now so I will probably have another bash.

I'll be keeping the gaming rig on F@H since it has the 8800GTX OC2 and that gives good PPD (and science) but the rest will be on Rosetta - at least for the foreseeable future. There won't be the silly farm I had before (leccy was getting a bit pricey) but it'll be a cobbly or two, nonetheless.

Nice to get one's teeth into something new.
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