OcUK & Cutters Rolling Road Day 19 @ Powerstation (Tewksbury) - Saturday April 25th 2015!!

And Zeeds up from bed rime dor tea ect and im off. Bet Stoke team will see my rolling down m6 at some point with my 4.7fd tranny 4500rpm@70mph on 5th not motorway friendly haha.
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Just got to Frankley services, bit early.. Nice weather here, bright and sunny... Hope it stays this way as we go south.
Be at hopwood in ten minutes

Blackhawk rev your engine so I can use it as a guidance point.
Hah na, my car took the longest, 3 runs due to dyno mode. 337BHP is what I got. Pleased with that :p

Graph to come later.
Great to meet some new people, see old friends and also see how much improvement the zed has had. A healthy 300.3bhp over 276 stock. Very happy with that :cool:

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