Figured as much. Let the games begin!When they're around 2 they'll start hating things that they loved doing a few days ago.
Yep, I think this is just a continuation of that theme. It's just more noticeable now she is bigger, stronger and more able to articulate her rageWhen they're around 2 they'll start hating things that they loved doing a few days ago.
Days. With mine it's more like minutes.When they're around 2 they'll start hating things that they loved doing a few days ago.
Having a hell of a time with bathtimes lately. Screaming and full on meltdowns. I'm on the verge of just wrestling her into the bath and getting in there with her to get her clean. If I do that I think she'd never have a bath again though. She's big enough now that it is bloody difficult to get her in there if she doesn't want to, and it sounds like someone's murdering her.
Anyone figured out "one cool trick that sorts bathtimes out. Toddlers hate it!" that they can share? Feel like we've tried everything!
Weeks away from our 2nds dues date now! Hope it all comes back to meour first is only 3 and a half but the early months are a distant memory probably due to the lack of sleep
Trust me. You'll find yourself thinking "it wasn't this hard the first time round".
We had our 2nd 5 months ago, shortly after our 1st's 2nd birthday.
Oh no don't say that
We do think our first was particularly tricky to start with so theres always hope this one may go easier on us.. no chance.
Only thing I'm dreading a bit is how our first will take it all. He's 3 and a half now so does have a fairly good understanding of what's going on but they go from having you all to themselves to have to split that with the new arrival, I'm sure it will be fine hes pretty excited too
Tbf our daughter (1st child) was and continues to be the easiest child to have.
Sleeping through from 14 days old
Practically weaned herself
Incredibly forward with her speech (been compared to a 4 Yr old in terms of vocab/grammar)
Our daughter took to our son like mother hen. She wants to help in everything including feeding and dirty nappies.
That's fantastic! Sounds like it's going really well
Cant remember how long it was for him to get a good steady nights sleep, somewhere between 6months to a year old.
Having a hell of a time with bathtimes lately. Screaming and full on meltdowns. I'm on the verge of just wrestling her into the bath and getting in there with her to get her clean. If I do that I think she'd never have a bath again though. She's big enough now that it is bloody difficult to get her in there if she doesn't want to, and it sounds like someone's murdering her.
Anyone figured out "one cool trick that sorts bathtimes out. Toddlers hate it!" that they can share? Feel like we've tried everything!
Going to be starting work on the baby's room this weekend. Any one got any tips to what we should have in there, aside from the obvious!
Don't go mad buying everything before baby comes, you won't need half of that crap. Amazon prime, next day delivery, for anything you realise you need and haven't got when baby comes. However, a decent nappy bin did come handy to us, as is plenty of surface to put STUFF on and have easily to hand... (wet wipes, lotions, toys, etc).We're just about to go into week 28 and yeah, baby is still babying around inside the OH. Plenty of movement, my OH knows when its going to be active and not, kicks are getting stronger and apparently goes bonkers when it hears my voice. Our dog knows that something is inside her and keeps putting his head on her stomach and has a listen, pretty sweet really.
Going to be starting work on the baby's room this weekend. Any one got any tips to what we should have in there, aside from the obvious!