OcUK Dadsnet thread

Anyone interested at all in some unopened tins of SMA Anti Reflux milk?

Tesco won't take them back or swap for lactose free.

Ma sons decided he can't have lactose, makes a right mess and smells horrible.

So... I don't know any other father's, would anyone be interested in some tins.

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Anyone interested at all in some unopened tins of SMA Anti Reflux milk?

Tesco won't take them back or swap for lactose free.

Ma sons decided he can't have lactose, makes a right mess and smells horrible.

So... I don't know any other father's, would anyone be interested in some tins.

If this is not ok, please delete this thread.

Have you asked your health visitor? Our hv slammed us for even thinking about changing formula unless desperate and this is from a baby that would love to cover me head to toe in sick.

And on that topic, I'm on sick duty tonight. Daughter was feeling warm and irritable this afternoon and only after working hours decided to start projectile vomiting. She's now had 2 baths, 5 changes of clothes and several attempts at rehydration and feeding, so I'm going to be on guard duty :P
Have you asked your health visitor? Our hv slammed us for even thinking about changing formula unless desperate and this is from a baby that would love to cover me head to toe in sick.

And on that topic, I'm on sick duty tonight. Daughter was feeling warm and irritable this afternoon and only after working hours decided to start projectile vomiting. She's now had 2 baths, 5 changes of clothes and several attempts at rehydration and feeding, so I'm going to be on guard duty :p
GP told us not to change, we ignored him. Within 48 Hours his issues were gone and now hes happy again.
Its still SMA, but with the Lactose removed.

He had massive issues for weeks, 7-8 Very runny poos a day, forced me to shower him each time it was that bad... lol
GP told us not to change, we ignored him. Within 48 Hours his issues were gone and now hes happy again.
Its still SMA, but with the Lactose removed.

He had massive issues for weeks, 7-8 Very runny poos a day, forced me to shower him each time it was that bad... lol

Oh I know exactly what you mean. Goes from lovely and clean to **** all up there back, the walls and sometimes even the neighbours! lol

We carried on in fear of the health visitor and only escaped certain nuclear detonation when our daughter went onto cows milk which she's fine with :/
Oh I know exactly what you mean. Goes from lovely and clean to **** all up there back, the walls and sometimes even the neighbours! lol

We carried on in fear of the health visitor and only escaped certain nuclear detonation when our daughter went onto cows milk which she's fine with :/
I think we would have continued, I just couldn't take it anymore. Best thing I did changing his milk.
Just stuck with £100 worth of milk he cant drink lol
I think we would have continued, I just couldn't take it anymore. Best thing I did changing his milk.
Just stuck with £100 worth of milk he cant drink lol

That is a lot of milk!

Can't say dad duty is going well, already had to call for help!

Caught her before she threw up in bed but she covered me, the floor and then I accidently shot the shower in her face whilst getting her undressed. Had to get her mothers assistance before I threw up.

Going to need call out of hours if she doesn't get better ASAP. We can't cool down the flat it's going between 23/26 degrees, she's refusing fluids and hasn't had any for hours whilst still not keeping anything down.
Nearly time for our first family holiday.
Bit nervous about the flights I haven't exactly picked the easiest place to go.

Manchester to Istanbul (3h 45m), 3 hours in Istanbul then Istanbul to Ercan (1h 20m)
Hmm son, 11, has blood in his poo, a fair bit. Often a bit dizzy and weak(probably the blood loss). Blood tests came back negative, back to the docs tomorrow, getting a bit scared. Trying to avoid Internet diagnosis.... :(
Horrible time of year every child is getting sick! just got back from hospital. She got her first lights and siren trip because she was getting worse. Slightly tacicardic, had a temperature of 39. 8 I think when they checked her and wasn't very responsive also had cold blotchy/blue hands and feet.

Luckily when we got there it just seemed to be a matter of rest and some paracetamol she couldn't throw up. Seems like she's got a stomach and throat infection. Couple more days of cleaning up sick and she should be fine, me however... I need sleep bad!
Luckily when we got there it just seemed to be a matter of rest and some paracetamol she couldn't throw up. Seems like she's got a stomach and throat infection. Couple more days of cleaning up sick and she should be fine, me however... I need sleep bad!

Never failed to amaze me how babies can go from really very sick to much better so quickly. We never had a blue light trip but my sister's son has had a few due to breathing problems - one minute he's being rushed in, the next he's back to being a little terror again.

If only I could recover from a hangover that quickly....
Doesn't get any easier at 3 almost 4. We just sat down for a meal at the busy restaurant in our hotel in corfu and our boy devided to throw food at me. We tell him off and he then starts a riotous tantrum. We had to exit sharply via the fire exit in front of the whole restaurant. My wife was soo embarrassed she burst in to tears on the way back to the room. Meanwhile our boy is still going mental all the way and continued for over 30 minutes before he finally calmed down and we put him to bed.

Probably the worst meltdown hes ever had, especially in public. I just don't understand why he wont take a telling off when he threw the food, the trigger was actually him not having a place mat where he sat even tho he chose where to sit. It's like one little thing every day sets off a chain reaction of tantrums. Getting him to put sun lotion on has been a challenge in itself. Relaxing holiday in the sun my behind.

On the flight back I was thinking "We'll do this again when he's 4". Then I was witness to a 4 year old in the front seat repeatedly hitting his Dad, proper punching him in the face, within about 15 minutes of take off.

To be fair to my son, he has been an absolute delight from the moment we got back from holiday. He is still having his usual toddler tantrums (one particular one recently because he didn't want to wear trousers out), but otherwise he has been wonderful to be around.
Never failed to amaze me how babies can go from really very sick to much better so quickly. We never had a blue light trip but my sister's son has had a few due to breathing problems - one minute he's being rushed in, the next he's back to being a little terror again.

If only I could recover from a hangover that quickly....

I hear you, I though I was over exaggerating. but half way through journey she took a bad turn and they had to stop to make sure she could carry on.
Then a few hours later she's munching down on a dry rich tea biscuit!
@Pookie Bear How you holding up squire? :)
Hey! I'm doing pretty well, thanks! I have barely touched my PC for the last two weeks though, so I've only just seen your post.

I'm still geting used to being a father to two babies. Someone said it's relentless, and that was no exaggeration! I think I am handling it better than my wife, but it helps that have been a poor sleeper for years, so I'm not suffering as much. I still have to do most of the work though, as she is still having issues physically and getting physio. On the plus side, I moved my Playstation into the living room for when I'm taking care of the kids and she is sleeping - how good is Horizon Zero Dawn - brilliant!
Someone said it's relentless, and that was no exaggeration!

That was me lol

Yep it's full on madness. It's not until it happens to you that you realise just how crazy it is having two to deal with at the same time. Having just one, is a walk in the park. I met one of the dads I know online from the "dads of multiples" FB page...he has triplet girls, met him for a beer. I bought him two or three, he needs a medal. I can't imagine the carnage that 3 had on him, so I just kept buying him beers in sympathy :D
That was me lol

Yep it's full on madness. It's not until it happens to you that you realise just how crazy it is having two to deal with at the same time. Having just one, is a walk in the park. I met one of the dads I know online from the "dads of multiples" FB page...he has triplet girls, met him for a beer. I bought him two or three, he needs a medal. I can't imagine the carnage that 3 had on him, so I just kept buying him beers in sympathy :D
Haha! Sorry - I get baby brain too!

I have to admit, I have sometimes wondered just how easy it might be just having one - but I wouldn't change a thing! I would do anything for the little buggers!
You guys with multiples are heroes. I was struggling with my girl last night. Can't imagine two of them having meltdowns at the same time!
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