OcUK Dadsnet thread

You guys with multiples are heroes. I was struggling with my girl last night. Can't imagine two of them having meltdowns at the same time!

I've done both, single girl and then identical twin boys. One baby is a walk in the park in comparison. With one kid, at least one parent can get some sleep while the other parent deals with baby. When you've two babies, relentless.
On the flight back I was thinking "We'll do this again when he's 4". Then I was witness to a 4 year old in the front seat repeatedly hitting his Dad, proper punching him in the face, within about 15 minutes of take off.

To be fair to my son, he has been an absolute delight from the moment we got back from holiday. He is still having his usual toddler tantrums (one particular one recently because he didn't want to wear trousers out), but otherwise he has been wonderful to be around.

Now we're back home we realised he really wasn't that bad. Like you say just the usual tantrums but i still stand by that dinner one was something else it was Bat**** crazy.

He's been good as gold since got back so it must have been the heat, change in routines that messed him up a bit.
This weekend I'm in a BnB about a mile from a hen do that my partner is attending. I'm essentially the standby taxi to deliver him to the standby boob. The things we do, Eh!! :D mind you, I rock up to a mansion of 20 lovely ladies, clutching a cute baby that they all come running to swoon over. Smells nice in there too lol!
So this is my son in a high back booster, hes 3 in septemeber (sorry in this pic he does look a bit like a demon child).
My youngest is three in July and we are looking at putting him in a high backed booster. He is getting too tall for his current seat. It's a worry though.
Unfortunately all you read is "Ohh don't do that, keep them in rear facing multipoint harness seats until they are 5" Sigh. not going to happen.

We're having our 20 week scan on Friday, I'm not able to feel him kick and move yet but my OH says he's having a right party.

Hope the scan went ok! We're up to 22 weeks now, he's full on booting the wife's innards at every opportunity, it's amazing how well she's coping with getting her head around the fact that she has an alien growing inside of her :-\ Nursery furniture has been ordered a bit earlier than planned as it was on offer.
My youngest is three in July and we are looking at putting him in a high backed booster. He is getting too tall for his current seat. It's a worry though.
Unfortunately all you read is "Ohh don't do that, keep them in rear facing multipoint harness seats until they are 5" Sigh. not going to happen.

Yes it's the flip side of the internet. I could get a harness that takes the higher weight but I don't see the point. It looks like the seatbelt will be in the correct place on him (I tested with a bit of cable). I'm going to swap it over this weekend and see how it looks.
My youngest is three in July and we are looking at putting him in a high backed booster. He is getting too tall for his current seat. It's a worry though.
Unfortunately all you read is "Ohh don't do that, keep them in rear facing multipoint harness seats until they are 5" Sigh. not going to happen.


My daughter is 2 & 1/2. She's been forward facing since she was 10mth old.

It was a decision taken through on medical advice of 2 separate doctors. We researched the best seat and bought additional support things. The reason was that travelling backwards distressed her to the point that it was almost impossible to do a journey of more than 10 minutes, with someone sat in the back with her, without her screaming her lungs out and being very distraught to the point of physically convulsing.

From the point we turned her around it stopped instantly.

We got the usual crowd trying to tell us that we shouldn't do it (despite the aforementioned medical advice) with some saying they should be rearward facing until age 5 & one bat-**** woman on FB group my wife is on threatened to report us to SS for child neglect!
Suffice to say my Mrs, in not so polite terms to her to go ahead.
My daughter is 2 & 1/2. She's been forward facing since she was 10mth old.

It was a decision taken through on medical advice of 2 separate doctors. We researched the best seat and bought additional support things. The reason was that travelling backwards distressed her to the point that it was almost impossible to do a journey of more than 10 minutes, with someone sat in the back with her, without her screaming her lungs out and being very distraught to the point of physically convulsing.

From the point we turned her around it stopped instantly.

We got the usual crowd trying to tell us that we shouldn't do it (despite the aforementioned medical advice) with some saying they should be rearward facing until age 5 & one bat-**** woman on FB group my wife is on threatened to report us to SS for child neglect!
Suffice to say my Mrs, in not so polite terms to her to go ahead.

I bet she also posts on mumsnet:p.
We've asked about this to the doctors looking after George, they ask say the same thing rear facing as long as possible.
We're in an odd situation soon though, he's getting too tall for his rear facing seat but is no where near the weight for forward facing.
Physio told us one his head starts to go above the to of the seat that's when to move to the next seat regardless of weight.

I honestly think most babies must be overweight. These graphs and charts are really bugging me.
Hope the scan went ok! We're up to 22 weeks now, he's full on booting the wife's innards at every opportunity, it's amazing how well she's coping with getting her head around the fact that she has an alien growing inside of her :-\ Nursery furniture has been ordered a bit earlier than planned as it was on offer.

Everything went fine thanks. He's doing great but he's really giving my OH a battering, always kicking and as soon as I try and feel it he stops, little bugger...

We've got everything apart from the wardrobe and drawers, probably a few little bits and bobs we need to pick up but all in all we've done really well thanks to my parents and my OH's family helping us along the way.
Having a hell of a time with bathtimes lately. Screaming and full on meltdowns. I'm on the verge of just wrestling her into the bath and getting in there with her to get her clean. If I do that I think she'd never have a bath again though. She's big enough now that it is bloody difficult to get her in there if she doesn't want to, and it sounds like someone's murdering her.

Anyone figured out "one cool trick that sorts bathtimes out. Toddlers hate it!" that they can share? Feel like we've tried everything!
Having a hell of a time with bathtimes lately. Screaming and full on meltdowns. I'm on the verge of just wrestling her into the bath and getting in there with her to get her clean. If I do that I think she'd never have a bath again though. She's big enough now that it is bloody difficult to get her in there if she doesn't want to, and it sounds like someone's murdering her.

Anyone figured out "one cool trick that sorts bathtimes out. Toddlers hate it!" that they can share? Feel like we've tried everything!

Toys, Lots of toys! Ours has a selection of bath books that she likes to read in the bath.
Anyone figured out "one cool trick that sorts bathtimes out. Toddlers hate it!" that they can share? Feel like we've tried everything!

You could tell her it's either this or the hose pipe! lol

My little one has discovered how to remove her nappy while in her cot at night, the horror show my missus and me woke up to would have been hilarious had it not been us...
George was amazing on his two flights.
Went asleep for most of the first one and all of the second one. Zero noise from him.

Interesting come bath time as we only have a shower so sitting him on the floor and giving him a shower, he doesn't seem impressed.
Having a hell of a time with bathtimes lately. Screaming and full on meltdowns. I'm on the verge of just wrestling her into the bath and getting in there with her to get her clean. If I do that I think she'd never have a bath again though. She's big enough now that it is bloody difficult to get her in there if she doesn't want to, and it sounds like someone's murdering her.

Anyone figured out "one cool trick that sorts bathtimes out. Toddlers hate it!" that they can share? Feel like we've tried everything!

We had the same with our daughter.

We'd tried everything and we still had meltdowns even getting near the bathroom.

Then one day we'd bought her one of those bubble tornado machines for in the garden and she loved it so as a hail mary attempt I filled the bath using the shower rather than the taps and threw a load of bubble bath in. End up with 6 inch of water and 2ft of bubbles in the bath. I then took her bubble machine in the bathroom and set it off.

Took her in and the meltdown stopped instantly & she willingly got in the bath. Every night that week (and every morning) she ASKED to go and have a bath.

She's now 2 1/2 and for the last 18 months (since the bubble-fest) she's loved the bath and even goes to the swimming baths once a fortnight. Although we've only JUST got her not to be scared of the shower.
I think we've been good with baths and showers. Ours has been swimming lessons every week since just a few weeks old and he had his first bath at 2weeks and then nearly every night since, that or a shower. He just does not flinch when I've got the shower blasting him in the face, he even seems to enjoy it. Swimming lessons have definitely made him confident in water though. Today he rolled over in the bath, face fully submerged and struggling to pull himself up and out. I helped him up and he just grinned at me, despite a gob full of bath water... So yeah, just repeatedly expose them I guess.

However, he's only 8 months, I assume this could all change when he's a toddler?
Yeah well Riley used to be great with baths, then one day she asked to have a shower and that has been great (so much faster), and literally just the last 2 weeks she's been dead set against it. The last 2 days we haven't been able to get her in there, so I am literally considering getting in there, wrestling her in with me (mostly because she'll hurt herself trying to get out) and getting her clean one way or another.

We've tried toys, hugs, having talks about it, removing priveledges, straight to bed with no stories etc, to no avail. She just goes NUTS. tomorrow she's getting clean come hell or high water though.
Having a hell of a time with bathtimes lately. Screaming and full on meltdowns. I'm on the verge of just wrestling her into the bath and getting in there with her to get her clean. If I do that I think she'd never have a bath again though. She's big enough now that it is bloody difficult to get her in there if she doesn't want to, and it sounds like someone's murdering her.

Anyone figured out "one cool trick that sorts bathtimes out. Toddlers hate it!" that they can share? Feel like we've tried everything!

One thing that has worked with are youngest is to get her to "do the taps" so she gets in the bath empty and turns the taps on her self, then she will do the plug etc, and watch the water hit her toes, i am sure the novelty will wear off but its working for now!
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