OcUK Dadsnet thread

Our boy is also just past 3 and a half and has too nailed the day time potty training. We just followed a basic outline in a book we found and it seemed to work and explained it in a way we could understand and get onboard with.

However we haven't tried nights :( I think we are putting it off as we have a newborn on the way (due date next week!) And worry it may just be too much for us to juggle, but it's probably not that bad. I am worried we may be leaving it too late but he still has a wet nappy when he wakes and has taken to pooping in the nappy before we get up!! Or maybe while hes asleep, hard to tell.

In my experience, the overnight wet nappies are because they are relieving themselves when they first wake up in the morning, not because of overnight accidents.

You'll have a tough first few days until they break the habit (so make sure waterproof sheets are down), but both of my boys are now in the habit of going straight to the bathroom when they wake up in the morning (youngest is 4, but he's been dry overnight for ~ 12 months).

Limit their fluid intake for a couple of hours before bedtime, make sure they use the toilet immediately before going to bed and immediately when they wake in the morning, and you'll be 99% of the way there :)
A friend of mine told me that some of his sons friends who are around a similar age were the same and still wearing nappies to bed and it seemed it was more than one of them.

Boys are apt to suffer nocturnal enuresis until puberty. It's somewhat hereditary.
So its been nearly 7 days and I can honestly say my daughter ******* hates me.

Literally overnight everything has been flipped on its head. I used to get hugs, kisses and was the best chair in the house...

Now I get screaming, crying, backing away and hiding behind her mother. We used to do bath time, bed time stories and just general play. Now if I'm even in the same room I just get misery personified.

I honestly spent a couple of extra hours in work so I'd miss bed time, so it would be less stressful for my missus and daughter.

Hopefully this phase will end soon.
Had a great holiday, George slept through the majority of the flights. Only on the 4th flight did he kick off when we got delayed and were roasting sat on the plane at the terminal for 40 minutes.
He coped extremely well with the 40c+ temps over there. Multiple people in the hotel commented how well behaved he was.
He especially enjoyed the boat trips we took seemed to like the ocean breeze and motion of the boat.
Ate very well to everyone's suprise, I tried him with olives, humous and even a hot little chilli pepper and he loved the lot of them.
Black olives seem to be a favourite. He also seems to love fresh homemade lemonade.

Again the North Cypriots didn't let us down with there kindness nearly everywhere we went George got offered free drinks and snacks. Oh be likes cashew nuts but will eat peanuts.
So its been nearly 7 days and I can honestly say my daughter ******* hates me.

Literally overnight everything has been flipped on its head. I used to get hugs, kisses and was the best chair in the house...

Now I get screaming, crying, backing away and hiding behind her mother. We used to do bath time, bed time stories and just general play. Now if I'm even in the same room I just get misery personified.

I honestly spent a couple of extra hours in work so I'd miss bed time, so it would be less stressful for my missus and daughter.

Hopefully this phase will end soon.
I've had this plenty. Usually if I go away on work I'm persona non grata for a while. "daddy go AWAAAAY" and all that. It tends to pass when the wife goes out for a night and vi have her for the weekend
I fly to Thailand on Saturday morning 7:30am.... The boys just turned 1. His suitcase is bigger than mine and I have some of his stuff in my case and my wife's case.....

What the hell have i done.
A little levity:

My almost two year old managed to lock myself, he and my partner in the garage at the weekend - and out of the house - at 8pm. We have an integral garage with inner access via the porch. From inside the house it locks with a little dial-lock, that he can reach, but it requires a key to get in garage-side. We were in the garage tidying a few items when he toddles in, shutting the door behind him. The little sod had flipped the lock before he shut the door. Not a key in sight. We couldn't get back in without breaking the inner door, and the front and rear house doors were all locked up. I had to open the main garage door, use an empty wheelie bin and my partner's shoulder to scramble up onto the roof (properly sketchy, no leg holds!) and back in through a fortunately-open window.

Naturally, he found it hilarious.

There is now a key permanently in the garage...just in case. This was two days after I'd gone ape at my partner for locking me in the garage, neither of us realising a little pair of hands was clearly the culprit!!
In the end I had to wrestle her into the shower with me and get her clean like that while she screamed bloody murder. She's been fine since :)

how are baths out of curiosity? We are lucky our lad is a proper water baby and if he could he would have a bath or a shower (or both) every single day.... but i believe some young kids really hate showers. i myself remember not likeing them and panicing somewhat that i could not breath properly in them at a very early age.

either way glad you seem to have cracked it :)
how are baths out of curiosity? We are lucky our lad is a proper water baby and if he could he would have a bath or a shower (or both) every single day.... but i believe some young kids really hate showers. i myself remember not likeing them and panicing somewhat that i could not breath properly in them at a very early age.

either way glad you seem to have cracked it :)

She used to be all about baths, but one time on holiday there was only a shower and she asked to go in it. Since then, she will only do showers (which is A-Okay with me because it's a lot faster).
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