OcUK Dadsnet thread


Don't get me wrong, I know its highly unlikely to happen to you. But why do you even need a monitor to connect to WiFi/a cloud network, unless you're going to do a Madeline McCann that is. ;)
The cloud is a separate paid for service, being able to view my son at work on my phone and not have to carry a seperate module around the house to view the camera is a god send.
I also have it on my pcs second screen so I can view it while I work /game, its awesome.
Quite a few of his friends were still doing it at 7. It might only be one now. I'm certain in some cases the parents were just unwilling to put up with the occasional accident - so, yeah, laziness. The one lad I know is still doing it I think does kind of need it, from what Mrs Cheesyboy has relayed to me - apparently it's considered medically 'normal' until they're about 11 or 12 or something.
Busy life’s/ lazy parenting and/or nursery’s won’t help

Mine was potty trained at 15 months and stopped sleeping in nappy’s at 2. UK parenting seems to wait much later than other countries.

I read this thread earlier and currently on holiday but at 2.5 he has just woke himself up and got up out of bed, told me he needed a wee and went to the potty weed and back into bed.

Don’t compare to others and think you have to wait till they are 3. My wife put the effort in and it’s paid off.

The best thing I feel about it is the massive reduction in nappy usage! Although even when in nappies and they need changing don’t underestimate the ease of just taking your child to the bath to clean up. No wet wipes. No nappy rash. Just water.
On holiday for the first time with our 9 month old in Marbella. It has been pretty good so far, the worst part being the airport and the other half intent on bringing the house full of baby things when she won't listen to me that we'll buy what we need out here. :rolleyes:

Not only did we have 2x large hold luggage but we also had 2x cabin bags and 2x "handbags" + 1 more bag for the boy. Add to that the huge bag that his stroller collapses into and that's one fun game of Jenga I'm playing on one trolley around the airport. Needless to say, we don't need half this crap.

We have a wedding to attend later and we've gone super nerd family with matching outfits. Yep, we've become the people we probably once loathed... Love it. :D
On holiday for the first time with our 9 month old in Marbella. It has been pretty good so far, the worst part being the airport and the other half intent on bringing the house full of baby things when she won't listen to me that we'll buy what we need out here. :rolleyes:

Not only did we have 2x large hold luggage but we also had 2x cabin bags and 2x "handbags" + 1 more bag for the boy. Add to that the huge bag that his stroller collapses into and that's one fun game of Jenga I'm playing on one trolley around the airport. Needless to say, we don't need half this crap.

We have a wedding to attend later and we've gone super nerd family with matching outfits. Yep, we've become the people we probably once loathed... Love it. :D
Well done.

We just arrived in Thailand with our son who's just turned one.

We have:
3 hold bags (one is his, and biggest case..)
3 cabin bags (again biggest is his, and I have all his food in mine)
Car seat (can't trust Thailand seats)
Push chair
Nappy change bag

It's ridiculous, last time we came to Thailand we took two cases and one hand luggage lol!

He slept all of 3 hours. Every time we got him to sleep and in the basinet, the crew made us take him out as there was supposed to be turbalance. This act woke him up.
And there were not much turbalance at all...

He's had a three hour nap when we arrived at the hotel. And is loving the hotels hotel room.

All good fun.
He slept all of 3 hours. Every time we got him to sleep and in the basinet, the crew made us take him out as there was supposed to be turbalance. This act woke him up.
And there were not much turbalance at all...

Frustrating, had it a few times, but the last thing you want is your child's head hitting the ceiling. To be honest, it's hard with kids but I keep belts on at all time nowadays having hit freak turbulence a few times.
Busy life’s/ lazy parenting and/or nursery’s won’t help

Mine was potty trained at 15 months and stopped sleeping in nappy’s at 2. UK parenting seems to wait much later than other countries.

I read this thread earlier and currently on holiday but at 2.5 he has just woke himself up and got up out of bed, told me he needed a wee and went to the potty weed and back into bed.

Don’t compare to others and think you have to wait till they are 3. My wife put the effort in and it’s paid off.

The best thing I feel about it is the massive reduction in nappy usage! Although even when in nappies and they need changing don’t underestimate the ease of just taking your child to the bath to clean up. No wet wipes. No nappy rash. Just water.

We tried early with our daughter (like you around 15mths) but she was getting distressed when she had an accident to the point of hysterics. We decided to back off and she's now 2 and a bit & has been potty trained about 2 months. Managed to go from nappies to none, including night time, in about 8 days. We've had 1 accident since then but we put that to it being a big day and over-excitement (1st day of hols).

Although we've had to come up with a saying when she's using the toilet rather that the potty. She tends to want to lean back which occasionally means the stream goes forwards and not down.

"Hands on knees whilst we have our wees" has worked wonders and she says (and does it) every time now.
You guys back to much. We're currently having a holiday in newquay and all our clothes are in 1 large case, and one small case. There is the pram but I don't think we'll end up using it.
So on Wednesday our son underwent his first General anesthetic at the tender age of 5 1/2 months. This was just for a MRI to determine what neurosurgical path to take.

He was gone from our sight for near 2 hours and I hated every goddamn second.

Everything went as planned, well almost. He had to have a higher than normal dose because he was resisting the anesthetic.

But he came round and gave me this:

My first born came 3 month premature, my wife weighed him yesterday and he is now on the 50th percentile for his actual age! Hes finally caught up :) :) over the moon! His daddy is a living giant and can't wait to see the size of the monster he (and his little brother) grow in to!
My first born came 3 month premature, my wife weighed him yesterday and he is now on the 50th percentile for his actual age! Hes finally caught up :) :) over the moon! His daddy is a living giant and can't wait to see the size of the monster he (and his little brother) grow in to!
Wish our boy would put weight on. Still below the 0.4th centile line at 18 months old.

Potty training I don't even know where to start. I doubt he is any where near ready for that.
Increasing is a positive though, regardless of pace. He can sit now which he couldn't before which is progress :)
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