OcUK Dadsnet thread

Thanks for the responses guys, planning to pretty much take a common sense approach really as lots say every kids different, still it's nice to do a bit of reading in advance just to know some of the theory. I have no doubt the real thing will blow everything out of the water :D

I expected it all to be really difficult. It's not.
The theory you need are like best practices such as safe sleeping. There are also things you can safely ignore like the rubbish that is baby food, feed them the food your eating mashed up just leave out salt when cooking.
Ours went from milk to solids pretty much overnight.
Definitely. They are all instinct at that age and feel our "energy", plus whatever that weird blood relative psychic connection phenomenon is must also play a part because they know when you're thinking about them and wake up hahaha :)

It's one of the reasons that I will always try and say to the misses, if she's getting stroppy, to just give me Sophia and it's surprising how much of a difference it makes so quickly.. Then there's always the bit afterwards of, why does she do that for you and not me... Well.... :) I do feel it's like a brick wall type scenario, but nout changes lol One day...... :)

I do think that people do worry about raising children (well the good parents do) but unless you really don't think about your actions and what implications that has to your little ones, things will work out just fine :)
Good luck mate! It's a hell of a ride, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. You'll have the whole thing figured out in a week or two, guaranteed. It's pretty straightforward at the beginning (hungry/dirty nappy/tired/hugs to stop crying) and you'll suss the rest out. Just stock up on loads of wipes, nappies, muslin squares and grow suits and you can't go far wrong. Have a bit of formula on hand BTW, breast feeding can be tricky so it's good to have it. Felt like a pillock at the hospital when we didn't have any and couldn't get ours to breast feed.

Do you know what you're having?

Will do thanks! The wife is all up for trying breast feeding at the start but happy to bottle feed it if doesn't work out. We have plenty of bottles/bottle making equipment on standby :). And no we don't know what we are having, she keeps calling it a girl so I keep saying boy to try and balance it out haha.

Also the cat has started trying to sleep in the next to me crib so we need to keep chasing it away. Arrrg. (house cat that until very soon has been treated like our baby and had run of the house).
Will do thanks! The wife is all up for trying breast feeding at the start but happy to bottle feed it if doesn't work out. We have plenty of bottles/bottle making equipment on standby :). And no we don't know what we are having, she keeps calling it a girl so I keep saying boy to try and balance it out haha.

Also the cat has started trying to sleep in the next to me crib so we need to keep chasing it away. Arrrg. (house cat that until very soon has been treated like our baby and had run of the house).

You might already have one, but if not you can get nets to keep cats out of the crib. Might be worth a look to stop the cat encroaching!
Will do thanks! The wife is all up for trying breast feeding at the start but happy to bottle feed it if doesn't work out. We have plenty of bottles/bottle making equipment on standby :). And no we don't know what we are having, she keeps calling it a girl so I keep saying boy to try and balance it out haha.

Also the cat has started trying to sleep in the next to me crib so we need to keep chasing it away. Arrrg. (house cat that until very soon has been treated like our baby and had run of the house).
I thought I wanted a boy, but now I have a girl I wouldn't change it for anything, so I can say with confidence that you'll be happy either way!
Ahhhhhh what is happening. Our nearly 4 year old loses it at least once a day. Constantly saying he wants things now or read books now when it's bathtime or bed time. He literally goes mental there's no distraction or being nice to him that works. Its like he sees red and that's it.

Both of us literally have no idea how to deal with it now. One of us gets mad, then the other and then both try to calm each other down whilst he still goes mental
I prefer it just the wife and I.then we raise the kids properly and consistently :) tough, had a harder time than most too with the first, second one is more than making it easy for us in comparison :) Would be nice to leave the kids with someone and go on a night out or even cinema...but meh, plenty of time for that later.
I prefer it just the wife and I.then we raise the kids properly and consistently :) tough, had a harder time than most too with the first, second one is more than making it easy for us in comparison :) Would be nice to leave the kids with someone and go on a night out or even cinema...but meh, plenty of time for that later.
My daughters 5, I can count on one hand the amount of times we've left her (and my son) with someone. I don't think we've ever had a night out though (not together at least). I do want to use a baby sitter, but I feel until my son stays in his own bed, it's a bit unfair on the sitter to have to settle him.
I prefer it just the wife and I.then we raise the kids properly and consistently :) tough, had a harder time than most too with the first, second one is more than making it easy for us in comparison :) Would be nice to leave the kids with someone and go on a night out or even cinema...but meh, plenty of time for that later.

I'd say it's pretty important to make time for you and the missis if you have some family on hand to babysit. Kids are relentless and you have to try and make time for both of you.
We do to a point I guess. Heading into bullring this weekend for wifey to get her eyebrows and hair did - I get to take the kids around the shops etc :) can't wait for the Bose shop I mean Disney store!
Ahhhhhh what is happening. Our nearly 4 year old loses it at least once a day. Constantly saying he wants things now or read books now when it's bathtime or bed time. He literally goes mental there's no distraction or being nice to him that works. Its like he sees red and that's it.

Both of us literally have no idea how to deal with it now. One of us gets mad, then the other and then both try to calm each other down whilst he still goes mental

All sounds very familiar and totally normal. Try not to be baited. Do lots of counting down and be consistent with punishments. I try not to get baited into an argument and just walk away if there's a full on tantrum taking place.
Another bad night with my 2 year old, haven't even laid in bed yet and my alarms going off in just over 2 hours. Gay :(

Not to be unhelpful when you've had little sleep, but is the use of gay signing off with a name, or a way to express how your evening went?
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