OcUK Dadsnet thread

Yeah starting to wonder the same. I'm very ocd with hand washing and cooking area, so I guess she doesn't get exposed to much at home. Even though with my family she's always fine it's always other half's family that's a problem.
Do they live in caravans:D. My family are the opposite, if ever the kids have been ill my mum and dad are straight away feeling sick as well lol. Bunch of hypochondriacs.
I don’t think I’d had a proper stomach bug in at least a decade prior to the one that floored me and my entire family over the winter. Thanks nursery! Sadly I think this is what life is going to be like for the foreseeable future over the winter.

All boys seem to go through a pink phase between 2 and 4 years old.

I don’t seem to have grown out of it... pink is an awesome colour for clothing. I don’t own a pair of pink shoes which is a shame.
Evening/morning all :) Just saw the thread and thought I'd pop in and say hi :)

Kinda of new/old at the forum, been awhile and lots have changed :) Mostly positive I think... I've two girls, one's just recently turned 7 and the other has just recently turned 6 months :) Both are my absolute world :) How's everyone doing?? :)
Yeah starting to wonder the same. I'm very ocd with hand washing and cooking area, so I guess she doesn't get exposed to much at home. Even though with my family she's always fine it's always other half's family that's a problem.
Violent vommiting aside maybe, apparently exposing the little ones to those bugs is supposed to actually protect them in the long run.

A friend in Sweden had a young son with Leukemia. The boys consultant stated that one of the causes in young children might have something to do with growing up in too clean an environment and not giving the immune system a good enough workout in the formative years.
Evening/morning all :) Just saw the thread and thought I'd pop in and say hi :)

Kinda of new/old at the forum, been awhile and lots have changed :) Mostly positive I think... I've two girls, one's just recently turned 7 and the other has just recently turned 6 months :) Both are my absolute world :) How's everyone doing?? :)

Howdy fella! I was down your way at the weekend with my 2, but at the beach (half hr north) :)

How is it having a baby back in the house after so long?
Hi there NVP :) I hope you're doing well??

I miss the beach :( Used to live in North Devon (Bideford to be exact) about 15 minutes and you were at the beach.. Man I miss those days!! I hope you had a great time and kept the sun cream on?? :)

It's a bit strange since my eldest doesn't live with me (long story and ex... erm, will probably leave it there for a mo!!) but it's amazing :) Being able to see my little lady every morning before work, get home and have cuddles, makes me miss my eldest even more than I already did... It's a good thing to know I miss her, if I didn't I'd be a bad Dad in my eyes.... My eldest is called Isabelle, my youngest Sophia :)
As for my youngest, she's doing awesome :) Sleeps mostly all through the nights, it's only me that doesn't get to bed at a decent hour lol :( Well lookie it's nearly 1am again.... :lol: I can't believe it's 6 months already.. It's flown by.. Thankfully my eldest was able to come see her after about 2 weeks of her being born, instant love for each other.. Some of the pictures I've timed well have got them looking at each other just smiling away :) Beautiful :)

How's it going for everyone?? :)
You're just oozing happiness (or smileys :D) and its infectious. Nice way to start the day! :)

Did you get a long paternity with the new one? Hard going back to work ain't it? My youngest is 5 and a bit months and you're right it is just flying by! He's already in 9-12month clothes!

I know what you mean about being the one who doesn't sleep on time, gotta make sure all the house work is done and the kids/wife have a nice environment when they wake up. I work 1.5-2 hours away so only get bath time and bed with them during the week so I contribute in anyways I can... and live for the weekends in a completely different way to my youth!

Dadsnet is a great thread :) :)
I like to try and be happy, I can't not be when it comes to my daughters.. The eldest I'm proud of for how she handles the situation and being only 7, hopefully things will change for her in the future for what she wants.. My youngest is just so smiley every time I see her.. If she's awake when I'm getting sorted out for work and such, she won't stop beaming with the smiles :) I find it rather funny as when the 'wife' is having her cry, I'll get home, have a cuddle and instantly, she's quiet and smiley again.. It doesn't go down to well lol :)

Sophia (my youngest) she's in the next size up, 12 - 18 months, somethings are generally a little bit too big but others, surprisingly fit her well and without any problems... It's amazing the size difference when you buy the clothes for them. Kinda crazy that it can matter that much to be honest!
The wife and I try and do 50% of things together.. If I cook, she'll wash and so on. We just try and share the work load of the house, washing and such.. I was out sorting out the patio, shed and conservatory last weekend and what a difference that's made.. Now I've just got to paint the shed and fences all around the back garden.. Oh the rock n roll life of being an adult sometimes!! lol :D

I still have my PC's to tinker with, but the chances of doing that are largely when everyone else is asleep.. Early nights to bed are a rarity for me sadly.. But sometimes 4 or 5 hours sleep seems to be all I can manage.. Sophia sleeps most of the time all the way through the night, sometimes she'll wake but because of work for me, the misses gets up, but at the weekend I have that shift :)

Now being at work, I want to be going home already lol :D
Bit of a request for advice/recommendations again chaps, we're nearing 31 weeks and I haven't done a huge amount of reading up or anything as yet other than having a read of Commando Dad. Any recommendations from people at all of useful resources or sites/books to have a read of?
Wonder years app is extremely informative and informs you what developmental changes etc to expect as and when and if they'll make the baby fussy or clingy etc.
Wonder years app is extremely informative and informs you what developmental changes etc to expect as and when and if they'll make the baby fussy or clingy etc.

That looks great! Have downloaded it cheers. Any other recommendations more than welcome.
Bit of a request for advice/recommendations again chaps, we're nearing 31 weeks and I haven't done a huge amount of reading up or anything as yet other than having a read of Commando Dad. Any recommendations from people at all of useful resources or sites/books to have a read of?
I quite liked the baby owners manual because it was pretty practical. Eg how to swaddle, etc.
Don't get too stuck on the wonderweeks app. It's a decent enough guide for milestones, but it's quite depressing that every other week seems to be a stormy patch. The theory behind it has also been disproven in terms of the "leaps" and the original author tried to block one of his postdoctoral students from publishing this. The result was that Frans Plooij got fired from his academic post.

Here is a list of standard developmental milestones:

Not all babies will develop at the same rate.
Honestly, don't get caught up with milestones and what to expect each week. Parents get so comparative when it comes to kids and spend more time worrying about how their child compares to Joe bloggs down the road that they forget to just enjoy the whole experience.

My daughter is 2 and a half and I already find myself missing the 0-1 stage and 1-2 stage. It was certainly quieter before she learning to talk constantly! Just enjoy the hilarious little mannerisms that they pick up and if you have a daughter like mine, you'll realise very quickly that she's definitely got the stubbornness from her mother.
It's not about comparison, it's about being prepared for milestones. Obviously it is just a guide etc and an academics own theory, but it worked for us with both babies so I'm happy to give it as a recommendation. Each to their own though, as always. :)

Regarding the previous post, everything will be discredited by someone, for example:
So I was fascinated by this as I had the Wonder Weeks app for both my kids and it was spot on. I’m a library media specialist and I did a little digging on both author Plooij and the PhD student de Weerth, mentioned in the Wikipedia article. I found de Weerth’s article from The British Journal of Developmental Psychology published in 1998 and they followed only 4 mother-infant pairs. It’s main conclusion is there wasn’t a pattern of 10 regression periods that followed exactly in each baby. Their study follows protocol, but limited to only 4 subjects. As others have said it’s a theory and like any theories other professionals in the field should be testing the theory. For $4.99 the app was worth every penny for me and satisfied my “need to know” what was going my on w/my boys.

Use common sense always, they are guides at the end of the day, not an F1 button.
I personally haven't read many books about what to expect etc, I just try to enjoy the time with my girls and do whatever I can for them to learn what to do and what not to do.. It's all common sense for the most part and I think as DanTheMan has mentioned, that if you get caught up in things like that your missing out on so much more.

All I know really is that in about and hour and forty minutes or so, I'll be home giving my little girl a cuddle and her smile will wash off any of the rubbish that happens or that has happened whilst I've been at work :) Sophia never stops smiling lol I love her dearly for that.. If she's a little upset or crying its normally, bum check, feed, cuddle, sleep. Pretty much that in a nutshell :)
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