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My daughter potty trained (number one and two :eek:) herself at 2 years 2 months. I thought it was great until we did a few long car trips and she refuses to go in her nappy and screams about it.

It wouldn't be so bad if I had more that ten seconds warning, or if she tried to go when she doesn't feel the need to.

Meanwhile kid number two still poops in the bath. I'm sure he saves it for bath time.
My daughter did that once (think rabbit droppings). She was so shocked that she'd done it in the bath shes never done it again. Fortunately my son has never done it in the bath (he just wees in it instead:rolleyes::p).
Oh man, wife as well. Bliss.

Yeah, it's the bonus of being married to someone from abroad, 3/4 times a year she goes home to see family for a week and we both get a break from each other. I honestly believe it's why we've last as long as we have. I'm one of those odd folks who needs alone time every so often or I struggle to function.
Yeah, it's the bonus of being married to someone from abroad, 3/4 times a year she goes home to see family for a week and we both get a break from each other. I honestly believe it's why we've last as long as we have. I'm one of those normal folks who needs alone time every so often or I struggle to function.

I'll admit that having the wife here has provided some opportunities though. Grownup hugs!
Yeah, it's the bonus of being married to someone from abroad, 3/4 times a year she goes home to see family for a week and we both get a break from each other. I honestly believe it's why we've last as long as we have. I'm one of those odd folks who needs alone time every so often or I struggle to function.

I think that's just a normal thing :) Everyone needs some form of alone time...

I'm looking forward to Sunday as it'll just be me and my little lady Sophia.. Not sure what we'll be doing hopefully the weather isn't too bad so we can go have a bounce on the trampoline or go down the park for a little swing or something :)
I've had more grownup hugs in the last three months than the last three years.

One :D

Being quite patient, she's struggling with her own body issues post pregnancy
Yeah I feel you there mate, the stress of raising a kid, project managing a household, trying to get beach body ready, it's not conducive to getting jiggy. Then if you raise it as an issue they feel pressured and it's even worse.

I'm in the same boat to an extent, but I sold my rift to pay for some fitness course and now she feels guilty enough that she has to get up and do the workout every morning. That means she's getting results and feeling better about herself, which is all good news for me.

I don't know if the whole "happy wife, happy life" adage is true, but I know the reverse is so generally things like taking her out to dinner and getting her ****** are worth the expenditure
I'm in the same boat to an extent, but I sold my rift to pay for some fitness course and now she feels guilty enough that she has to get up and do the workout every morning. That means she's getting results and feeling better about herself, which is all good news for me.

Tbh she's the active one, gym daily as well as home workouts and eating healthy. Just that pregnancy is so damned hard on a woman's body, she's struggling to get comfortable again in her own skin.

Plus the fact we're just always tired, it's not happening a lot. We've both talked open and honestly, we joke about it, it's not some unspoken thing lurking in the background.
Sorry to bring things down a peg but I just need to sort of let something out.

Monday my 3 year old had an eye test all went ok, told to keep patching his left eye to help his lazy right.

But then Wednesday were told the consultant wants to see him as a matter of urgency. That day. So we do and after an hour of looking at his right hour we’re told the news.

He is all but blind in the right eye, has been since birth, and nothing can be done for it. Best case is my ex had toxicara while pregnant, but that’s unlikely, we didn’t have pets when she was pregnant.

More likely is a genetic defect related to the one that caused his seizures when he was a baby. That one he got from me.

Big worry is that it could start to affect his good eye. And options are very limited if it does. Chris has no idea obviously, he’s 3 and never known different. He’s just happy he doesn’t have to wear a patch.
thanks :)

he’s no idea what’s going on. Just happy he doesn’t need the patch anymore. Which I understand since he was literally blind when he had it on. Does explain why he is always bumping into things though!

It's like those dogs with three legs that bound along completely happily because nobody told them to be sad about it. It just is. Kids are weirdly pragmatic like that as well
It's like those dogs with three legs that bound along completely happily because nobody told them to be sad about it. It just is. Kids are weirdly pragmatic like that as well
Definitely. They cope amazingly well, the bonus of these things happening at such an early age is the brain adapts so much better than of you were an adult.
The days we live in having only one eye isn't really going to stop them doing much and they won't know any different.
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