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I don't know how true it is but I read something about with one eye you only lose about 10% of vision but approx 90% of depth perception. It should stop him, didn't gordon brown have 1 eye, I'm sure Colombo did an well so there's at least 2 jobs he can go into:p. I'd imagine as he's not known anything else he won't be bothered.
Our first wee laddie is 10 weeks tomorrow. I will freely admit I had a very difficult time accepting the whole idea. It probably stemmed from a number of things, mainly insecurity about how good a father I will be, and the feeling of being trapped (despite being engaged and truly being in love with my partner, I am still a red-blooded male!). However every negative feeling I had/have is diminished every time I see him smile and giggle at me.

I have a chance to raise a better version of me.

The wee bawbag is better looking than me though, I'm rather perturbed about that. :o
No idea if it's worth looking into, but a partner of ours has a fairly successful treatment for the lazy eye part (no help with the actual poor vision though) https://www.seevividly.com/

Thanks :)
Unfortunately his bad eye is beyond help. He can just about pick up light when it is *very* bright. He didn't even flinch when the consultant shined a light down his eye bright enough that even I looked away.

I don't know how true it is but I read something about with one eye you only lose about 10% of vision but approx 90% of depth perception. It should stop him, didn't gordon brown have 1 eye, I'm sure Colombo did an well so there's at least 2 jobs he can go into:p. I'd imagine as he's not known anything else he won't be bothered.

If it doesn't spread I'm not really worried. He can still drive etc. I just hope he adapts if it does.
Our first wee laddie is 10 weeks tomorrow. I will freely admit I had a very difficult time accepting the whole idea. It probably stemmed from a number of things, mainly insecurity about how good a father I will be, and the feeling of being trapped (despite being engaged and truly being in love with my partner, I am still a red-blooded male!). However every negative feeling I had/have is diminished every time I see him smile and giggle at me.

I have a chance to raise a better version of me.

The wee bawbag is better looking than me though, I'm rather perturbed about that. :o

Congratulations! :)

Don't worry about how good a father you will be. You know, deep down you would never hurt him. And beyond that we are all just winging it basically.
Congratulations! :)

Don't worry about how good a father you will be. You know, deep down you would never hurt him. And beyond that we are all just winging it basically.

Thanks mate, I appreciate your kind words. I've been winging it my whole life, so I should be ok in that regard. Thankfully I'm lucky to have the absolute best fiancée in the world. She's sleeping in the spare room just now so I don't get disturbed during the week when I'm at work!

A special word to the grandparents. We got engaged last October, bought our first house in November, and had Charlie in July. We couldn't have done any of those things without them (well, we could still have gotten engaged, but not afforded the wedding!). This little boy is so loved, it's hard not to get carried away!
Our newborn is now 6 Weeks. Been flying by. Had ups and downs as is normal but on the whole it's going pretty good I think.

Only issues right now are he suddenly doesn't like being led down during the day i.e. wakes instantly, and also in the evenings hes not settling down and gets really worked up. Could be that colic thing but not really convinced.

Other than that, our first child is sort of being a bit difficult lately. I think its normal, maybe a bit of jealousy etc I dont know. But he had always been amazingly well behaved etc, but since his brother arrived he is definitely pushing the boundaries a little. Nothing horrific, just trying not to mishandle his feelings etc. We feel like were constantly nagging him to calm down, not be so loud, let the baby nap etx

I'm sure it will all pass, he loves having a little brother and likes to help out where he can
Our newborn is now 6 Weeks. Been flying by. Had ups and downs as is normal but on the whole it's going pretty good I think.

Only issues right now are he suddenly doesn't like being led down during the day i.e. wakes instantly, and also in the evenings hes not settling down and gets really worked up. Could be that colic thing but not really convinced.

Other than that, our first child is sort of being a bit difficult lately. I think its normal, maybe a bit of jealousy etc I dont know. But he had always been amazingly well behaved etc, but since his brother arrived he is definitely pushing the boundaries a little. Nothing horrific, just trying not to mishandle his feelings etc. We feel like were constantly nagging him to calm down, not be so loud, let the baby nap etx

I'm sure it will all pass, he loves having a little brother and likes to help out where he can
Unfortunately it's normal. My son went through a phase where he would only nap on somebody so that's what we did. It's not uncommon for the eldest to be a bit jealous. My daughter was a little bit but they kind of grow out if it. Just wait till they want to watch 2 different things at once:p.
Around 7 weeks to go until my little boy arrives, time has flown since I first posted after our scare with my girlfriend bleeding and getting the ambulance out to her.

Since then he's been growing great and is two weeks over what they expect from him so it looks like he could be a big un'. We've pretty much got everything in order, hospital bag is packed and in the car ready to go, we probably just need a few other little bits and bobs.

I'm thinking of getting some sort of gift from our little boy for when he's born to give to his 13 year old big brother. Just so our eldest doesn't feel left out (if that makes sense), has anyone ever done this or got any ideas?

At 13, there's a big age gap and does what most 13 year olds do, PS4, watching shows on his Amazon pad, going out with friends etc..
Around 7 weeks to go until my little boy arrives, time has flown since I first posted after our scare with my girlfriend bleeding and getting the ambulance out to her.

Since then he's been growing great and is two weeks over what they expect from him so it looks like he could be a big un'. We've pretty much got everything in order, hospital bag is packed and in the car ready to go, we probably just need a few other little bits and bobs.

I'm thinking of getting some sort of gift from our little boy for when he's born to give to his 13 year old big brother. Just so our eldest doesn't feel left out (if that makes sense), has anyone ever done this or got any ideas?

At 13, there's a big age gap and does what most 13 year olds do, PS4, watching shows on his Amazon pad, going out with friends etc..

We did similar when ours came, a present for their sibling. Just get something you know he will be absolutely chuffed with and remember the moment as a good one, potentially something that he could put in his room as a keep sake?
Around 7 weeks to go until my little boy arrives, time has flown since I first posted after our scare with my girlfriend bleeding and getting the ambulance out to her.

Since then he's been growing great and is two weeks over what they expect from him so it looks like he could be a big un'. We've pretty much got everything in order, hospital bag is packed and in the car ready to go, we probably just need a few other little bits and bobs.

I'm thinking of getting some sort of gift from our little boy for when he's born to give to his 13 year old big brother. Just so our eldest doesn't feel left out (if that makes sense), has anyone ever done this or got any ideas?

At 13, there's a big age gap and does what most 13 year olds do, PS4, watching shows on his Amazon pad, going out with friends etc..

My wife had a similar thing with our first born, she had a bleed and a clot in her placenta which caused the baby's growth to slow. Luckly it never affected her head so it wasn't particularly serious. Had growth scans pretty much every week/2 weeks, baby was always on the bottom line for growth, eventually stopped growing so she was induced at 35 weeks and 5 days. Baby became distressed during contractions so was whisked away for an emergency CS. Absolutely terrifying experience, the moment the consultant mentioned this baby needs to get out, about 20 nurses/drs/midwives appeared, lots of things being explained to us in a total daze, forms to sign and within a few minutes she was whisked to theater, i got into scrubs and walked in to them having already cut her open and jostling her about to get the baby. Born 3lb 10oz, they always lose weight just after birth because of fluid around baby so dropped to 3lb 4oz. Baby spent a week in SCBU just before christmas, other than a bit of jaundice she was absolutely fine, just had to make sure she was feeding ok. Almost 4 years on and shes a perfectly healthy happy girl growing fine, she is petite and thin but she gets that from her mum. We have not long had our 2nd daughter whos nearly 6 months old now and the experience her was the total opposite, no problems during pregnancy, went for an elective c section due to potential serious complications from previous emergency CS. Waters broke 2 weeks before due date, went to hospital, no messing around, a couple hours later as it happened very early in the morning she went into theater, i was there the whole time, with her getting the lumbar puncture etc. A completely different and calm experience. When our 2nd was born we got our 1st born a couple of presents from the baby. She's been an amazing big sister, so loving and attentive to her, kisses cuddles and telling her she loves her every night before bed. Its the best thing ever.
Probably asked before but looking for recommendations on car seats. He's getting too big for his first seat now, so we need to upgrade.

He's 11 months and he's looong.
Looking for something that spins 360, for easy access... Advisable??
Also, will I need a whole new isofix adapter to fit the seat? What a swizz!
Probably asked before but looking for recommendations on car seats. He's getting too big for his first seat now, so we need to upgrade.

He's 11 months and he's looong.
Looking for something that spins 360, for easy access... Advisable??
Also, will I need a whole new isofix adapter to fit the seat? What a swizz!

I've got the Maxi Cosi Axiss car seat, its expensive at over £150 but its a great supportive seat. Doesn't use isofix, it's got its own ratchet strap type mechanism that uses the seatbelt and is extremely secure. Amble side head protection and also lifts up so they're lying back a little if they fall asleep.
Probably asked before but looking for recommendations on car seats. He's getting too big for his first seat now, so we need to upgrade.

He's 11 months and he's looong.
Looking for something that spins 360, for easy access... Advisable??
Also, will I need a whole new isofix adapter to fit the seat? What a swizz!

Have this one for my eldest and I will be getting another for my youngest. Very good quality, easy to use, great size (so far), hassle free. Even swapped it between mine and my wife's car a few times no problems :)

Britax Romer Dualfix
Have this one for my eldest and I will be getting another for my youngest. Very good quality, easy to use, great size (so far), hassle free. Even swapped it between mine and my wife's car a few times no problems :)

Britax Romer Dualfix

We have a second hand Romer we got for grannies car. £50 and it's great. I've had it in and out a few times for her and no problems with it. Fully recommend it. Our lad is 2 next month, still more than large enough for him and will do him a good while yet.
360 spin is brilliant! We have it on both our seats and wouldn't be without it now.

One thing though, Britax are recalling some of them made between 2017 and 2018 for a sketchy part. I only know this as I spied a leaflet in Boots yesterday. Ours is way before 2017 so is alright but just something to be aware of if you buy second hand.

Our own seat in our car is a expensive Recaro one. It had the 1st insert which he is now out of of course and into the big part of the seat. Again plenty of room for it to go even bigger so he will be in it for years yet. But paid about £260 more for the Recaro and whilst it is nicer in general it is not any better physically as a seat than the cheapo second hand Romer.
Probably asked before but looking for recommendations on car seats. He's getting too big for his first seat now, so we need to upgrade.

He's 11 months and he's looong.
Looking for something that spins 360, for easy access... Advisable??
Also, will I need a whole new isofix adapter to fit the seat? What a swizz!

We used the Recaro Young Sport Hero - 9 months to 12 years. We've used them on all 3 of the kids now and they're really comfortable for long trips (taken to France numerous times) and easy with the inserts to remove as they get bigger. It doesn't swizzle but it's easy getting the kids into it. Only downside it's well built so heavy, not an issue for me but I'm the one having to shift it from one car to the next depending on who's dropping him off at Nursery. We have two but only the one that has the baby harness until he's old/big enough to use the seat belt.
Around 7 weeks to go until my little boy arrives, time has flown since I first posted after our scare with my girlfriend bleeding and getting the ambulance out to her.

Since then he's been growing great and is two weeks over what they expect from him so it looks like he could be a big un'. We've pretty much got everything in order, hospital bag is packed and in the car ready to go, we probably just need a few other little bits and bobs.

I'm thinking of getting some sort of gift from our little boy for when he's born to give to his 13 year old big brother. Just so our eldest doesn't feel left out (if that makes sense), has anyone ever done this or got any ideas?

At 13, there's a big age gap and does what most 13 year olds do, PS4, watching shows on his Amazon pad, going out with friends etc..

I remember us both sharing our similar stories months ago, glad to hear all is progressing well! Our fella is also measuring large with 6.5 weeks to go...where the heck did all of that time go?! Pretty much ready (or as ready as we can be) bar a few additional bits to get ordered.
10 weeks in now with my misses and so far so good, she's just sleeping more and eating at odd times but overall it's been an uneventful pregnancy.
10 weeks in now with my misses and so far so good, she's just sleeping more and eating at odd times but overall it's been an uneventful pregnancy.

2 weeks ahead of you.
Nothing but horrific nausea and illness for the past 5 weeks.
Not a patch on number one though as we ended up in hospital for 3 days on IV due to severe dehydration. So it's bad second time round, but nowhere near AS bad :p
2 weeks ahead of you.
Nothing but horrific nausea and illness for the past 5 weeks.
Not a patch on number one though as we ended up in hospital for 3 days on IV due to severe dehydration. So it's bad second time round, but nowhere near AS bad :p

Do you keep reminding her of that when she complains? :D
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