OcUK Dadsnet thread

thanks :)

he’s no idea what’s going on. Just happy he doesn’t need the patch anymore. Which I understand since he was literally blind when he had it on. Does explain why he is always bumping into things though!

It's like those dogs with three legs that bound along completely happily because nobody told them to be sad about it. It just is. Kids are weirdly pragmatic like that as well
18 days until the due date for our first. My OH is now on maternity leave and nesting the hell out of the house, *touches wood* everything has gone smoothly so far. The nursery is done, the bags are packed and the seat is in the car. All i'm waiting for is that message or phone call.

I'm a mixture of emotions at the moment. I excited beyond belief but also crapping my pants due to a myriad of reasons that most men probably feel.
You're more prepared than I was so I can confidently say you'll be grand. You're right to be both excited and nervous, it's one hell of a ride!

My first time bathing my daughter was probably the trickiest thing, and we were lucky to have a midwife show us how to hold her with one hand (keeping her noodle neck supported) in the sink while using the other to wash her. Little things like that make the first few days weeks eventful!
Our twins are now 5 months old, same old got 3 others, ones 8 ones 5 and another is 3 babies always want to be on mum, I'm at work Mon to Fri so it's the wife dealing most of the time, weekends for me are crazy obviously haha. I have holiday at work tbh.

Not as hard as you might think though
Wait you have 3 kids plus twins? That sounds... exhausting!
A woman I used to commute with told me a story about some friends of hers: their son, 5 at this point, had never spoken a word. All sorts of therapies etc ensued to no avail. One day at a bday party he walks over to an adult with a toy and says "excuse me, I think the mechanism is broken". Turns out he'd been practicing on his own and it just needed a point where he actually needed to communicate to do so. So basically I think a lot of "slow developers" are just kids who haven't found the motivation to do a thing for whatever reason
Good luck to those of you joining the ranks of Dadhood. My wife was 42 when we had our girl (I turned 30 the next day) and neither of us would have changed anything.

She can be a real handful at times, but she is so damn cute I can't really get mad at her for long. I left the two of them in bed watching videos and got a really nice hug, kiss on the cheek and "I love you too daddy" that just set my day on the right track.

I genuinely don't know what I was planning with my life before I had her, but my priorities are all crystal clear now and it makes a lot of **** easier to deal with when you know exactly why you're doing it.
My almost seven month old son has been largely breastfed and very dependent on his mother. No one else can put him to bed at night, and when he wakes a couple of hours later he screams and screams and screams if she's not there to put him back down.

Tonight was the first time I managed to put him to sleep without much involvement by his mum. Very pleased. Read Where The Wild Things Are and rubbed his back until he drifted off.
Good win, may it be the first of many!
We tried everything and none of it worked. 13 days overdue, induction booked for next day. Had fun times in the bed that night and low and behold he came... Ooer Mrs! ;)
I think if I had tried that with the Mrs she would have told me where to go. She WAS desperate to get that baby out though...

In other news, my daughter now has new catchphrases that she keeps rolling out at any opportunity. "sure am kiddo" and "let's rock and rooooll". She is definitely going to be cooler than me.
Had the exact same thing on Sunday night. Sadly I got a big dose of sick on me too. I don't think there's anything more disconcerting than being woken up by someone puking on you.
Yeah, it's awful for a number of reasons, not least being that you have to take immediate action, and all the cleanup involved is guaranteed to leave everyone fully awake, but exhausted.

The silver lining is that she now tells us she's going to puke and with a bin close to hand we've avoided any more mess in the subsequent chunderfest.
Wife is away for a night. Within minutes of her leaving, our house became very silly indeed. Silly weekends are good fun.
Congrats @Steedie, we had the same exact thing. Heart rate plummeting, cue midwives rolling my wife around like a rolling pin every now and then. Eventually the most chilled out surgeon rolled up and was like "ehhh, well the fybroid makes it a bit tricky, but I think we do a c section" like he was deciding whether to have extra cheese on his pizza. All nerve wracking as hell, while they chat about their weekend plans and cut holes in my wife lol.

Good luck on the parenting, I hate to tell you it's just as nerve wracking as the birth, as it's like having your heart outside your body.
Ahh that makes me feel much better, as my kids are exactly the same age just the other way round. My worry was that my son wouldn't be able to **** it (its a nerf disrupter ive got them, had to get the same one for each of them lol).
I'm unsure what was starred out there!

I now absolutely have to get nerf guns. My daughter and I had a blast with squirt guns over summer so that's the obvious next step. Xmas sorted.
I'm guessing a derogatory term for a man's reproductive anatomy! But yeah my 4 year old struggled to pull the 'shaft' back!

Yeah it took me a while to suss it. I was like "man, if he was a teenager or something sure, but surely you can trust him not to screw a nerf gun at that age".
Quick update. My OH was induced at 11am on Sunday, by midnight she was moved down to the delivery suite and at 6:56am our daughter was delivered. 7lb 7oz, healthy and beautiful.

We were discharged eventually at 10pm (my mrs hates hospitals and just wanted out) and in bed by midnight, 38hrs of madness, but now she's here i wouldnt change it for the world. The first couple of nights were a bit... 'rough' but last night we had a solid 5hrs sleep which felt amazing. She's showing more personality every hour at the moment and the feelings i have for her are unreal.

A new chapter starts here

Awesome dude. Welcome to the world where phrases like "a solid 5hrs sleep" are said without a hint of irony! 3.5yrs into the journey myself, and it just gets better every day. Tonight after reading my girl a story in bed I gave her a kiss goodnight and she rolled over, gave me the biggest hug and whispered "goodnight daddy, I love you" and I ******* melted. On the flip side it's also filled with weird moments where she sits there rubbing herself going "my peepee tickles!" and I have to explain that's a thing most people do in private.
So today has been the first day my daughter has been able to keep anything down, who the hell sends their child to nursery with the norovirus.

We may have panicked in the night, when she was vomiting, explosive nappies and had a high fever. Luckily the out of hours gp at the a.e. was great.

So have spent the last two days being a large teddy bear to a cuddly toddler.

feeling a bit guilty that i actually enjoyed being wanted and hugged all the time, normally shes very independent
Those places are just plague houses. Our daughter went through a phase of getting sick back to back and it was getting ridiculous how much time off work we were taking. Thankfully she seems pretty robust now and it's a rare thing.
On the plus side she will have developed a strong immune system, unlike the kids that don't get enough exposure at a young age.
The real plus side is that she has enough experience to tell us when she's gonna puke and to chunder in the bucket!
We are suffering at the hands of an early pregnancy miscarriage (5ish weeks). Pretty down at the moment, we conceived amazingly quickly and were so happy that things were going well. I know it's really common but we can't stop feeling gutted and a bit emotional.

Hoping for better days in the future
That sucks dude. It really is very common (we had 2 before we had Riley), and while that doesn't change how it feels it's important to remember that it's not anyone's fault (especially for her). All I can say is that it was worth trying again!
2 weeks in to 'dad life' and my paternity has now come to an end. I've thoroughly enjoyed being at home and it's going to be so hard for me to go back tomorrow but needs must. I fortunately have a fair amount of holiday saved up (incase my OH needed a C-Section) so it looks like i'm going to have around a month off over Christmas which is gonna be nice.

It's been nice to be a hands on Dad, I've done as much as possible to help my wife in her recovery, helping her bond with baby but also letting her have some time to get her **** together on her own for a hour or two. Today me and the little one went motorbike shopping, don't think she was too interested, but it felt great to be out in the big wide world with my daughter and the amount of attention a 'fresh spawn' draws is unreal.

The cool part is that every day feels like Friday because you're looking forwards to getting home to see your kid.
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