How many dads here make sure to read to their children every night?
We're about to have a speech therapist tomorrow for our nearly 2 year old.
Right now my other half seems to be blaming me for reading enough to her, but we have over 30 books which I've read to her multiple times.
We have flash cards and I play lots of counting games with her. It's not 24/7 but she's not even 2 and knows about 30 words and can string some minor sentences together.
I literally talk to her all the time but apparently I'm still not doing enough? Apparently because I do the nighttime routine it's my sole duty to educate her in everything?
I'm fairly sure kids learn throughout the day not just at the nighttime routine, seems a bit harsh of you're other half to take that sort of stance. Personally I'd not be too worried about the "lack" of talking, kids are different and comparing one to the perceive normal does little good. We have always read to both our little ones since birth, but our just 2yo does not really sit still for a book of more than about 5pages. I'm sure over time he will start sitting down more as the bigger one use to be the same. At just before 2 he use to say around 30-40 words with the odd 2 words put together, since going to nursery hes developed a fair amount more (he only goes 6 hours a week) but we talk all the time at home, maybe he couldn't get a word in!
As for books, look at the Mr Men and Little Miss box sets, we picked up both 2nd hand for £15 and that gives about 70 books. The kids normally like us read the same one over and over but I couldn't take reading the same one again and again. I know far too many Julia Donaldson books off by heart.