Well, it’s finally happened, I’m a father to a wonderful baby boy.
This is how our weekend went;
Went to the hospital on Friday for a “balloon” putting in to help the cervix shorten. Was told that it’ll expand the cervix and drop out, of not, come back in 24 hours for removal. Early Saturday morning it dropped out (as expected/designed). We were invited back in Saturday morning to see if my OH’s waters could be broken. They could break them but unfortunately the labour suite was currently full so was told to go home and await a call once space is available. We were number 2 in the queue. Sunday morning we went for a walk to try and get things moving and got a call at midday asking us to come in at 2pm.
Waters were broken at around 6:30pm and mum was in full labour by 11pm. That night was the longest of my life, what my OH had to put up with was unbelievable, I respect anyone who’s given birth naturally. She was on gas and air once the contractions we’re too much for her and at one point I was covered in her vomit.. all part of the partners job I suppose and it’s nothing compared to what she had to do.
I can’t remember the time frame but she was at 7/8cm and the next she was 10 and ready to go. Once at 10, things went quickly and I was asked if I’d like to see his head, I couldn’t see much but could tell he had little to no hair. After plenty of pushing and saying she couldn’t do it, his head was fully out (that’s an odd sight but a good one at the same time). A few more pushes from mum and the midwife hit the emergency button, his shoulders were stuck on her pelvis (shoulder dystocia) Siren was going off, mum was crying, I can’t lie, I was worried but knew they can deal with these situations and had to stay calm for my OH. Within seconds 4/5 midwifes ran in, her legs were up and baby was out in what felt like 30 seconds (we were told it was close to 4 mins).
Unfortunately mum had to undergo some stitches due to ripping but she’s fine now, albeit sore.
Baby was crying right away which is a good sign and at 4:59am Monday, Teddy entered the world weighing in at 9lb 1oz and he’s bloody prefect. Mum and baby had to stay in overnight due to them wanting to check over baby due to his shoulder blockage.
We’re now home and I’m currently sat over him while he’s sleeping in his Moses basket. I can’t get over how much I love him, I can’t stop looking at him and when I think about what we went through Sunday evening, I just want to cry. He makes me so happy.
The staff at Rotherham General Hospital were nothing short of amazing, loving and caring and I can’t thank them enough for the care and attention we received.