Question for all, when did you and your partner decide now was the time to have a baby, was there any important things in your life that you wanted to do first? Me and my partner want to get married and finish the restoration of our house and be on better wages. Now this still could take us a couple years which if i it was up to me i would have one tomorrow but i can see how important these step are to have in place for the both of us. We both arent high earners so if we had a baby this year we would struggle financially, we would kiss goodbye to the wedding and the house would take longer, and as for myself getting a better job, i dont think i could get much better without the expensive course im self funding. Not trying to sound unpatient but im 35 this year and i probably wont be a first time dad till im nearly 40, which aint a problem as ive always seen myself as an older dad, but im not sure how many children i want in the end.
The correct answer is "you're never ready". There's always something else on the horizon that could get in the way or push the date out.
As for the wedding, take some advice from me. Don't spend a stupid amount of money. Have a small, personal ceremony and save yourself a bucket-load of cash.
First time dad at 40 is going to be hard work, but not insurmountable. The issue is if you want a second kid a few years later, having another baby at 45 might be pushing it too far.
Although your biggest deciding factor is going to be your wifes age. At 40 she probably won't have any issues conceiving, but the longer you leave it (especially for siblings) then the harder it's going to be for her. Some women will start their menopause in the 40s.
And that's assuming you can conceive naturally, if you have to go down the route of IVF then it could be several years before you conceive.