How do you guys go for bikerides? My son is 4 in September (but 22kg), my daughter is 6 and can happily go at decent pace, but I could do with a way where all 4 of us (Mrs and kids) could go riding. The chairs seem OK but top out at his weight (the little fatty), has anyone used those things that look like a unicycle bolted to the back?
Depends on route.
4 yo and 5 yo sons go on their pedal bikes.
2 yo daughter goes on my bike on the front seat. Both my sons can still fit on the bike seat on my bike despite being over the weight "limit". It is bolted on to my bike as well as cargo strapped on so it isn't going anywhere. Never used the rear seats - only the front seats. I like to know if my kid is still attached and/or sleeping!
I also have the tag along that attaches to back of my bike too. Not suitable for shorter/younger kids. My 4 yo son can just now reach the pedals on that thing. I enjoy taking my kids out in this combination on some of the trickier/hillier terrain that they couldn't yet manage on their own bikes.
It is good to have multiple options to suit the terrain.