OcUK Dadsnet thread

Never let them in your bed. Everything with kids is about precedent...
Nah. If my daughter wants to get in bed with me as she wants a cuddle then it's my job to give her a cuddle. I'll take the broken sleep any day.

She's almost 6 now and sleeps in her own bed all the time, only wanting to come in with us on the very rare occasion she might be ill. And I'll let her. And I'll take the broken sleep because I'm her dad and it's what we do :)
Our first arrived on Sunday night. Jack came in at 8lb 15 and what a time my poor wife had, ended in a section.

Oh my how life has changed :) Gents, will I ever get to sleep again?

Our second has slept through 2 nights in 20 months. It has been a soul crushing experience.

The first was bad but the second is worse. His new thing is to wake at 6AM and scream like he's on fire trying to get us up. As soon as you walk in he is happy as Larry.
Dont give in to sleeping in your bed again, you will pay for it. :cry:

Never let them in your bed. Everything with kids is about precedent...

Haha uh oh... to be fair I got the impression this morning she had no idea wtf was going on so I think provided last night was just a bit of a blip she won't have realised "make a fuss == get moved to the other bed" just yet (hopefully!)

It's tough though right as she was really wailing last night, we left her for a bit to see if she'd settle down on her own but eventually one of us went upstairs and gave her a cuddle for a bit until she seemed to drop off but as soon as she was back down in the cot she was screaming and trying to stand up at the bars etc. again. Repeated that once more and then tried sitting with her for a while stroking her back etc. to try and help her to drop off but no dice. So if the choice is have her screaming from 3am until morning or letting her in the bed for a few hours it seems an easy choice!
Will differ from child to child, but faced with that situ we found that ours would never go on for that long if you just shut the door and left him wail it out. (Obviously after multiple attempts at comforting, and making sure that actually, there is nothing wrong - temperature etc). They then learn not to bother! At the young age is animal behaviour and they just learn trends :)
Its a risk, know of people who have big problems with their kids getting in with them all the time, on the other hand some kids are fine with it now and again. :)
To be fair, in the space of a few days he has got a little better each time. Slightly longer sleeping times each time.

Its tough as no matter what you read, they are all so different.

One thing we have found is that he just doesnt sleep in his basket, he hates the flat surface which you are meant to have. However, he has a wee baby bed thats at a slight incline, and he sleeps so well in it. Im just cautious of whether to use it or force the basket sleeping. Some people say force, others say let it be comfy and happy.
I think as with most things child related, it goes in phases.

Our daughter slept at least half the night in our bed from 1 until she was nearly 3. We then made a concerted effort to get her sleeping in her own bed at 3. It took less than a week for her to settle and she's slept in her own bed ever since without issues.

In fact, she fell asleep in our bed when my wife was away the other week. She then woke up for a wee and got back in her own bed after instead.
Ours has slept perfectly fine and comfortably in her own cot since the very beginning, and in her own cot in her own room since ~6 months. So last night was truly an isolated incident - personally I think she must be going through some sort of big mental leap or something right now and she got spooked last night and couldn't get herself back down to sleep alone in her room
Ours sleeps in her own pod thing next to bed, but gets time in the bed from 6am (first feed) till my Mrs gets up at 10ish - baby just doses and stares at/cuddles the boobs for 4 hours (just under 4 month old) and appears quite happy about the situation (I think I would be too!)
Just to give you guys a laugh, my (7 year old) was searching on YouTube for something called magic mixies. Can you imagine what popped up when she started the second word:D. She thought they were music videos, so innocemt:cry:. And that's normal YouTube, cba with YouTube kids.
Aye, I knew what was coming in terms of words, but you just cannot really understand till you do it.

I have to say though, even in the space of a week we have seen a lot of progress.
My first is due at the end of March. How life will change!

Yup, kiss that sleep good bye!
Also any kind of routine or wanting to do your own things, it's all about the child, and possible, doctors/hospital appointments well that's my experience 2 1/2 months in.
I get home and we are both in bed trying to settle down and get some sleep in by 7 too 8 at the latest.

Also you and your partner will be stressed so prepare for friction.

But when they start to smile for the first time ( and not wind related!) At you, then the pain they inflict is all worth it!
Cheers. I’m looking forward to it. Plus I’m almost 40 so better now than when I was 20. I know it doesn’t compare but we got a puppy just before we found out which has presented a very small learning curve.
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