A massive first 2 weeks for my eldest at Junior school so far (first year, whatever that number is these days) He has ADHD and ASD, high functioning. He has a very very in-depth EHCP assessment and it was granted. We offered our preferred schools for him earlier this year to the council as they were SEND schools. They decided he would be fine at the mainstream school next door to his infants he was at. We were a little miffed to say the least. The EHCP strictly stated he needed 1-2-1 support throughout, mainstream school would not be suitable for him and a SEND school would be the ideal option.
I went to see the school last term with the SENCO officer who was nice, to be honest they had a fair bit in place to help SEN children. Spoke to the wife about it, and we decided not to appeal and see how he settles in. He had a great first week, some times the noise affected him and had a few little but quick episodes, they had ear defenders to hand which helped. Had a good 30 mins chat last Friday with his teacher, a really nice young man (probably 24-27 yo), he has worked with special need children before and he was really looking forward to working with my lad. He mentioned my lad was working well and last week he came top in this point system they use on DoJo!! so far this week he is smashing it even more. On course to better last weeks score.
My lad had a few troubles going into class on Monday just gone as it was Stone age dress up as they are learning about the stone age now. He doesn't like dressing up, and the teacher was great with him. When we got him home after school we asked our lad, why he doesn't like dressing up and didnt' want to go in to class to day, he said, he doesn't like change.... This was a massive turning point for us. He now can tell us reasons why he does what he does, he knows why he needs to tell us. Its amazing now. So proud of him.
Our 4.5 year old can ******* do one though. ****.