Thanks guys. I know i have to take a back seat to a certain extent. His mum has been dealing with the school and me getting involved is unlikely to help the situation. Luckily she's a TA herself, not at that school, so she has a good idea of what procedures they
should be following. Her friend also happens to be on the board, so that helps. They, naturally, cant tell us what's going to happen to the boy. We've asked in a round-a-bout way what the punishment is for that sort of incident and it basically amounts to a few days suspension and a few more days isolation. I dunno about anybody else but that's pathetic, frankly. When i was at school, I had a whole week's suspensions just for breaking a sink. Accidently!. And a couple of days off is just a holiday to little **** faces like that, hardly much of an inconvenience. Perfect example of just why kids get away with what they do these days.
Anyway. My boy went in for his second hospital appointment on monday. They were aiming to have him in a hard cast but that was dependant on swelling etc. They decided not to as his foot is still too swollen. Understandable. They also told his mum that both his tibia
and fibula were broken along with the dislocation. I'm not being funny but you can see that from the xray; fibulas arent supposed to be bent at near-right angles. I questioned this as soon as i saw the xray but apparently they just forgot to mention it on the first visit.
So yeah, still in a soft cast, still waiting a hard cast, dont know yet if he'll need an operation in the near future to correct the ankle and almost certainly will need one later in life and a lot of physio. And his mum's had to cancel his hoilday as well. Can't swim with your leg in a cast
I really feel for him.