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Anyone read any good books on parenting toddlers?
I read 'How not to **** them up' after seeing a copy in a charity shop but didn't get a lot out of it.
There aren't any good parenting books. They don't exist to help you make a better parent, they just have grabbing titles and headlines to make you buy them.

Use Google / forums to deal with particular issues.
Having a rough week of it this week. First she was throwing up on Wednesday, seemed to be better for her 1st birthday on Saturday, at which point most of us got the stomach bug, and now she has conjunctivitis. Not great start to my new job taking time off on week two.
It is a small consolation, but it does get better with time and their immune systems build up. Our two year old regularly still gets coughs and colds, but our 5 year old hasn't had to miss school / pre-school in a few years now.
I'm just feeling sorry for myself. There are few things more crap than you and your missus taking turns shouting rainbows and you still have a little girl who wants to run around and needs taking care of.
Having a rough week of it this week. First she was throwing up on Wednesday, seemed to be better for her 1st birthday on Saturday, at which point most of us got the stomach bug, and now she has conjunctivitis. Not great start to my new job taking time off on week two.

Nothing worse than when they get ill and then give it to you. Makes looking after them twice as hard.
Spent most of today feeling sorry for myself, but my little sister sent me the video of my daughter's birthday and it feels worth it now :p

Hello All just found this thread,

Got a boy that just turned 2 and another boy due end of August, had 20 week Scan today so feels a bit more real now. My son is adamant new baby is a dinosaur from scan pics so he I going to get mad when its not one.

Looking forward to having two boys as should be plenty of gadgets and toys to play with for the next 20 years or so!. Good excuse upgrade pc's consoles as I palm them off on the kids. Mrs wants a girl at some point but ill deal with that down the road.

My main concern at the moment is the distinct lack of space in my car (Kia Soul) now that back seat will have 2 car seats, front seat will have wife and boot will be full of double pram. Will have to get a roof box for trips but not sure where to put the shopping (guess leave kids at home). Don't have monies for a new car so will have to play it by ear.

All good fun thought when they are not being a pain in the ass lol, this weekend whilst cleaning his teeth my son managed to get my tooth brush in cat litter tray. Then has the cheek to go tell his mum what he did and she video'd his confession.

Funny little things.
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Thanks guys, the vista was a strong contender but we were a little concerned about off road capability, thanks for clearing that up. We'll definitely be getting some sort of harness system for the more adventurous treks, but good to know the vista can handle a muddy path. Just need to make sure it goes into the boot, but there a few shops nearby where we can try that out.
We have a silvercors
Hello all :)

I am about to make a big step IMO her cot/bed she has had since 6 months I am about to remove the front pannel and turn it into a bed.

She turns 3 in June, what age did your little one changd?

I have put a gate on her door so she cannot walk around at night.... Very nervous.

Instead of taking side panel off our sons cot as though drop was a bit much we got a really low single bed and just put his old cot matress next to it so if he fell out he would just land on that as other side of bed is up against the wall. Put him in that from about 18 months and he loves it. Plus a rather tall stair gate on his room.

I'm just feeling sorry for myself. There are few things more crap than you and your missus taking turns shouting rainbows and you still have a little girl who wants to run around and needs taking care of.

I'll see your problem and raise you a...mum and dad both having migraines whilst twin toddlers both have bad diarrhoea from a stomach bug? I didn't think life could be so cruel to me. Had to get the inlaws round to help
I'll see your problem and raise you a...mum and dad both having migraines whilst twin toddlers both have bad diarrhoea from a stomach bug? I didn't think life could be so cruel to me. Had to get the inlaws round to help
Ouch, that's brutal. You win!
I'll see your problem and raise you a...mum and dad both having migraines whilst twin toddlers both have bad diarrhoea from a stomach bug? I didn't think life could be so cruel to me. Had to get the inlaws round to help

I will see your problem and raise you, a pregnant mum in hospital with flu and pneumonia, with me at home with flu looking after my 2 year old who also had flu. Literally was the worst nightmare ever, all this the week before Christmas.

This was the first and last time I will be getting the "flu vaccination" I had never had flu before in my life. They always offer it to me due to my asthma and I never bothered, the one year I did bother, utter destruction.
Not as bad as you guys but recently went on holiday with my 5 month old and she pooped while on the plane. Mrs was in the window seat so I offered to change her. Went into the small cupboard they use for a poop area and started the process.

This is where it all went to ****.

She had **** all over her clothes, nappy had leaked and poured out the side.... :o No worries though, this had happened before so I started operation clean up and change into the spare vest and baby grow.

Cue the turbulence and ****** clothes flying everywhere along with ****** nappy and ****** wipes. There was literally **** everywhere. All the while she was smiling at me, laughing even. And then she hit her head (due to the turbulence) on the one part of the wall where there was no **** and she started balling her eyes out.

Somehow I managed to change her and mop up the cubicle as best as I could. Came out to a queue of around 6 people and apologising profusely.

It was one of the most horrific experiences of my life though...
Heh :D

Nice story Skaif.

Didn't fly with either of mine until a couple of months ago when they were 7 (7th birthday in fact, he got to meet the pilot - thanks Norwegian!) and 3.5. The youngest did need a **** - I just stood outside the door as she did it, since those toilets are just so small, and helped wipe up after.
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