OcUK Dadsnet thread

wow, i never noticed this thread before, i think i will fit in perfectly in here:D

im guessing there are a few single fathers in here as well?

I am. Two girls, 15 and 4.

Eldest has just finished her exams. Youngest has worked out how to turn on the TV and get Netflix up.

Funny the little stages they are passing through.
My wife and I are on countdown now 6 days to go to due date to our first. I'd say i'm 50/50 on the excitement/terrified scale.

Try twins....a singleton baby is a walk in the park :p

Having done the single baby first, then twins later, one baby is so much easier to deal with...
Nope we agreed to keep it a surprise, i'm going with boy and wife says girl. Majority of people have said boy so waiting very patiently to find out!
Good luck mate. I originally wanted a little lad, but having a girl I honestly wouldn't have it the other way now. I reckon you'll be happy either way ;)
My little boy turns 1 soon! What a whirlwind year that has been!
In true Grand Designs style, me and the Mrs bought a house that needed total renovation right before finding out she was pregnant. So the little man has mostly been living in a building site so far.
Cudos to those with more than 1 little person, as Torrin is more than a handful on his own!
My little boy turns 1 soon! What a whirlwind year that has been!
In true Grand Designs style, me and the Mrs bought a house that needed total renovation right before finding out she was pregnant. So the little man has mostly been living in a building site so far.
Cudos to those with more than 1 little person, as Torrin is more than a handful on his own!
Goes quickly eh. He walking yet? I imagine the building site aspect of things will be a bugger if he is.
Anybody else have a child with learning difficultly? or even suspected?

My little 4yr old man was diagnosed on the asd spectrum, with the bonus of a missing chromosome (though this is still being looked into in regard to how it will affect him) a few months back. he's quite severely affected lacking any sort of communication skills and will be starting at a special school in sept. Just getting to this point has been a journey in itself!
Anyhow i just thought i'd ask not for particular advice for myself just yet but in case anyone felt like discussing the subject or had concerns :)
Anybody else have a child with learning difficultly? or even suspected?

My little 4yr old man was diagnosed on the asd spectrum, with the bonus of a missing chromosome (though this is still being looked into in regard to how it will affect him) a few months back. he's quite severely affected lacking any sort of communication skills and will be starting at a special school in sept. Just getting to this point has been a journey in itself!
Anyhow i just thought i'd ask not for particular advice for myself just yet but in case anyone felt like discussing the subject or had concerns :)

Are you feeling "let down" by this revelation on your son? If you are, then it's NOTHING you've done. Don't beat yourself up about it.

I have suspicions of one of my twins...I dont' know what but I've just a gut feeling something "isn't right" with him. Time till tell I guess.
Are you feeling "let down" by this revelation on your son? If you are, then it's NOTHING you've done. Don't beat yourself up about it.

I have suspicions of one of my twins...I dont' know what but I've just a gut feeling something "isn't right" with him. Time till tell I guess.

It was relief more than anything, we've always had suspicions since he was 6 months old that something wasnt quite right, everyone at the time just put it down to him being a boy "and boys are always slower". It wasn't untill he was ~3 that the professionals started to take note where it became glaringly obvious he wasn't developing. Multiple hospital visits later bouncing between various dept's we finally got the diagnoses. Getting the acknowledgements after 2 years of what felt like no progress was quite emotional being honest.

How old is your twin? If there at Nursery they may have a senco you can talk to. We kick started the EHCP process off ourselves as his nursery were pretty poor and no doubt we would be 6 months behind in the process if it was left to them.
For bikes, a balance bike is a must, got the boy a balance bike when he was 2 and was riding a proper bike a few months before he was 3, no stabilisers ever. :) Then added pink tassels and stickers to the balance bike and gave it to my daughter. :p She took a little longer as she didn't have as much confidence but again no stabilisers required.
It was relief more than anything, we've always had suspicions since he was 6 months old that something wasnt quite right, everyone at the time just put it down to him being a boy "and boys are always slower". It wasn't untill he was ~3 that the professionals started to take note where it became glaringly obvious he wasn't developing. Multiple hospital visits later bouncing between various dept's we finally got the diagnoses. Getting the acknowledgements after 2 years of what felt like no progress was quite emotional being honest.

How old is your twin? If there at Nursery they may have a senco you can talk to. We kick started the EHCP process off ourselves as his nursery were pretty poor and no doubt we would be 6 months behind in the process if it was left to them.

They just turned 18 months so a bit too young to make a prognosis. I don't know why but there is just something that doesn't seem right with him. I do research a lot for M.Ed degree students and SEN is a big part of that so I'm familiar with flags and traits for those that have some sort of SEN. I just hope I am wrong.
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