Not long for me - we've got our section date (a secret, because some people I know IRL know me on here!) and my non-dad days are very, very soon coming to an end.
I've had both car seats in the car for the last 4 weeks so I can get used to driving with less legroom.
The nursery is pretty much done, cots built, shelves up, walls painted, clothes prepared, cuddly toys piled ceiling high, two nappy stations (one upstairs and one downstairs), bouncers, moses baskets, kitchen sink...
Buggy, carry cots built (what a pain!), double stroller being picked up on Sunday (cutting it fairly close).
Work is prepared, and they're ok with me taking my paternity with little warning (I'll only be starting it once the kids are home as we've been told to expect 5-7 days in afterwards).
I still feel like there's something I've forgotten!
I'm dancing a very thin line between excitement and terror.