I took the meaning a different way; irritation with the dogmatic "breast is best" message. And I can sympathise with that. The facts aren't really being presented in an even way, at least from what I've seen these past few weeks. The information is given in a loaded way, to try and coerce people toward breast feeding. And if that doesn't work, more pressure is applied.
It's like the decision on how to feed your child was taken while you were out of the room, and the staff now have the task of convincing you they made the right decision.
To give a brief example, we were told all of the upsides of breast feeding on multiple occasions. Most of them were true. Some were questionable. I asked about some of the downsides, which were promptly dismissed. Those included jaundice, and the potential for high weight loss if the milk doesn't come through soon enough or in a large enough quantity. These downsides were played down. Yet now our daughter has jaundice and has lost a chunk of her birth weight, we're told it's quite normal for breast fed babies, and that we shouldn't worry.
Even as someone in favour of breast feeding, I hate discussing it. There's too many utter looneys about. And most advocates will not present a realistic picture. They're not trying to help people make an informed decision; they're trying to sell an idea.
Finally someone that gets it and has experienced what we saw in the hospital. It felt like talking to a religious nut for me. No amount of discussion sways them. Especially when the baby is poorly and loosing weight the important task is to get nutrition into them.
On top of everything else it was heart braking seeing my wife cry because she felt like she couldn't provide what these people were telling her was her only role right now. Being told you need to sleep, eat better drink more, get some exercise was really not helpful when your watching your child nearly die. It was like they blanked everything except the breast is best message.
Hand a leaflet to the parents ask if you have any questions then leave us alone. It was so much better when they finally left us and a dietitian took over.
In other news, George has started having some water from a cup, he seems to like lemon.
Not eating very well at the minute though, few of his back teeth are coming through. Though he liked the butternut squash, carrot and Cumin soup i made.
He had done rump steak and green beans last night but wouldn't have any potato.
Resort to yoghurt with rice powder and sugar mixed in. All this sugar free stuff is not making it easy for us we have to add it to everything.
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