OcUK Dadsnet thread

Ah OK! I initially thought that height was not good. I might stick a rug on the hard floor just to cushion any blow but thanks, that's put my mind at rest.
We're up to day four.

My wife is getting stronger but still very limited mobility. It's getting better though and she's trying hard. The babies are both being cup-fed which is a lot of work for both of us - I was there for three hours earlier and it was non-stop changing, cleaning, feeding, dressing, cuddling, and trying to work out why they were crying! It' pretty intense, and no wonder they are pushing me to start staying the night - which I can do tonight, but then I'm back to work and have a diabetic cat to give regular shots to :D

Thanks for all the kind comments, they're much appreciated.

Sometimes they just cry because they are **** bags. ;)
Yeah man, we had the same thing (2nd step) and Riley used to hang on the bars and swing around over a hardwood floor. Soft rug will help with peace of mind, but by the time they're at that stuff they're generally pretty tough and it'll mostly be your hairline that suffers when he has a tumble.
Well, the twins turned up yesterday and it's not quite chaos yet!
Can't say I could be any prouder of my wife and her efforts. It was really tough on her, and I'm hoping she continues to recover quickly.
The twins have had some ups and downs, and some time in Special Care, but they came in at 6lb1 and 7lb1, so a good size.

On the breastfeeding front, my wife is determined, but the children have not responded well just yet so they are getting fed formula via feeding tubes for now, just enough to keep them well-fed, with a bit spare to try and get them to push for more from the breast. We'll see how it works.

Well done, now strap yourself in :D You're in for a hell of a ride :) (dad of twin boys here)
We're up to day four.

My wife is getting stronger but still very limited mobility. It's getting better though and she's trying hard. The babies are both being cup-fed which is a lot of work for both of us - I was there for three hours earlier and it was non-stop changing, cleaning, feeding, dressing, cuddling, and trying to work out why they were crying! It' pretty intense, and no wonder they are pushing me to start staying the night - which I can do tonight, but then I'm back to work and have a diabetic cat to give regular shots to

Thanks for all the kind comments, they're much appreciated.

Sleep now at home whilst you still can, you won't be sleeping again for months :D It's amazing what the human body can put up with though. You've maybe heard this said before but having twins is, in my 1 word descriptive, Relentless
Well done, now strap yourself in :D You're in for a hell of a ride :) (dad of twin boys here)
Sleep now at home whilst you still can, you won't be sleeping again for months :D It's amazing what the human body can put up with though. You've maybe heard this said before but having twins is, in my 1 word descriptive, Relentless
I'm as ready as I'm gonna be :D
Congrats! Glad everyone is doing well. Are you at home yet? I remember feeling like I had stolen a baby because clearly I was unqualified to be taking a live baby out of the hospital to take care of it.
Lol thats exactly how i felt in the back of my mind, stood outside the hospital looking at him felt like being given a lamborgini to drive home having never driven and with no driving license
Lol thats exactly how i felt in the back of my mind, stood outside the hospital looking at him felt like being given a lamborgini to drive home having never driven and with no driving license

In some ways I was lucky never had that, when I first took him home I was fully trained in everything. Lol
Must be very daunting.
Is father day supposed to be different? Just seems like any other day... Lol

Well no, but at least one day when we're dead our kids will post on social media about how great we were. I went to soft play with my daughter, at which point wife declares she is ill and retires to the car. Rest of the day she's in bed asleep while I play with Riley. That's cool with me because it's a day to be with your kid anyway, but if she thinks she's getting out of sex she's mistaken.
Well no, but at least one day when we're dead our kids will post on social media about how great we were. I went to soft play with my daughter, at which point wife declares she is ill and retires to the car. Rest of the day she's in bed asleep while I play with Riley. That's cool with me because it's a day to be with your kid anyway, but if she thinks she's getting out of sex she's mistaken.

Let us know how that goes for you
Well no, but at least one day when we're dead our kids will post on social media about how great we were. I went to soft play with my daughter, at which point wife declares she is ill and retires to the car. Rest of the day she's in bed asleep while I play with Riley. That's cool with me because it's a day to be with your kid anyway, but if she thinks she's getting out of sex she's mistaken.
Any excuse to get out of it eh. And then they complain that their other half isn't effectionate enough
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