OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

I started at the end of May and have lost 2 stone. Once I have reached my target weight I will post before and after pics as I am keeping a photo diary.

I'm not aiming to be ultra skinny but I really did need to lose weight. At the moment I have hit a bit of a wall and some of this is due to the fact that all of my clothes are too big but I don't want to buy any more as the same will happen again in a few months. I think it's a bit psychological - if your clothes are too big you don't feel as fat :/

I have a stone and a half to go which I hope to lose by Christmas. I will probably put some on over Christmas but I intend the way I am eating to become my lifestyle, rather than a 'diet' which I would go back to my old ways once I have reached my target, if you get what I mean.

Well done to everyone who is losing weight :)
I remember reading a post on these forums a couple years ago about a guy that lost a lot of weight he had a picture of before and after and he looked so much different,anyone remember who it was?
I remember reading a post on these forums a couple years ago about a guy that lost a lot of weight he had a picture of before and after and he looked so much different,anyone remember who it was?

Hello, I belive it is Randell Floyd that you are talking about?

That is truely amazing work that you have put in to change yourself Randel. Good on you. Well done. :)
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Here's what I'm doing food wise.

Breakfast - 2 crumpets (little butter) + 1 poached egg one day, porridge and sliced banana the next (no sugar, semi-skimmed milk). Alternate.

Lunch - 4 Ryvitas with Phily light and sliced tomatoes or low salt/sugar beans on toast or ham/beef sandwich (2 rounds of bread). Portion of fruit.

Dinner - Home made chicken curry with boiled rice or fish and tomatoes with boiled rice or roast chicken, steamed vegetables and boiled baby potatoes or pasta with home made low-fat tomato sauce. Mixed berries with low-fat fromage frais.

Plenty of mineral water and fruit tea throughout the day.

Keep the portions sensible and you will lose weight eating food like this without feeling like you're on a diet.
i wish i had the mind power and the self belief to loose some weight,i am way over weight but just cant get my self motivated to do anything about it.I must way about 26st 6ft 4 22 years old.
Plenty of mineral water and fruit tea throughout the day.

Keep the portions sensible and you will lose weight eating food like this without feeling like you're on a diet.

This is very good advice. Too many people eat too large portions. You should look to eating a fistful-sized portion of protein, 2 fistful-sized portions of veg and a half-fistful-sized portion of starchy foods (potatoes, pasta, etc...)

Drinking lots of water is good advice too.
ooooo that was close. (Not sure where the boundaries are; better play it safe!)

I very nearly took advantage of Spie's good humour there; well done Mark. ;)
Here's what I'm doing food wise.

Breakfast - 2 crumpets (little butter) + 1 poached egg one day, porridge and sliced banana the next (no sugar, semi-skimmed milk). Alternate.

Lunch - 4 Ryvitas with Phily light and sliced tomatoes or low salt/sugar beans on toast or ham/beed sandwich (2 rounds of bread). Portion of fruit.

Dinner - Home made chicken curry with boiled rice or fish and tomatoes with boiled rice or roast chicken, steamed vegetables and boiled baby potatoes or pasta with home made low-fat tomato sauce. Mixed berries with low-fat fromage frais.

Plenty of mineral water and fruit tea throughout the day.

Keep the portions sensible and you will lose weight eating food like this without feeling like you're on a diet.

That really doesn't seem like a lot of food for someone of your height, especially the lunch.
I know you're losing weight at the moment, but I would be careful of overdoing it and losing too much muscle.

Muscle mass burns calories a lot more than fat does, so losing it means your body burns a lot less.
Congrats on your success so far, but IMHO I would up the calories slightly so you're still losing weight, but at no more than 2lbs per week.
Good Thread :)

Congratulations to all of you who have lost / or are trying to lose weight.

Four months ago I weighed in at a wopping 15st 12 Lbs, I'm 19 and am approximately 5ft 11,

I used to eat a lot of rubbish food, mainly bread, cooked sausages from the deli, Chips every friday sometimes twice a week, Crisps with my lunch etc.

Now I weight just under 13 and a 1/2 stone which I think is pretty good considering all I've actually done is Stopped eating the foods above.

I now tend to eat a piece of toast for breakfast instead of nothing, I have a small snack in the morning at around 10.30 when the hunger pains begin.

Then 3 slices of bread with tuna mayo and a bit of butter, to make 1 1/2 sarny's

then for dinner I usualy have a home cooked meal which almost always has potatoes and some sort of meat

I feel great now at this weight, I would like to lose more but I think the gym is needed for it.

Trousers that used to be tight on me are falling off me atm ! ( Its good :p )
That really doesn't seem like a lot of food for someone of your height, especially the lunch.
I know you're losing weight at the moment, but I would be careful of overdoing it and losing too much muscle.

Muscle mass burns calories a lot more than fat does, so losing it means your body burns a lot less.
Congrats on your success so far, but IMHO I would up the calories slightly so you're still losing weight, but at no more than 2lbs per week.
Yep, agreed. But, I'm running at around 2lb loss a week now. When I was 30 I used to be 16st7lb and felt fab. Actually feeling pretty good now though:)
Been cutting since end of August, averaging about 1kg a week. Still managing to keep my strength levels up so hopefully shouldn't lose too much muscle mass (as most of the SA regulars will know i'm a keen gym goer) This is my last real "push" at cutting, i hate it with a passion but decided i would keep it up till end of November, if i don't get the results i want, i'll stick with being a fatty.
Oh I need to join this. I don't need to lose much but have managed to put on about 5-7lbs after having Ethan. Odd as I didn't put on much during pregnancy at all. I feel quite fat as I'm not very tall either. Can't exercise much due to bad knee and back either.

I wouldn't want to go back to the weight I was pre having my son though as I was too skinny and it didn't look that nice looking back on photos. I'll be happy losing about half a stone ish and getting fitter.
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