OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

Well done to all of you lifestyle changers, I don't say dieters because I think that diets are a fad and wont last, a lifestyle change will last , and you WILL reap the benefits. My tips above all else are :
1/ Never skip breakfast, if you don't have breakfast then start to do so. It is a great kick start to your daily metabolism.
2/Drink at least 2 litres of water a day, on top of any other drinks you may consume.
3/Try not to eat before going to bed.
4/Have healthy snacks around the house: dried fruit, fresh fruit, nuts, seeds, cereal bars etc
5/ Look to put more "good" food stuff in, rather than looking at all the "bad" stuff you need to take out. It's almost reverse psychology but once you start to feel the benefits, and you WILL, you'll naturally put more of what's best for you in, and reduce on the junk.
6/Allow yourself junk food if you love it, just in moderation.

Good luck and remember slow progress is better than no progress:)
Luckily I'm at the age where my metabolic rate is through the roof so I can eat whatever, whenever and not put on weight :) I think its starting to die now so I best read more of this thread! :p
Been a while since i posted in here so might as well update on how things are going for me.

Still got the depression which doesn't help for diets with food cravings that mean i can eat non stop but even with this issue i still have lost over half a stone since i lasted posted in this thread. So from 14st 4lbs i am now down to 13st 10lb maybe lower, as scales are a bit dodgy it seems.

I will be restarting gym again soon with my knee injury finally settling down a bit now so hopefully can lose another 7lbs by xmas time or maybe more. Will update again in a month or so with progress.

I haven't read the whole thread obviously, but i must be the only one trying to gain weight.

I started at 10 1/2 stone and im now 13 1/4 stone, so im pretty pleased with that! :D

Thats in the space of about 10-11months
Christ I started this thread over a year ago and I'm still fat!!!!!!!!!

Well done all those people who aren't though, bloody good show, I really should stop using my crosstrainer to hang my clothes on :o

Well done all those people who aren't though, bloody good show, I really should stop using my crosstrainer to hang my clothes on :o

Sounds like my rowing machine in house at moment MB it is an extension of my wardrobe hanging space lol

As a run up to Xmas and to make some room for that goose/turkey/ostrich/llama, we could do an 11 week 'Lardwatch'

A new thread is started with the first post comprising a simple chart like the one below

Every Sunday we leap on our scales nekkid and submit poundage to thread, the OP collates the new figures and updates graph image

What do you think?

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Lardwatch LOL !! :D

I'm concentrating on BF% rather than weight as I'm at the stage now where the weight is kinda staying the same but still loosing bodyfat but for those with a bit to go it could be a good idea :)
Christ I started this thread over a year ago and I'm still fat!!!!!!!!!

Well done all those people who aren't though, bloody good show, I really should stop using my crosstrainer to hang my clothes on :o


Well, I'm about the same weight as I was when I posted in this thread back at the start of 2006.
I have more muscle and less fat now though and have no current plans to lose any weight so I guess I've made some progress!
I have decided after reading this thread to try and loose weight,i dont know my wieght because last time i tryed the scales just said error lol.I am gona try buy some scales first and weight myself then start from there,i dont realy want to go weighing myself in public like the scales at the local chemist but i think most of the scales that you buy from argos are not able to weight me as most only go to 23st and i think i weight around 25.Anyone know a make or model of scales that can handle a larger guy :P and nobody say just pop down to the local scrap yard or any other jokes :)
im on track to hit 18stone by end of october, providing the next couple of weeks arent too bad. start new job in just over a week which will limit the amount of time i will get in the gym :/
been a string of injuries recently as well, which isnt helping :/
One of the nice things about eating healthily and not drinking most of the time is you do enjoy it much more when you indulge a little.

Went out for a nice meal tonight. G&T with slimline tonic. First time I've had fillet steak in months, bottle of Chateau Musar and a glass of bubbly afterwards. Nice :cool:
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