BTW, this is a quadcore not a dual core. I would love this but I couldn't buy due to the placement of the touchpad. I feel it is a gimmick and maybe great for gaming but not for day to day use.

I had a 2011 mbp 17 and loved it (similar size, weight and power) I am just gutted they stopped selling them as they were still light and portable (for a 17") and gaming was great on that 17" screen. Now using a retina and although I love the specs, screen and weight I do miss that extra 2 inches
I genuinely really got my hopes up when I seen this thread, and was almost going to ignore that it's £400 more expensive here in the UK before tax (because as we know we always get screwed here in the UK for tech), but the fact that Razer don't realise that for a 'relatively small' change (in comparison to designing the laptop), giving a UK keyboard option would enable them to get a lot more potential buyers of this product from the UK.

I know people have been asking on twitter about when they are going to make this available in the UK (with UK keyboard), as has been said by OcUK there is a lot of interest in this product but they seem to be ignoring the questions.

Well done to OcUK on importing this and supporting the returns but until they offer us a UK keyboard option they really are hurting the sales potential.

This form factor is what quite a few people are after, and the performance is at a good enough level to trade off against it's slim size.
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Quick question as it's currently only available with US keyboard, how do you type a £ symbol? Yes I know you could type Alt+0163 to create the symbol.
But as the US keyboard doesn't have a £ symbol what is the shortcut?
AltGr + a number?
lol really I'm relaxed, honest. ;-)

Well in all honesty I'm actually in the market for a new laptop and the budget is flexible, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to have my pants pulled down by a manufacturer thats selling bling over substance.

I'm just sharing my opinion with your other discerning customers, and I'm sure those with the budget to outlay on a high-end gaming laptop would probably think the same as me and (apparently) a couple of other people in this thread that have spent a moment to think it through. I'm sure you credit your customers with being smarter than most, because only a total retard with more money than sense would give this a second look. I dunno, you might be in the fortunate position of having plenty of such customers.

You guys would seriously be better off spending your time sourcing products that would actually sell, as opposed to stuff about which people are going to merely enquire about.

If you want a car analogy (since you mentioned Veyrons), yes, I've been down the Ferrari dealership in my Noble M12 GTO3 recently, looking like a serious punter with cash in my pocket but without the slightest intent to part with it on a 458. Got my test drive though and very nice it was too, but I'm going down to the Nissan dealer to get a GTR instead, because I'm going to be able to drive that thing every single day. I'll save myself huge sum and my grin will be just as wide plus I'll be grinning more of the time rather than just at weekends when it's not raining.

To be honest, razer have some fantastic products. I've had my DeathAdder and Lycosa since they were both released and both have been fantastic.

I've won tickets from them to go to The Gadget Show in 2011 and they gave me some free stuff there. The guys at the top were all pretty high up in Razer and seemed to give a damn about talking to their customers, something which a lot of companies don't do at all.

I don't use a laptop for gaming myself, but if I had the money, I would sure as hell go for this. It may not be the best value for the same specs, but the Razer name to me is pretty durable.
lol really I'm relaxed, honest. ;-)

Well in all honesty I'm actually in the market for a new laptop and the budget is flexible, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to have my pants pulled down by a manufacturer thats selling bling over substance.

I'm just sharing my opinion with your other discerning customers, and I'm sure those with the budget to outlay on a high-end gaming laptop would probably think the same as me and (apparently) a couple of other people in this thread that have spent a moment to think it through. I'm sure you credit your customers with being smarter than most, because only a total retard with more money than sense would give this a second look. I dunno, you might be in the fortunate position of having plenty of such customers.

You guys would seriously be better off spending your time sourcing products that would actually sell, as opposed to stuff about which people are going to merely enquire about.

If you want a car analogy (since you mentioned Veyrons), yes, I've been down the Ferrari dealership in my Noble M12 GTO3 recently, looking like a serious punter with cash in my pocket but without the slightest intent to part with it on a 458. Got my test drive though and very nice it was too, but I'm going down to the Nissan dealer to get a GTR instead, because I'm going to be able to drive that thing every single day. I'll save myself huge sum and my grin will be just as wide plus I'll be grinning more of the time rather than just at weekends when it's not raining.

lol at you
After the frankly amazing assistance I received recently from RJK I would be willing to bet money that ocuk would help out wherever possible if it went wrong.

5UB is nothing short of fantastic also, and whilst I remember, I found the pictures you requested 5UB (they aren't porn unless you consider a motherboard to be such ;) )
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