I'm quite likely to jump ship too if I don't get one on the next shipment. If I get a DOA, how many months will I wait for a replacement? I have lost complete faith in asus because there are clearly issues with these cards and we may get very bad rushed products. I will be scrutinising mine if it ever turns up and it's going back if there are any issues. Didn't wait this long for a crap £620+ product.
Let's be real here, the Strix really isn't anything special. We pre-ordered it before we knew that they all basically clock the same. The fans are likely to be louder than competitors as well and it's only a 2 year warranty (like most of them).
There are few reasons to hang on to this pre-order other than that we got it cheaper than the disgusting price that it's at now.
As much as I am tempted to jump ship (I see the Gaming X in stock from a few places) the price is stomach churning and the only card to get now for the same price is founders edition which I am not keen on because I'm not a fan of the cooling design. Also knowing I can get an OC Strix for the same price as a founders now is what is keeping me in the pipeline.