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30 Jun 2016
Could you update the status of Gigabyte Xtremes please Gibbo? Information provided from CS seems to conflict with your last update and I'd be grateful to know what's happening there.
2 Oct 2007
Maybe they should try to add queue position to My Orders subpage for big releases like GPUs etc. :)

I agree, although there has been reports of people dropping down the queue (as someone switches order, and it goes by order date, so they "slot into" queue rather than being added onto end) so not sure OCUK will want people to notice this!

Any updates on EVGA 1080 SC while I'm here? :rolleyes: :p
31 May 2016
Indeed. I've been told that the PP is due this week, but the regular Xtremes have no ETA and will be "at least" a few weeks
Oh that's not good :( Gibbo, is this true? Would appreciate it if you could clear this up. I have a 4k monitor incoming and I need my two xtremes to drive it. I can't wait weeks.
17 Jun 2016
Indeed. I've been told that the PP is due this week, but the regular Xtremes have no ETA and will be "at least" a few weeks

Indeed, would be very annoying if they only shipped their most premium product and left just actual cards for later. Just hoping that they will come in and be shipped soon!

+1 @Gibbo for an accurate update please. :)
18 Oct 2002
Oh that's not good :( Gibbo, is this true? Would appreciate it if you could clear this up. I have a 4k monitor incoming and I need my two xtremes to drive it. I can't wait weeks.

Cheap move by gigabyte just to milk people who want it asap =/ Yeah yeah business bla bla bla.
22 Jun 2013
I've got so bored waiting for my SC to turn up, I have resorted to replacing the rest of my PC! Wasn't planning on it, but I have a few days off and NEED something to play with :)
2 Jun 2016
So I've jumped off the deep end - tired of waiting to finish my system and getting silence when asking about the Hybrid's new ETA - Gigabyte FE 1080 will be delivered tomorrow (fingers crossed) :D and I'm using the spare change to build a custom cpu loop. In 3/4 months I'll either slap on some ek blocks or swap it for a Hydro Copper when people upgrade to the Ti.

As I said a few pages back I was prepared to wait with a realistic ETA, but announcing dates, not meeting them, and then not providing new dates is pretty poor customer service at this enthusiast price-point. Things can happen outwith your control, but it you don't relay this to the customer then you cause more frustration. I'm guessing the Hybrid won't actually arrive in the UK till August at this rate as I doubt it's even started production.

EVGA will have lost a lot of excited customers by the time these cards hit the UK, I know they just lost shy of 700 from me alone :eek:. At least it gave me the time I needed to analyse the benchmarks and conclude that a; water is required to push these cards to the limit, and b; that the extra phases and power isn't worth the extra cost as it already smashes 3440x1440....
5 Feb 2013
So I've jumped off the deep end - tired of waiting to finish my system and getting silence when asking about the Hybrid's new ETA - Gigabyte FE 1080 will be delivered tomorrow (fingers crossed) :D and I'm using the spare change to build a custom cpu loop. In 3/4 months I'll either slap on some ek blocks or swap it for a Hydro Copper when people upgrade to the Ti.

As I said a few pages back I was prepared to wait with a realistic ETA, but announcing dates, not meeting them, and then not providing new dates is pretty poor customer service at this enthusiast price-point. Things can happen outwith your control, but it you don't relay this to the customer then you cause more frustration. I'm guessing the Hybrid won't actually arrive in the UK till August at this rate as I doubt it's even started production.

EVGA will have lost a lot of excited customers by the time these cards hit the UK, I know they just lost shy of 700 from me alone :eek:. At least it gave me the time I needed to analyse the benchmarks and conclude that a; water is required to push these cards to the limit, and b; that the extra phases and power isn't worth the extra cost as it already smashes 3440x1440....

I was on the same boat. Ordered EVGA 1080 Hybrid on release. Last week i had enough, bought an EVGA FE and custom loop (including EK block) total came to just over £800. I am now running at 2.15Ghz, 45c at load and crushing Doom/Fallout 4 @ 4k in near complete silence. I'm kicking myself for not doing it sooner. Granted its cost me £150 more than the Hybrid, but i have a custom system i can now look at adding my CPU to, a FULL COVER waterblock (hybrid aio only covers gpu) and a larger rad meaning my fans barely ever need to come on.

EVGA cheesed me off with lack of updated on hybrid but i stuck with them on FE as their support in their forums/twitter have ALWAYS responded ASAP.
17 Jun 2012
Crazy thing is, you early adopter guys have paid top dollar premium to have the card ASAP, by the time you get it loads of people will already have been playing with a founders 1080 for up to 6 weeks!

I wouldn't mind this early adopter tax if you actually got one on release day. I was hoping to go for the next Titan but if the launch is anything like this shambles I may rethink that plan.
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