OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

nothing wrong with wearing a vest at the gym

nice visible progress there, you must be quite tall.

heh it looks ridiculous :p but yeah 6'0

be consistent and eat like a horse i'm sure you can do it sigma. bear in mind from roughly mid june till mid september i was only eating at maintenance and in the gym twice a week max! so really i could be a bit heavier now. planning to bulk until about march/april then cut :)
Well, I can safely say I've gained weight since this picture :p

Finally gotten round to it. Some pictures!

I've been trying to work on my triceps mostly and in the past 3-4 weeks i've started on traps, lats and pecs.



Triceps coming along okay. Black jacket for easy viewing.

Finally gotten round to it. Some pictures!

I've been trying to work on my triceps mostly and in the past 3-4 weeks i've started on traps, lats and pecs.



Triceps coming along okay. Black jacket for easy viewing.


If you can keep that lean and put on some nice mass, you'll look in awesome shape soon enough!
Cheers guys, in all honesty i have gained a bit of fat in these pictures, which shocked me somewhat when i realised. I've never been able to put on fat in my life, probably a benefit to being 6'5"! Mind you i was eating loads of pasta and chicken dishes a few weeks back. I've cut down on the pasta a fair bit now so hopefully should stay where i am.
Personally I don't think you should be too lean - I think having a good body fat percentage 10-12% is a good maintaining level... I have a long long way to go before that... I think I'm at around 20-22% at the moment if not a few percentage more. Having a bit on gives a nice roundness to muscles rather than that hard leanness. IMO of course.
Stick it up mate, you're always your own worst critic fresh eyes will be able to spot the differences you can't :)
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