OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Out of interest Slya5, do you have any leg pains or any sort? As your left leg is a lot like mine (well, shin etc) in the way it curves...Just wondering really :o Either way a good base to go from! :)

Nope no shin problems for me mate. I have flat feet which I am going to work on and because of that I pronate a little but that's fixable
Syla5 - solid base there mate, good legs, lean and proportionate overall. Take advantage of Lie, not many get to start training under the wing of an experienced lifter and make many noob mistakes. you get to skip those and jump to the constant progress bit.

Yeap I must say it is useful having him about. The picture isn't great to notice it but my legs are actually quite short compared to my upper body. My arms are also short as well but I have heard in both cases this can be an advantage :-)
Nope no shin problems for me mate. I have flat feet which I am going to work on and because of that I pronate a little but that's fixable
I was just going to mention that :) Have you found my post on the topic?

Looks like you have a great base to work from though mate.
lol Syla your like the opposite of me, my THIGHS alone are longer than my torso :(. feelsbadman, also makes it night on impossible to squat below parallel because the bar is way behind my heels let alone my midfoot, heck my forehead is behind my knees! Considering heeled lifting shoes to help.

EDIT: tom_e hurry up and cut for summer :p. Look thick tight & solid.
Yeap I must say it is useful having him about. The picture isn't great to notice it but my legs are actually quite short compared to my upper body. My arms are also short as well but I have heard in both cases this can be an advantage :-)

It is an advantage, combined with your height this can make you look very muscular in a short time, so keep up the good work!
Right I've finally manned up and taken a couple of (poor) photos. Apologies for the camera, using my phone. No pump etc, little bit of water bloat. Obviously need to eat more. Even I'm shocked by how skinny I look in these (though I'm 6'5 so I think that detracts)

Couple more shots in this album
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Good base to get some mass on Fen, like you said just nail your food intake and make sure you're training hard and you should see some good changes.
And nice place to keep the bike :D
Thought I'd finally get a pic of me up, was sitting at 201lb/91kg on friday, will weigh myself again on friday!

BF is about 17% (I think), I did my best to avoid lighting aesthetics and purposely moved out the way of them haha.

I know it's an awful quality picture, taken from my **** HTC camera
FML ITS HUGE, I don't have time to re-size now will do so in a few hours once i'm home!

http://i.imgur.com/6dUYt.jpg anyways
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