I ask because I've had some significant fat there for as long as I can remember, despite being something of an ectomorph. I looked up water retention last night on that Wikipedia, but it didn't give much of relevance. From what I read, the only possible explanation (if it is water retention) is that I don't drink enough fluid...does that sound right?
I have wide shoulders and a big chest, for my body type, and starting from the arm pits at the sides I have that sort of tapering inwards that most men with defined figures & low fat have, but when it moves down to roughly where the bottom of my rib cage is, it starts to taper outwards such that there's a sort of crescent shape between the rib cage and my waist.
Regarding insulin resistivity, I don't know what it is but I've heard of the connection between insulin and diabetes. I was tested a few months ago for diabetes, and fortunately I don't have it.
Your insulin resistivity doesn't reflect having diabetes, some people are more or less insulin resisitive, you can improve it as part of the diet. Other areas that cause fat storage are high levels of oestrogen and cortisol, cortisol normally manifests itself below the belly button area, oestrogen in the thighs and chest/back area.
Unfortunately you can't spot reduce fat, however you can reduce cortisol levels and you can improve your insulin resistivity.
There's lots of info out there on how to do the above here's one quick tip with the use of Cinnamon!
Cinnamon is an amazing spice that should be used whenever you can. It’s a natural sweetener and so can be used in place of sugar, e.g. in porridge, in coffee etc etc.
* Moderates blood sugar levels, which is imperative in trying to reduce body fat.
o Cinnamon contains phytochemicals called ‘chalcone polymers’ that increase glucose metabolism more than 20 times the normal rate.
o These ‘chalcone polymers’ are also powerful antioxidants.
* Appears to mimic insulin thus increasing glucose uptake by cells.
* Cinnamon’s water-soluble active ingredient is called ‘cinnulin’.
o Cinnulin rebuilds the insulin receptor sites thus making you more insulin sensitive.
* Recent research has shown that cinnamon reduced triglycerides, total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol in people with Type II Diabetes.
o People with both Type I & II Diabetes would benefit from cinnamon’s effects.
* Cinnamon also contains anthocyanins, which improve capillary function.
* It can help combat candida through the use of it’s eugenol & geraniol phytochemicals; this likely due to antimicrobacterial properties of the aforementioned compounds.
* Cinnamon also contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may be helpful in reducing pain and stiffness of muscles, joints, and menstrual discomfort.
* Improves digestive function by acting as a carminative (a “gas reliever”).
* Cinnamon contains catechins that help relieve nausea.
* Cinnamon also appears to improve appetite.
The “Cinnamon Stick Fat Loss Trick”
1. Depending on the size, take 2-3 cinnamon sticks (or some powder) and break them into a large glass jug.
2. Fill the jug with boiling water, cover and leave to steep.
3. Once cooled (warm is ok) strain the liquid, discarding the solids, and store in the fridge.
4. Drink a small glass (~250ml) with each meal; up to four per day. After one to three weeks reduce intake to just one cup per day.
This is a very cheap way to help lose excess fat as it very quickly improves your body’s insulin receptor sites.