OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

3 days rest minimum.

May also want to continue this in the [thread=17973387]gymrats[/thread] thread, as this thread is for pictures :)
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figured I should upload a starting picture for me too :)

this picture is after about a month at the gym, I know i'm still really skinny, but you should have seen me before, lol, please bare in mind that i'm 6' 3.5" :)

edit: i'll try and upload a 'flexing' pose picture later :p

well my diet has been more or less the same for the past year and I've made decent gains with it.

full bowl of tesco's fruit and fibre + some skimmed milk (have tried oats for a while but can't be bothered to wait ages till they cool down :D )
2 hard boiled eggs
wholemeal sandwich with big slice of cheese and some ham

mini lunch: home made soup (got lots of veg in it and an average thigh or drumstick on each serving) + same sandwich.

pre workout shake: scoop of whey and maltodextrin + creatine

post workout shake: 2 scoops of whey and maltodextrin +creatine and glutamine.

dinner: large portion of pasta/rice/backed potatoes + 2 chicken thighs or drumstick or chicken leg or chicken breast and some veg.

an apple and banana at random times.

and whenever I feel hungry I also squeeze a tuna conserve or half a pot of cottage cheese between meals, most of the time this is after lunch.

While I'm sure it's far from the perfect diet, it does get me enough calories to grow and around 200 grams of protein....

It's not that bad, but not one i'd put someone on or expect great gains from. Not a great deal of protein, especially as you have nothing after dinner and very little in the morning.

Your main intake is from carbs and I don't really see any healthy fats apart from the eggs.

This might be why you see an improvement from glutamine, but I still have my doubts.
actually, there's 200 grams of protein, which is about 2.2 grams pe kg of lean body mass. I honestly think I do not need 400 grams of protein.

Even in my morning meal I've got about 30 grams of protein which ain't that bad to start the day imho. I will replace the cereal with a blender made shake of a youghurt, oats and whey protein in the future.

As for "nothing after lunch" well I usually have it pretty late (which ain't too smart with the carbs, I know) or if I have it earlier than 8 there's usually the cottage cheese or tuna before bed.

you're forgetting the fat in the cheese, but I will agree it's something I need to work on. I don't see what's wrong with the carbs I'm eating, I am a pearson that needs to grow after all, and I'm far from a keto fan.
I don't believe that adds up to 200g of protein, but you haven't given me exacty sizes so could be wrong.

Fat in cheese isn't great and I certainly wouldn't be putting it under the "healthy fats" section in my diet.

Bread and cereal are hardly the ideal choice for carbs, but could be worse I suppose. I wouldn't be having them on a daily basis like you are, though :)
well only the scoops of whey protein make around 80grams, trust me it goes to around 200 a day which I think is okay even at my ~100kgs.

I know bread ain't that good but wholemeal bread should be better, and same with the cereal, they've got like 75 grams of carbs out of which around 20 are sugars, surely I can afford some sugars in the morning as long as I'm not cutting. :p

I only started cooking last october when going to uni, at home I didn't even make toast or tea, so I am making a bit of an effort. :)

I tought fat is cheese is ok? Any advice of what I could change in the diet to add up some healthy fats without making too much effort?
figured I should upload a starting picture for me too :)

this picture is after about a month at the gym, I know i'm still really skinny, but you should have seen me before, lol, please bare in mind that i'm 6' 3.5" :)

edit: i'll try and upload a 'flexing' pose picture later :p


Dude, i feel your pain, i really do. It feels great once you start seeing an improvement though, confidence is my middle name now and i'm only just really getting started.

From the picture it seems as though you have a similar issue to me which is shoulders and lats, though Freefaller assures me this is normal for us tall guys and i'm sure he'll be around soon to give better advice than my n00by'ish self can offer at the minute.
MonkieMann - firstly well done on posting a pic, not everyone is comfortable doing something like that so good on you for taking the plunge :)

You do have the unfortunate blight of being tall and slender, but this isn't a problem - if your goals are to develop muslce you've got a good base to start with.

Bear in mind the taller you are the more muscle you need to build to start looking "bigger" even me at under 6'1" has to put in a lot of effort to get the shape and fill of the muscle fibres that we all strive for.

The taller you get also the more calories you require to keep you going - believe it or not 1 inch in height can equate to quite a dramatic effect on your dietary requirements and the performance of your metabolism.

I presume you're after size?
Thanks for the encouragement guys :)

Should I put any questions I have in the gymrats thread from now on? (apart from this one of course ;))
I had a similarish build to yours when I started mate. Keep it at and you will see great results in no time :) And yes keep general questions in the other thread if possible and just member pictures/ discussion about them here :)
Few new ones of me. I'm sure i've lost some fat and i'm definately stronger not sure if i'm bigger though I don't weight myself or measure myself tbh I just cut out most of the bad foods and just eat as much protein as a I can and train hard. My sleep lacks massively though. Still no where near where I want to be.

EDIT: Old pics. Think I maybe look better in new ones due to the angle i'm standing and no flash on the camera to make me look as flat as the originals.
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Few new ones of me. I'm sure i've lost some fat and i'm definately stronger not sure if i'm bigger though I don't weight myself or measure myself tbh I just cut out most of the bad foods and just eat as much protein as a I can and train hard. My sleep lacks massively though. Still no where near where I want to be.

EDIT: Old pics. Think I maybe look better in new ones due to the angle i'm standing and no flash on the camera to make me look as flat as the originals.

Looking lean. Why 3 different pictures all taken EXACTLY the same? In my opinion you look better now, especially as you say you don't want to gain size but wanted to get leaner, job done.

davetrace1- No random pics please mate. There's a thread in GD for that :)
come on at least do it properly :p


LOL...he needs to eat more!

A few updates from me allthough I aint been training much lately...just got a sun tan for a change :)
Chest and shoulders lacking as still have RC injury affceting all chest work...but back a bit beter these days I think...doing more deads and upper back work.
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Looking good toxic - for the RC injury have you tried taking cissus? Helped me out no end.

Freefaller - can you please get my old account (aftershxck) re-instated? :o I do believe I asked you about a month ago. lol
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