OcUK Minecraft Server - Rules & Chat

I've just been testing 1.5 with bukkit and though it seems mostly okay there's a show-stopping error at the moment. I'll see if I can fix it somehow.
Shocked to see this thread on the second page! A little annoyed at the minute because just after spending hours mining after recovering from losing my stuff due to a bucket of lava appearing on top of me rather than where I told it to go, I did /home nick to get to the spawner and found myself falling through the bottom of the map and died along with all my stuff. Upon doing it again it worked flawlessly without falling through.

This kind of stuff does annoy me as you end up losing a lot of stuff for something that isn't your fault. Admittedly, the lava incident was partially my fault as I didn't put my stuff in a chest before working with it, even though it put the lava source on top of me rather than where I told it to go. It does put you off playing as I have now lost the majority of my stuff and have to spend hours mining again! Grrr...

Notch, get you *** off Portal 2 and come and fix this game :)
Registerd @ linktart - icy_miner

hmm not sure but i remember long time ago playing on an smp from the forums maybe this one ??

any way looking forward to it...

some of the pics i have seen are crazy good for mc

trying to get back into it after forgetting i even had mc :D
No mobs are spawning on server atm, happened earlier and they came back, but having long periods of nothing.

Just spent about 30mins exploring a cave system. Found 1 zombie. So bloody boring I quit before I even finished.
Can't believe people actually still want the server in peaceful!

Has the server been kinda dead of late as well?
Yep, I'm playing offline just checking out weather on 1.5 mostly atm, and occasionally switching to 1.4 whenever I want to play on the server.
kainz is this worth me trying out? not entirely convinced !
Neither was I. I always slagged PR off for playing this last year. Gave it a go at the start of this year and I've played it non-stop, hell we even had our own server :p Go for it! We've got our own area on the map to mess around in.

It may have pants visuals, but that's actually part of it's beauty. Gameplay is very strong, and cave exploration is just addictive.
Neither was I. I always slagged PR off for playing this last year. Gave it a go at the start of this year and I've played it non-stop, hell we even had our own server :p Go for it! We've got our own area on the map to mess around in.

It may have pants visuals, but that's actually part of it's beauty. Gameplay is very strong, and cave exploration is just addictive.

cheers mate will give it a try, never been bothered by poor visuals just means it might work on the laptop or netbook :p
A quick suggestion- as the nether is not here nor is it likely to come back, can we remove the portal from the spawn as it is a bit of a eye sore and gets in the way of the view of the Pantheon which is much more impressive! I would do it but I lost my diamond pick earlier after getting TPed outside of the map!
A quick suggestion- as the nether is not here nor is it likely to come back, can we remove the portal from the spawn as it is a bit of a eye sore and gets in the way of the view of the Pantheon which is much more impressive! I would do it but I lost my diamond pick earlier after getting TPed outside of the map!

oh so the nether is gone? :( there i am trying to get some obsidian in SP ...lol
First: Many thanks to those that donated towards the server costs. It's much appreciated - from all two of you :p

Second: Removing the portal is fine by me. We can always rebuild it if needed.

Third: I believe that the show stopping bug may have been down to the use of the giant monsters mod. This may also have been the thing that knackered stuff for Nether plugins. I'll test more tomorrow and let people know.
Just spent about 30mins exploring a cave system. Found 1 zombie. So bloody boring I quit before I even finished.
Can't believe people actually still want the server in peaceful!

it's linked to the number of players. when there's the suual 20+ there's 150-300+ of each mob type.

for example just now there's 14 people and

179 zombies
209 skeletons
202 creepers
and 76 spiders.

when there's one person on there's usually 14-25 of each.

but then they're all within 144x144 blocks of you.
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