OcUK Minecraft Server - Rules & Chat

Yeah that will be awesome, i need to work on some sort of station thing at my giant mountain complex but that should be easy enough i think.
FYI, Jongo I have started to connect to your track, Just need to add a few boosters, I have no idea how you want to set it up on the main line :)

Jimbob It may be easier for you if connect yours at the archopolis?
Hi Jimz.

Do you have anyone that can vouch for you? We generally require that of members with few posts/little history on OcUK :)


I'm not too sure on here to be honest, I've been viewing the forum for about 3-4 years but only just signed up to start posting!
toString removed from WL due to permabanning for multiple accounts...

Going by what a lot of people have said in the past he won't be missed either (never spoke to him personally though so got no beef) but i know a couple of people who found him problematic :p
i've developed a new method for tnt clearing in the room.

i think it uses about the same amount of tnt as the current neat way, it produces a pretty neat hole so i'd say is about as efficent in terms of tnt to area cleared.

but it is less efficient in terms of resource gathering, in fact depending on the area pretty much no resources can be gathered from it.

but that could be fixd by mining the sides before moving to the next section.

so here's the "results".


so the method is similar to what we use now but instead of 2 apart the holes are 4 apart.

and instead of 3 deep they go right down to bed rock. (best to mine them with only a pick and a shovel cause you'll end up in lava at some point)

then you will them by putting gravel/dirt at the bottom >tnt onto pof that>then another block of dirt then another tnt etc all the way up. (must be dirt or gravel, or sand, but not cobble or any other stone)

do a grid of them, that pic was done by 9 holes ~40 deep so about about 2.5-3 stacks stacks of tnt total.

I think this works out about equivalent in terms of tnt used as for the normal method.

as normally we use 1 tnt for every 4 vertical blocks, this uses 2, but we use 1 tnt/hole every 2 horizontal blocks this does it every 4 so i think it averages out the same or better.

but it does show we're going to need a crap load of tnt.
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i've developed a new method for tnt clearing in the room.

i think it uses about the same amount of tnt as the current neat way, it produces a pretty neat hole so i'd say is about as efficent in terms of tnt to area cleared.

but it is less efficient in terms of resource gathering, in fact depending on the area pretty much no resources can be gathered from it.

but that could be fixd by mining the sides before moving to the next section.

so here's the "results".


so the method is similar to what we use now but instead of 2 apart the holes are 4 apart.

and instead of 3 deep they go right down to bed rock. (best to mine them with only a pick and a shovel cause you'll end up in lava at some point)

then you will them by putting gravel/dirt at the bottom >tnt onto pof that>then another block of dirt then another tnt etc all the way up. (must be dirt or gravel, or sand, but not cobble or any other stone)

do a grid of them, that pic was done by 9 holes ~40 deep so about about 2.5-3 stacks stacks of tnt total.

I think this works out about equivalent in terms of tnt used as for the normal method.

as normally we use 1 tnt for every 4 vertical blocks, this uses 2, but we use 1 tnt/hole every 2 horizontal blocks this does it every 4 so i think it averages out the same or better.

but it does show we're going to need a crap load of tnt.

You really are the master of efficiency as well as being an industrial meglomaniac :D
would not having sand on 4 sides of the tnt make the explosion bigger?
as i see before tnt give a bigger bang when surrounded by sand outside.

might use less tnt to make the big hole.
would not having sand on 4 sides of the tnt make the explosion bigger?
as i see before tnt give a bigger bang when surrounded by sand outside.

might use less tnt to make the big hole.

No that's just because sand/dirt/gravels blast resistance is 3 while stone is 1.

that means a tnt block will destroy 3 sand blocks in a row before stopping but only 1 sto0ne.

so TNT surrounded by stone makes a 3x3 cube by sand/dirt/gravel a 7x7 cube.
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