OcUK Minecraft Server - Rules & Chat

All right i have put the stuff (2 wool and 2 torches) in the chest in ma house with the sign free stuff above it

Its scrlk's so dont take it
Freddie and Bena managed to get on the roof of the nether. What's more, there was two of them! Two Freddies? The end is nigh!

Could i have roleback on my house please becuase i have had accident involving fire and a wooden house

My house is public so you can just teleport to it when ever


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I was trying to use bedrock tool to see what removed a block of the coaster by jump through lava (I assumed it was lava), but as I placed the bedrock to check, it stayed, so there's a block of bedrock stuck there now :p
All credibility gone with me to be honest, thought they were vaguely interesting and perhaps even different from other self publicity seeking hacking groups such as Anonymous. But it appears not, just another bunch of tubes who should be ratted out for attacking a small company developing an independent game.
Can an admin come and get me out of my house, maxa has surrounded my /home with chests that he has locked so i cannot break any blocks and i am stuck in my own house!

Freddie :(

Edit: i managed to get out due to the glitch where if you remove a block it removes the block above and below it...
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