OCUK Official IC Diamond/ Perihelion Test Results

yknyong1 GT335M



I will edit over the next couple of days breaking out the compounds as well as some observations on results- A lot of work went into this from all participants and is much appreciated here -



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For Comparison - I did not include all compounds as miscellaneous compounds tend to clutter the results and usually not noteworthy without a larger sampling.

AS 5 the most tested compound comprising about a quarter of our results runs about 2 C better than stock and the results here do not change much forum to forum. MX2 and MX3 nearly Identical in performance on this forum but does not match other forum results. MX4 half a degree better.

Shin Etsu did not test as well here as in other forums sample is not large so hard to tell (actually 17 end-user tests not 9 as posed above - typo on my part) The only thing about Shin Etsu could be perhaps it has a top recommended operating much less than most of the competitive compounds here (max 120C) so may not be as robust under heavy use found here.

Indigo Extreme was a good performer here and the liquid metal in general are very competitive when tested some liquid metals (LTM) on our synthetic test bed we found it equal to a solder joint about a .04-05 C improvement over ICD.


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OCUK Thermal Compound Survey IC Diamond vs AS5 - 20 end user tests -4.1 C against our sampling of 197 endusers from 22 overclocking forums of -3.417 C, higher by 6/10th's of a degree.



OCUK Thermal Compound Survey IC Diamond vs MX2 - 6 end user tests for MX2 with a reduction of -2.64C against our sampling of 48 endusers from 9 overclocking forums of -3.24 C, lower by 6/10th's of a degree.

IC Diamond vs MX3 - 19 end user tests for MX3 with a reduction of -2.57C against our sampling of 9 endusers from 2 overclocking forums of -2.94C, lower by 3/10th's of a degree.



IC Diamond vs MX4 - 12 end user tests for MX3 with a reduction of -2.00 C OCUK . OCUK MX4 tests are the first in our data acquisition.


IC Diamond vs Prolimatech - OCUK only had 3 end user tests for Prolimatech So we combined with 6 other tests from 2 other forums for an average reduction of -4.19 C. - OCUK Test Results in purple


IC Diamond vs Shin Etsu - OCUK only had 4 end user tests for Prolimatech So we combined with 6 other tests from 5 other forums for an average reduction of -1.67 C. - OCUK Test Results in purple

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Fairly typical of what we see vs. stock compounds with an average improvement of -5.01 C


Here is a IC Diamond Vs Stock comparison that was done on EVGA with an average improvement of -5.58C

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I thought this was an Interesting breakout of the numbers Delta' between compounds on the Water Cooling shrink considerably about 2C on the MX2 and MX3 and 2.75C on the MX4.

The only one cooler that bucked the trend was the Corsair and perhaps the EK block with better mounting schemes.


Below is a data sort of the test results The blue bars are air cooling all others are water cooling.

The Corsair results are marked in green and follow the usual distribution


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We have been doing a IC Diamond Reliability Survey over at Notebook Review with some interesting results, although only halfway through the survey a major factor in long term reliability relates to Contact and Pressure as we went through the process here with C/P and performance same applies to long term use.

When you have full contact with thermal and mechanical loads in sync with each other fully/evenly distributed across the entire processor and would be a likely canidate for long term use.


Just some quick notes

Looking at the data to date it looks to be trending that if you hit a year with no change you are probably clear for extended 1.5- 2- 3 year use. A temp rise above +5C within the first year is a pretty good indicator that you will hit + 20C by year 2.

A kind of a go- no go indicator, those that hit in the 20C range I would call a failure and would repaste and while you have the system apart consider lapping the sink or some mod as TanWare's to improve contact. To note I have a couple of retailers that have agreed to test market the Contact and Pressure indicating film and should retail around $5-$8. Note that we are not selling the product and will not profit from it, we are only promoting it's general use for end users as a tool for improving performance/reliability

I am assuming a 5C +/- error on these tests as most are sloppy about reporting ambients.

As noted in my previous post there does not appear to be any correlation yet as to higher initial temps leading to a failure. Technos started with an initial temp of 58 C and at close to the one year mark ended up 19.25 C while Karamazovmm whose initial temp was 95C ended the year at 90C basically unchanged. There are other examples but this happens to be one of the more extreme. This was a suprise to me as typically notebooks runan average of 15C higher than the overclocked systems so I was expecting some indication in that direction at this point perhaps needs more time.

Applied thermal compound is simple stuff as things go, two mating surfaces with some goop in between and there are not too many avenues to explore to explain a difference in results other than amount of compound applied (we assume everbody gets this one right) Then the contact and pressure between the two joining surfaces.

As we discovered with the C/P testing the weak point in this simple setup is in the contact and is a reasonble cause for good result or bad result or something in between.

Note below yknyong1 contact area being worst case most of the heat transfer would be in the corner/edge area, a significat heat concentration more like a soldering Iron this edge corner/area would be the part of the joint to fail first and as the remaing paste is lightly contacted would then run at higher temps baking out initially then delaminating with further thermal cycling. This kind of contact is a likely canidate for early failure

the following BlazeSempai example at the other end is full contact with thermal and mechanical loads in sync with each other fully/evenly distributed across the entire processor and would be a likely canidate for long term use.

This is as simple as it gets.

yknyong1- Apple Macbook Air13 i5


BlazeSempai p 8700

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