OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Five - "Emotion" DISCUSSION

I'm going to rock the boat a little and say that NONE of the photos posted have really captured the idea of emotion afaic. The ones that have tried the hardest have come across to contrived in my opinion.

I don't think any of the entries deserve to win based on thematic relevance, and so it will be down to photographic ability more than anything.
nero120 said:
I'm going to rock the boat a little and say that NONE of the photos posted have really captured the idea of emotion afaic. The ones that have tried the hardest have come across to contrived in my opinion.

I don't think any of the entries deserve to win based on thematic relevance, and so it will be down to photographic ability more than anything.

Can I ask then what you would deem a suitable entry to a competition with Emotion as the theme?

I'd say that there's just about every kind of depiction reasonably possible within the entries, and if at least some weren't relevant one way or another I'd be very surprised!

It is down to personal interpretation, but I can see relevance in quite a few of the images entered.
danza said:
Can I ask then what you would deem a suitable entry to a competition with Emotion as the theme?

I'd say that there's just about every kind of depiction reasonably possible within the entries, and if at least some weren't relevant one way or another I'd be very surprised!

It is down to personal interpretation, but I can see relevance in quite a few of the images entered.

Of course, but in my opinion no entry stands out to me as illustrating an idea of "emotion". I can see how entries are connected to emotion, but they simply do not grab me considering the theme. Maybe im being overly critical?
nero120 said:
I'm going to rock the boat a little and say that NONE of the photos posted have really captured the idea of emotion afaic. The ones that have tried the hardest have come across to contrived in my opinion.

I don't think any of the entries deserve to win based on thematic relevance, and so it will be down to photographic ability more than anything.

Down boy. The theme relevance goes from 1 to 10 and there's also the other 2 scores so no-one is winning on theme relevance. We have photos showing an emotional state, showing an emotion, and showing multiple emotions. I don't quite feel like the animals work and some images require a title to complete them but I wouldn't go as far to say that none have.

What would you do to convey the theme in a picture?
should have just drew an emoticon with a hb pencil and took a photo of it , tbh.

Keke ^_^
This has been a great round, REALLY got people thinking, and debates/arguments about how close we all are to the theme, GREAT STUFF :D We need more REALLY tricky subjects like this, makes people work harder and thus develop (excuse the pun) there skills further ;)
cyKey said:
What would you do to convey the theme in a picture?

I guess the most obvious thing is a display of emotion. I don't feel many of the pictures did this, except maybe Morgan's. Of course there are different interpretations of the theme, and this is just my opinion. I felt that the "setup" approach taken by many often did the exact opposite of expressing an emotional theme - the pictures seemed very devoid of emotion. That is not a shot at people as photographers, as they are stunningly captured. All Im trying to say is, for me, I don't really feel as thought the essence of the theme was captured successfully in any of the photos. Still, it was a good try!

Edit: As combat squirrel has said above, it was a very tricky subject and was very challenging. The experience will certainly benefit us as artists, if not photographers.
Strictly speaking the theme was "Emotion" and I believe that your picture should convey the theme. So whether it was setup or not it shouldn't matter as long as your picture says "Emotion". Whats to say that morgan didn't set his up? They could have been acting ;)
cyKey said:
Strictly speaking the theme was "Emotion" and I believe that your picture should convey the theme. So whether it was setup or not it shouldn't matter as long as your picture says "Emotion". Whats to say that morgan didn't set his up? They could have been acting ;)

Of course, Im not arguing against that. Im just saying that in my opinion, no one picture stood out to me as conveying the theme well.
nero120 said:
Of course, Im not arguing against that. Im just saying that in my opinion, no one picture stood out to me as conveying the theme well.

I don't get how you can say that. If you looked at the shot and thought in anyway about "emotion" then surely they did? I must admit that I felt that mine said nothing but "emotion" or at least tried to. Makes me feel like I totally failed when you say that.
cyKey said:
Whats to say that morgan didn't set his up? They could have been acting ;)

1st dance...a bit staged you could say :)

As emotion is a feeling it is obviously going to be very hard to convey this into a n image. Anyone’s shot could be read so many ways. There was the debate earlier in the thread regarding putting a title on the shot etc...I think without a title many of the shots could get misinterpreted?

I say the winner is Gregeff. Its an absolutely great shot. It doesnt say 'emotion' to me as such. But its a great shot on so many levels. I'm just glad he took it as its great to look at, paired with the fact I can see how much time and effort he has put in to stage the shot.

Who cares who wins..its a laugh isnt it?!!
Well, I think I have learned something from this round...if the shot entered is crap...it's not worth entering /cue people looking at my awful shot.

I was experimenting with candle light and a rose...both are quite 'romantic' items...but it was executed so poorly...the shake was intentional - but it was the only shot with camera shake, the rest still didn't even look as good, even though they had no such shake.

No use explaining myself though!

Hopefully I can turn things around next round, but I'll need to make up for a shoddy entry from this round!
morgan said:
1st dance...a bit staged you could say :)

As emotion is a feeling it is obviously going to be very hard to convey this into a n image. Anyone’s shot could be read so many ways. There was the debate earlier in the thread regarding putting a title on the shot etc...I think without a title many of the shots could get misinterpreted?

I say the winner is Gregeff. Its an absolutely great shot. It doesnt say 'emotion' to me as such. But its a great shot on so many levels. I'm just glad he took it as its great to look at, paired with the fact I can see how much time and effort he has put in to stage the shot.

Who cares who wins..its a laugh isnt it?!!

Whilst I do think Gregeffs is amongst the top few for the set up etc etc...I do think, as has been mentioned it is a very stereotypical "emotional" image thesedays. Just look at all the myspace/dA/emo photos, and all the films out at the mo like Hostel that thrive on such imagery, so maybe a little more thought could have been put into a different concept of photo, but thats my only critque! No problem with the photo itself :)
I think that all entries deserve kudos as the theme is an extraordinarily difficult one to convey. The difficulty arises from needing to produce emotion from capturing an image of emotion.

Personally the one that did this best was Gregeff, not so much for the emotion being conveyed in the image, but in the emotions it gave rise too from viewing it. Whether it be revulsion, horror, sorrow or anger, it seems to evoke these in me quite well, where the others seem to not get past what they are - images attempting to convey an emotion.

A close second for me would be Geffen - Unhappy, for a similar reason. It produced some thought especially due to the almost required empathy with the baby. Tiny wee thing, stuck behind bars, can't get at the things I want - mum? dad? :) I like the imagery...
Whatever the theme is for the next round I think I'll post my entry at 23:59 on the last day and not look in the discussion thread until afterwards.

Just my photo - my concept and let the judges have all the fun :)
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