OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Five - "Emotion" DISCUSSION

DreederOcUK said:
Unlucky, a lot of regulars there who im suprised have been dq`d, its a shame to lose so many entrants, maybe we need to look at relaxing the rules? surely two borders isnt such a serious offence to deserve DQ, maybe 5 points removed from total. :confused:

We've had that rules for ages now, the aim is to standardise the whole comp to make it easier and fairer. It's easier to just make 1 boarder than 2, i guess people just forgot this round.
DreederOcUK said:
Unlucky, a lot of regulars there who im suprised have been dq`d, its a shame to lose so many entrants, maybe we need to look at relaxing the rules? surely two borders isnt such a serious offence to deserve DQ, maybe 5 points removed from total. :confused:
To be fair, people should just read the rules. They aren't that hard to stick to and the single border one has been around for years. Marking could start getting really complicated, where do you draw the line with deducting marks? Some rules are a DQ others are a reduction in marks? You can't allow one rule to be bent and not another, that would be less fair in my opinion. The judges jobs are hard enough as it is. It may seem harsh but I think it's the only fair way.
Muban said:
To be fair, people should just read the rules. They aren't that hard to stick to and the single border one has been around for years. Marking could start getting really complicated, where do you draw the line with deducting marks? Some rules are a DQ others are a reduction in marks? You can't allow one rule to be bent and not another, that would be less fair in my opinion. The judges jobs are hard enough as it is. It may seem harsh but I think it's the only fair way.
You cant argue with that. If your new to the comp you should be reading rules and if you dont and something is picked up on, its your own fault.

If you are a regular, well shame on you.
DreederOcUK said:
Unlucky, a lot of regulars there who im suprised have been dq`d, its a shame to lose so many entrants, maybe we need to look at relaxing the rules? surely two borders isnt such a serious offence to deserve DQ, maybe 5 points removed from total. :confused:

I see what you mean but then what would be the point of the rules if people went against them just to risk losing 5 points. DQ is the only fair way to deal with a photo that breaks the rules.

I totally agreee that its a shame to have lost so many entries but I totally agree with those just posting blank boxes as place holders being DQ'd.

Hope all those that lost out this round still enter next time and best of luck just check the rules carefully next time ;)
what a crock....

the rule:

"Photos may have an optional border. If used, this must be a single colour and a reasonable size."

means many of us got the boot due to a 1 pixel width border...ha ha ha :confused: :eek:

there is also this rule:

"Photographers must post their make and model unless it is provided in the EXIF Information."

does that mean that the people that didnt post the EXIF are also disqualified?!! where do you draw the line.

Think you guys need to seriously chill out as this is being very pedantic IMO. Been hanging out round these parts for years now and that was the first time I entered a comp...purely to join in the fun....and my work gets turned down for a 1 pixel line worth of border...dear ohh dear.

6 people dq'd for borders...surely its best to advise for next time? a lot of poeple spent a lot of time in setting up and taking thier shots and they have been dq'd for the most petty thing. lighten up guys fgs! :rolleyes:

I doubt I'll join in again if this is the way it works...its a photography competition - people need to chill out.
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morgan said:
what a crock....

the rule:

"Photos may have an optional border. If used, this must be a single colour and a reasonable size."

means many of us got the boot due to a 1 pixel width border...ha ha ha :confused: :eek:

there is also this rule:

"Photographers must post their make and model unless it is provided in the EXIF Information."

does that mean that the people that didnt post the EXIF are also disqualified?!! where do you draw the line.

Think you guys need to seriously chill out as this is being very pedantic IMO. Been hanging out round these parts for years now and that was the first time I entered a comp...purely to join in the fun....and my work gets turned down for a 1 pixel line worth of border...dear ohh dear.

6 people dq'd for borders...surely its best to advise for next time? a lot of poeple spent a lot of time in setting up and taking thier shots and they have been dq'd for the most petty thing. lighten up guys fgs! :rolleyes:

I doubt I'll join in again if this is the way it works...its a photography competition - people need to chill out.

It's been one of the rules forever and a day, people have been DQ'd because of it before. No exceptions
morgan said:
what a crock....

<SNIP> lighten up guys fgs! :rolleyes:

I doubt I'll join in again if this is the way it works...its a photography competition - people need to chill out.

I wouldn't get too hot under the collar over it dude, it is just a friendly competition and there is no prize at the end of it all. The rules are there to produce a level playing ground and to be honest, it's not all that difficult to read them before entering your photos...
morgan said:
people need to chill out.

You should listen to your own advice. These rules have been here for about a year or so. The judges did advise people instead of disqualifying them the first time these rules were put into place. As you said, where do you drawn the line? How many rounds does it take before people read the rules? Hell people never read the FAQ or the stickies here yet the Don's don't go "aw well next time." People have accepted them and understand whats going on. The rules are right there at the beginning of both threads. Its no different to the forum. They're are there for a reason and no matter how petty you think they are they're still the rules that you should play by if you want to take part.
morgan said:
what a crock....

the rule:

"Photos may have an optional border. If used, this must be a single colour and a reasonable size."

means many of us got the boot due to a 1 pixel width border...ha ha ha :confused: :eek:

there is also this rule:

"Photographers must post their make and model unless it is provided in the EXIF Information."

does that mean that the people that didnt post the EXIF are also disqualified?!! where do you draw the line.

Think you guys need to seriously chill out as this is being very pedantic IMO. Been hanging out round these parts for years now and that was the first time I entered a comp...purely to join in the fun....and my work gets turned down for a 1 pixel line worth of border...dear ohh dear.

6 people dq'd for borders...surely its best to advise for next time? a lot of poeple spent a lot of time in setting up and taking thier shots and they have been dq'd for the most petty thing. lighten up guys fgs! :rolleyes:

I doubt I'll join in again if this is the way it works...its a photography competition - people need to chill out.

This is the first time you have entered, you didnt read the rules and you got disqualified. Other than your disappointment clouding things, who is really to blame here, the rules (which have been around for ages) or you?

Chill out.
My point being is that people get disqualified over a 1 pixel strip of grey around a black border...its crazy.

I know its a 'fun' competition and no prize etc. I only entered as I wanted to get involved with whats going on and it was my first ever entry, even after being a heavy visitor of this forum for years.

I couldnt care less who wins etc, but surely peoples work deserves to be judged, just out of curiousity its polite to give points even if the outcome is you get disquailified?

I just find it funny that it seems some of the people who are saying rules are rules are probably only doing so to jump up the ladder a little more. As previous posters have said, its mainly the stronger entries that have been disqualified...

anyway its been a pleasure guys ;)
I got disqualified for a 2 colour border with my first ever entry about 3 months back. Must admit I thought it was a bit pathetic too, but my pic wasn't great anyway so I wasn't that bothered ultimately. But, for any kind of competition you do need some basic rules and guidelines, and they are plainly there to see at the start of the entry thread, so there's no arguement really is there, in my opinion.

I do think this competition needs to lighten up a bit though. After all, the 'winner' comes down to the judgement of a few people, and as with anything that's creative who's to say one person's opinion is more valid than someone elses. I mean, I thought the winner of last month's was nothing special at all, in my opinion - the theme was yellow, and it was a picture of an orange staircase? (unless my monitor calibration is really out, which it isn't) - but that's my opinion. Before you get too offended tho Gregeff, I think your entry for this round is fantastic and will probably win. Yes it's a bit contrived, but it's the only picture that makes an impact on this theme to me. I've tried to take the **** with my entry this round, for a bit of light relief to be honest. If no one gets it then so be it, I like it (in my opinion ;) )

Fully star out the profanity and next time when a member of the moderating team warns you to remove it, do it. It might just save you a suspension. - J
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morgan said:
My point being is that people get disqualified over a 1 pixel strip of grey around a black border...its crazy.

No its not. Its a rule of entry into the competition plain and simple. In the past we've had various borders used to the effect where by the border actually became part of the image. To that end should a border actually influence the judges decision? No. The image should speak for itself which is why we have this simple border policy now. [/quote]

I know its a 'fun' competition and no prize etc. I only entered as I wanted to get involved with whats going on and it was my first ever entry, even after being a heavy visitor of this forum for years.

If its only a bit of fun, why get all worked up? Just take it as it is and enter next time. As you said, its only a 1px border. Whats the harm?

I couldnt care less who wins etc, but surely peoples work deserves to be judged, just out of curiousity its polite to give points even if the outcome is you get disquailified?

Thats not a bad idea actually. Maybe all the entries should be judged but the scores not added to the season totals. The point of the competition is to help people grow as photographers. That way people could still benefit.

I just find it funny that it seems some of the people who are saying rules are rules are probably only doing so to jump up the ladder a little more. As previous posters have said, its mainly the stronger entries that have been disqualified...

One previous poster also took it lightly. Its only fun after all. Now stop throwing your toys out your pram :p
morgan said:
I couldnt care less who wins etc, but surely peoples work deserves to be judged, just out of curiousity its polite to give points even if the outcome is you get disquailified?

I'll give you feedback on your photo if you want and I'm sure the other judges will if you ask.

Still, the border rule has been there forever. You cant blame us for people not reading it.
wunkley said:
I've tried to take the **** with my entry this round, for a bit of light relief to be honest. If no one gets it then so be it, I like it (in my opinion ;) )

Thank you for proving my point. No-one reads the rules, so people should quit moaning about them. If people read them and follow them then they have nothing to complain about. If you get busted for not reading them then its your fault. I'm talking about both the competition and the forum rules as the forum rules say you should fully star out swear words, which you didn't. You should by the way.
cyKey said:
Thank you for proving my point. No-one reads the rules, so people should quit moaning about them. If people read them and follow them then they have nothing to complain about. If you get busted for not reading them then its your fault. I'm talking about both the competition and the forum rules as the forum rules say you should fully star out swear words, which you didn't. You should by the way.

**** *** :)

I really don't like a lot of stuff about the way the ocuk photography compo works - but it's one of the only regular compos with a decent number of entrants that I've found, so hey ho!
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