OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Five - "Emotion" DISCUSSION

cyKey said:
I don't get how you can say that. If you looked at the shot and thought in anyway about "emotion" then surely they did? I must admit that I felt that mine said nothing but "emotion" or at least tried to. Makes me feel like I totally failed when you say that.

Woah chill out mate! Its just my opinion. As has been said before, this was a tough theme - look at my entry for pete's (;)) sake! Fly lovin' on a pretty flower? No emotion at all, but it was more of a crap attempt at irony. Whether you 'failed' or not is down to you, and has nothing to do with my opinion. I can see the various attempts to show emotion in the photos, and some were more successfull than others, but all I am saying is that I don't believe anyone's photo really nailed the theme, that's all.
philio16 said:
Whilst I do think Gregeffs is amongst the top few for the set up etc etc...I do think, as has been mentioned it is a very stereotypical "emotional" image thesedays. Just look at all the myspace/dA/emo photos, and all the films out at the mo like Hostel that thrive on such imagery, so maybe a little more thought could have been put into a different concept of photo, but thats my only critque! No problem with the photo itself :)

Maybe, ironically, that the emotional response that it's meant to induce is one of boredom/frustration at the stereotypical themes of teenage angst.

That's meta for you :)
nero120 said:
...but all I am saying is that I don't believe anyone's photo really nailed the theme, that's all.

Thats the thing, its such a broad topic that you have to allow for artistic interpretation. I don't think anyone could 100% nail the theme but as I've said, if some random person looked at the entries and said "Emotion/al" then thats the job done right there. The theme is simply one word. Convey that to your audience and you've succeeded. Plenty of entries did imho.
growse said:
Maybe, ironically, that the emotional response that it's meant to induce is one of boredom/frustration at the stereotypical themes of teenage angst.

That's meta for you :)

That the theme is stereotypical doesn't (in my eyes) make it any less valid. I'm not sure if I am confusing an emotion theme with it being emotive or if the two are not mutually exclusive.
That's the other thing. The theme "emotion" could mean "do a picture that represents emotion". It could also mean, "do a picture that is emotive". Gregeff's does both, quite well, the second one being amply demonstrated by the comments in this thread. It is emotive, because people are talking about it. Clever :)
hehe, interesting debate!! I hadn't realised it was such a sterotypical image having never looked on Facebook or done Photography course. However I had seen a similar image on DA which I guess is where i got the idea from!!

As for general theme relevance this round, I hadn't realised how 'pure' people would take the word emotion when i chose the theme. I guess I should have made the theme 'showing emotion' or something. As has been said just 'emotion' is very hard to show. I guess the only way to show it fully would be to take a photo of the chemicals released in our bodies when we feel emotions!! (Well if thats how our bodies make us feel emotions anyway.....)

gah, need to pay more attention to closing dates :(

was goin to enter this:


Oh well

rG-tom said:
gah, need to pay more attention to closing dates :(

was goin to enter this:


Oh well


Nice pic :) wouldn't the border have gotten it disqualified though?
Gregeff said:
hehe, interesting debate!! I hadn't realised it was such a sterotypical image having never looked on Facebook or done Photography course. However I had seen a similar image on DA which I guess is where i got the idea from!!

As for general theme relevance this round, I hadn't realised how 'pure' people would take the word emotion when i chose the theme. I guess I should have made the theme 'showing emotion' or something. As has been said just 'emotion' is very hard to show. I guess the only way to show it fully would be to take a photo of the chemicals released in our bodies when we feel emotions!! (Well if thats how our bodies make us feel emotions anyway.....)


I would have to say that if a theme is defined with a single word then it is open to artistic interpretation and I would guess that it comes down to how well the image communicates that interpretation without the need to explain further.
First the good news; spreadsheets and images are winging their way to the other judges. Sorry for taking so long - this is the first chance I've had to get them all together.

Now for the bad news; there are a number of DQs this round as listed below:
Rikki - No image
morgan - two borders
DannyDan - two borders
gandhi - two borders
mrgubby - No image
Sleepyd - two borders
Bri - one and a half(!?!?) borders
pegasus1 - image too old
Geffen - image not showing
-TA- - two borders
RichDay said:
First the good news; spreadsheets and images are winging their way to the other judges. Sorry for taking so long - this is the first chance I've had to get them all together.

Now for the bad news; there are a number of DQs this round as listed below:
Rikki - No image
morgan - two borders
DannyDan - two borders
gandhi - two borders
mrgubby - No image
Sleepyd - two borders
Bri - one and a half(!?!?) borders
pegasus1 - image too old
Geffen - image not showing
-TA- - two borders

eeek - I'd have picked Morgans to be the winner - bad luck guys!
thx for the info RichDay ( :p ), i look forward to the results. bad luck for the guys that have been DQ'd, read the rules next time! :p :)
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Unlucky, a lot of regulars there who im suprised have been dq`d, its a shame to lose so many entrants, maybe we need to look at relaxing the rules? surely two borders isnt such a serious offence to deserve DQ, maybe 5 points removed from total. :confused:
brocksta said:
thx for the info RichDay, i look forward to the results. bad luck for the guys that have been DQ'd, read the rules next time! :p :)

Fixed. :p

Damn, that's a real shame. Some cracking entries DQ'ed.
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