For the love of God can we all just get over it! People used two borders and got disqualified. It's happened before, it'll happen again when people don't stick to the rules. Unfair or otherwise, they are the rules. If you don't agree don't enter.
And as for the interpretation I think too many people are being too pretentious and overly sensitive to something that was a staged shot to fit a theme. The whole point of the competition is to make us get out there and take shots that are relevant to a particular theme. To call them contrived is daft when the shots are supposed to be taken as part of the competition. Unless Gregeff just happenned to be in the room while someone was commiting suicide that shot would never have been taken. That's just not going to happen and criticising him for setting the shot up is unfair. The time restraint forces us to be creative and get shots we may not have otherwise have taken. If that means creating a scene to photograph then I'm all for it as it encourages creativity.
Also, I think it would be ridiculous if we felt we had to avoid controversial shots just in case we end up offending someone that happened to come into contact with that situation in real life.
Gregeff IMO is the best shot because of the the following
a. He has gone to the most effort in creating a unique shot.
b. It's the most thought provoking shot in the round
c. He managed to get the shot that he was attempting. Does it matter that it's been done before by A-level students? I don't think so as it is unique against the other entries so shots outside of the competition are irrelevant. In this competiton I think it is the best shot.