OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Five - "Emotion" DISCUSSION

Sleepyd said:
Does wunkley's pic not feature two borders?

Just the one on mine (black). I know what you mean though, the processing of the pic has given a slightly beveled look on the edges that appears slightly bordery on the top and right edges when it's against the black. Bit of an optical illusion I guess.
For the love of God can we all just get over it! People used two borders and got disqualified. It's happened before, it'll happen again when people don't stick to the rules. Unfair or otherwise, they are the rules. If you don't agree don't enter.

And as for the interpretation I think too many people are being too pretentious and overly sensitive to something that was a staged shot to fit a theme. The whole point of the competition is to make us get out there and take shots that are relevant to a particular theme. To call them contrived is daft when the shots are supposed to be taken as part of the competition. Unless Gregeff just happenned to be in the room while someone was commiting suicide that shot would never have been taken. That's just not going to happen and criticising him for setting the shot up is unfair. The time restraint forces us to be creative and get shots we may not have otherwise have taken. If that means creating a scene to photograph then I'm all for it as it encourages creativity.

Also, I think it would be ridiculous if we felt we had to avoid controversial shots just in case we end up offending someone that happened to come into contact with that situation in real life.

Gregeff IMO is the best shot because of the the following
a. He has gone to the most effort in creating a unique shot.
b. It's the most thought provoking shot in the round
c. He managed to get the shot that he was attempting. Does it matter that it's been done before by A-level students? I don't think so as it is unique against the other entries so shots outside of the competition are irrelevant. In this competiton I think it is the best shot.
ranarama said:
Gregeff IMO is the best shot because of the the following
a. He has gone to the most effort in creating a unique shot.
b. It's the most thought provoking shot in the round
c. He managed to get the shot that he was attempting. Does it matter that it's been done before by A-level students? I don't think so as it is unique against the other entries so shots outside of the competition are irrelevant. In this competiton I think it is the best shot.

I still disagree in saying its the best shot, morgan hid a very good shot if a little out of focus, hoodmeister has an amzing shot, danzas shot is also very good mrk has a nice shot although i think his anger one is better.

There are lots of good entries and I think its unfair for you to say that gregeffs is the best when your not judging it. its is a godd photo but there are plenty others that are as good.

I do agree with you on the borders though rules are rules and that should be the end of it.
wunkley's shot didn't appear to have two borders - I did check it but it was late and I was tired so I will have another look at it tonight.
Shadow Phoenix said:
I think its unfair for you to say that gregeffs is the best when your not judging it

Ranarama said:
Gregeff IMO is the best shot

We are all entitled to our opinions as to what is the best shot. If you don't agree that is fine. If the judges don't agree that is also fine. BUT, we are allowed to express these opinions.
ranarama said:
We are all entitled to our opinions as to what is the best shot. If you don't agree that is fine. If the judges don't agree that is also fine. BUT, we are allowed to express these opinions.

Agreed. Theres nothing to stop us saying which photo we like the most.
Raymond Lin said:
They are welcome to a 7.1 mega pixel version ;)

* Minimum Bribe Level: Canon EOS-1Ds Mk II

Sorry Raymond, you just broke the minimum bribe level rule. Unless you can prove that your photo of the girls is worth more than the camera. E-mail in sig. :D
RichDay said:
Now for the bad news; there are a number of DQs this round as listed below:
Bri - one and a half(!?!?) borders

Just to bring this thread back from the second page - I've completed my judging. Just waiting for the rest of the results to come back :)
RichDay said:
Just to bring this thread back from the second page - I've completed my judging. Just waiting for the rest of the results to come back :)

Nice one :)

Is it me or is everyone being a lot more patient about the results than normal?
danza said:
Nice one :)

Is it me or is everyone being a lot more patient about the results than normal?
Too much else to argue (sorry, I mean discuss ;)) about! :) :p
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