OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Five - "Emotion" DISCUSSION

King_Boru said:
assuming you are into self harm? why do you do it? plessure? sympathy? to cause strain on others/the NHS? All things that lead to depression one way or another, not just on yourself but for others too. This, I find is completly unacceptable and extremely narrowminded.

i dont, but know someone who does.

but im not going to go into, as its not the place.

i shouldnt have said anything.
SteveOBHave said:
I agree. There is a fine line in art between creating an image to flame controversy (through its shock value) and thus detracting from the validity of the image itself, and I think Gregoff has come close to that line but in no way in my opinion has he crossed it.

There was an incident in 1998 in Wellington, New Zealand (my home town) that I think did cross that line. An 'artist' was allowed to place a 'piece of art' on display at Te Papa (the National Museum) that consisted of a statue of the Virgin Mary wrapped in a condom. That I feel totally crossed the line.

Hmmm. That one wouldn't bother me particualry, maybe cos I'm an ex catholic and professional atheist :) . But I can see how it would obviously rile others. You'll never win an arguement with an 'artist' either, which is why art is so good, and so rubbish. Funny this place ay it, I just used to come to this website to buy bloody (is that allowed cykey ;) ) graphics cards, then somehow you end up submitting photos and getting into existential debates with complete strangers along the way...
-TA- said:
i dont, but know someone who does.

but im not going to go into, as its not the place.

i shouldnt have said anything.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. It's just how it it phrased that can cause some 'dissagreement'. Sweeping statements are always going to get the blood up :)
wunkley said:
(is that allowed cykey ;) )

If you've got a problem, talk to Spie. His forum, his rules. I'm just hear to keep the peace that you're disturbing.

As for the issue at hand, a Virgin Mary in a condom doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'm not religious in that respect. Gregeff's picture doesn't bother me either but then I've not been effected by that issue. I don't think he's doing anything to make fun at people who self harm. I think its a powerful image as has been proven by the debate.
cyKey said:
If you've got a problem, talk to Spie. His forum, his rules. I'm just hear to keep the peace that you're disturbing.

As for the issue at hand, a Virgin Mary in a condom doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'm not religious in that respect. Gregeff's picture doesn't bother me either but then I've not been effected by that issue. I don't think he's doing anything to make fun at people who self harm. I think its a powerful image as has been proven by the debate.


It was not so much about the Mary in a Condom that bothered me, it was more that it didn't strike me with any validity as art. It seemed more a vehicle for controvercy so for me that was going over the 'art' line.
Raymond Lin said:
er.....it's no different Darth Vader chopping Luke's hand off.

erm yes it is, for a start theres no mess it a clean cut with no blood or bits hanging off, then theres the whole imagery aspect and dont forget that theres the whole its my dad hes fighting. Self harming or even suicude is completly different.

-TA- said:
i also wonder if gregoff has any experience of self harming,, me and my g/f think its so clearly fake,, which makes it quite offensive.

I can see why you may feel that way but just stand back and think you really have people posting pictures of themselves commiting suicide on here can you, and when I first saw it I though it was quite realistic and well portrayed but when you look at it again you pick up on the flaws.

Personally I like the photos imagery and the idea behind it,I see it more of a suicde shot than self harming due to the way hes screaming I agree that some people might find it disturbing but is only a photo. If someone posted a picture of two men kissing would you be like 'o my god dont pretend to be gay unless you are that so offensive'.

whoah whole new argument started up on next page

King_Boru said:
assuming you are into self harm? why do you do it? plessure? sympathy? to cause strain on others/the NHS? All things that lead to depression one way or another, not just on yourself but for others too. This, I find is completly unacceptable and extremely narrowminded.

Just like to say if you dont know what your talking about dont bother, thats such a narrow minded view of the problem. How can you even live in this world if you think that, the reason most prople self herm is the same reson behind a lot of other problems those peole are just dealing with it in a different way. If someones getting bullied at school and having there life made a misery they may self harm to deal with all that, while another person would not self harm and instead go and get a gun and kill those tormenters and half their class in the process. So is that acceptable?????
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-TA- said:
i need to hear what gregoff has to say about it really, and if he actully knows about the subject,

the way he introduced it kinda set me off really, seemed to be kinda joking about it somehow, not appropriate.

i supose thats what im offended about, hopefully im wrong!

Hi -TA- , I'm sorry if it caused you offence, it was not meant to, although obviously it was meant to provide some kind of shock to the viewer. I have no idea about self harm as I don't know anyone who does it and I certainly don't myself. The photo was actually supposed to show someone committing suicide, however as someone else has pointed out it is quite floored! Mainly in respect to the fact that there is a load of blood, but nothing has yet been cut....

Again I apologise for it offending you, but as others have said, this sort of imagery is shown in films etc, and i don't feel that this image is any different.

cyKey said:
If you've got a problem, talk to Spie. His forum, his rules. I'm just hear to keep the peace that you're disturbing.

Disturbing the peace? In what way ossifer? :) Your peace maybe. I have no problem with anything or anyone else regarding this forum. I've just taken exeption to your tone for some reason. I think your misguided sense of e-penis 'underboss' power gets the better of you sometimes pal. I can keep this tat for tat rubbish up for as long as you like by the way... :D Proceed with your retort sir...
wunkley said:
Disturbing the peace? In what way ossifer? :) Your peace maybe. I have no problem with anything or anyone else regarding this forum. I've just taken exeption to your tone for some reason. I think your misguided sense of e-penis 'underboss' power gets the better of you sometimes pal. I can keep this tat for tat rubbish up for as long as you like by the way... :D Proceed with your retort sir...
My advice to you would be to just drop it. However, you are entitled to do as you please :)
wunkley said:
Disturbing the peace? In what way ossifer? :) Your peace maybe. I have no problem with anything or anyone else regarding this forum. I've just taken exeption to your tone for some reason. I think your misguided sense of e-penis 'underboss' power gets the better of you sometimes pal. I can keep this tat for tat rubbish up for as long as you like by the way... :D Proceed with your retort sir...

lol calm it down think we are going a bit off topic considering this is discussion thread for photo comp entries

Joe T said:
My advice to you would be to just drop it. However, you are entitled to do as you please :)

I agree, but I dont think he will be entitled to do as he please for much longer, im honestly truely shocked he hasnt been banned yet, not least for the "**** ***" post.... cheeky little.... Oops there goes me making personal attacks... :p
hmmm negative and unnecessary stuff bouncing around on the last page or 2!

Chill out guys, its nearly friday ;)
I never wanted to start a flame war or whatever the term is these days. I'd like to offer an olive branch/ dove/ hand/ other peace keeping thing. Honestly :) Just being argumentative is all.
I guess it fits with the overiding theme of this thread, which this nonsence has gone away from, and for that I do apologise actually. No hard feelings on my part, it's all healthy discussion ain't it? Can we hug now please?
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RichDay said:
First the good news; spreadsheets and images are winging their way to the other judges. Sorry for taking so long - this is the first chance I've had to get them all together.

Now for the bad news; there are a number of DQs this round as listed below:
Rikki - No image
morgan - two borders
DannyDan - two borders
gandhi - two borders
mrgubby - No image
Sleepyd - two borders
Bri - one and a half(!?!?) borders
pegasus1 - image too old
Geffen - image not showing
-TA- - two borders

Does wunkley's pic not feature two borders? Don't see the value in this rule if it's used to disqualify..surely a picture is a picture at the end of the day - I could certainly see that you could take off credit against a picture for not adhering to the rule, but disqualification? What's the point of that if the whole reason of this forum is to display, comment, discuss and judge photography?
Sleepyd said:
Does wunkley's pic not feature two borders? Don't see the value in this rule if it's used to disqualify..surely a picture is a picture at the end of the day - I could certainly see that you could take off credit against a picture for not adhering to the rule, but disqualification? What's the point of that if the whole reason of this forum is to display, comment, discuss and judge photography?

Basically because people's borders were used to influence the photo.
RichDay said:
Now for the bad news; there are a number of DQs this round as listed below:
mrgubby - No image

mrgubby said:
Dear Mr & Mrs Judges , I left the wrong entry up by mistake , I meant to change it before midnight but I'm just home from a party ;)

Don't bother marking the squirrel picture :)

Quoted from monday , I took the photo down to avoid confusion :D
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