OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Five - "Emotion" DISCUSSION

cyKey said:
Its also not advisible to throw stars at the mod team ;) You still need to edit your previous post.

My, what delicate little sensibilities we have. Your ears must bleed whenever you leave the house. The word in question is hardly the language of the dockyards now is it. If an actual modder takes offense though then I'm sure they'll change it. Thankyou for proving my point about this forum needing to lighten up a little.
doh! and ive done the same thing before!

im so used to my work flow that i always put a one pixel stoke line in, simply because it looks way way way better,

and a one colour border would look rubbish, as would none at all, so im abit stuck there.

ah well,

i also wonder if gregoff has any experience of self harming,, me and my g/f think its so clearly fake,, which makes it quite offensive.

ive seen some truely powerfull and shocking images of the subject, which i respect, because they are real.
wunkley said:
My, what delicate little sensibilities we have. Your ears must bleed whenever you leave the house. The word in question is hardly the language of the dockyards now is it. If an actual modder takes offense though then I'm sure they'll change it. Thankyou for proving my point about this forum needing to lighten up a little.

Ok you don't seem to grasp the way a forum works. The mod team is there to uphold the forum rules and keep OcUK running nicely. Its not whether we take offence or not its whether they break the rules and your word did. Grow up and read the rules. Just incase you don't know how it works, being an Underboss makes me part of the mod team and I was only asking you nicely to edit your post. I thought your 2nd post was a joke but I'm starting to think that maybe it wasn't. Swear words and personal attacks will not be tolerated here. Read the FAQ before you think about posting again.
cyKey said:
Ok you don't seem to grasp the way a forum works. The mod team is there to uphold the forum rules and keep OcUK running nicely. Its not whether we take offence or not its whether they break the rules and your word did. Grow up and read the rules. Just incase you don't know how it works, being an Underboss makes me part of the mod team and I was only asking you nicely to edit your post. I thought your 2nd post was a joke but I'm starting to think that maybe it wasn't. Swear words and personal attacks will not be tolerated here. Read the FAQ before you think about posting again.

Good lord. Oops, is that blasphemy? I haven't read the rules yet so will come back and edit it out forthwith if so ;)

By the way, I consider being told to 'grow up' a personal attack so you'd better start underbossing your own posts.

Shall we stop now, is getting silly ay it.
-TA- said:
i also wonder if gregoff has any experience of self harming,, me and my g/f think its so clearly fake,, which makes it quite offensive.

ive seen some truely powerfull and shocking images of the subject, which i respect, because they are real.

Of course it is fake. However it is very emotive imagery and you have every right to find it offensive, but I don't think you can letterbox it as being offensive. The first time I saw it, my first reaction was similar, altho more of revulsion rather than being offended.

I'm curious, when you see a movie with someone self harming or with someone being potrayed as being a drug addict (something like Requiem for a Dream) do you find that offensive? Does the movie loose its validity because its not actually occuring on screen? I think you may have not given the image the thought it potentially deserves...
id be shocked if it was real. Self harming is bad enough, but taking a picture of yourself doing it? thats just wrong.
-TA- said:
but pretending to is ok?

I repeat: ...when you see a movie with someone self harming or with someone being potrayed as being a drug addict (something like Requiem for a Dream) do you find that offensive? Does the movie loose its validity because its not actually occuring on screen?
SteveOBHave said:
Of course it is fake. However it is very emotive imagery and you have every right to find it offensive, but I don't think you can letterbox it as being offensive. The first time I saw it, my first reaction was similar, altho more of revulsion rather than being offended.

I'm curious, when you see a movie with someone self harming or with someone being potrayed as being a drug addict (something like Requiem for a Dream) do you find that offensive? Does the movie loose its validity because its not actually occuring on screen? I think you may have not given the image the thought it potentially deserves...

i need to hear what gregoff has to say about it really, and if he actully knows about the subject,

the way he introduced it kinda set me off really, seemed to be kinda joking about it somehow, not appropriate.

i supose thats what im offended about, hopefully im wrong!
Sorry to be bit of a late starter but I cant see why you are offended by gregoffs image. this imagery is shown on a daily basis in films, magazines, tv, etc,.. this is no different.

suggest you preach your opinion somewhere else with a bit of substance before you dig your hole any deeper here.

Raymond Lin said:
er.....it's no different Darth Vader chopping Luke's hand off.

that need the hugest roll eyes ever. it is.

a film featuring self harming is quite rare, but within context, with a background story, its valid.

joking about it is not. thats the problem i have.
-TA- said:
that need the hugest roll eyes ever. it is.

a film featuring self harming is quite rare, but within context, with a background story, its valid.

joking about it is not. thats the problem i have.

self harm is not rare in film, specially these days with all the sick horror films emerging.

some of the scenes that are rated 15's shown in cinema these days should be banned. i wouldnt be surprised if it promotes self harm itself. absolutley sick. it puts more strain on the NHS, causes family stress and is outright ridiculous. people willing to cut themselves for pleassure/sympathy or whatever for should be looked after professionally, in proper facilities. Its not natural.

I know this isnt helping matters but reading through the posts it is really winding me up!
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King_Boru said:
Sorry to be bit of a late starter but I cant see why you are offended by gregoffs image. this imagery is shown on a daily basis in films, magazines, tv, etc,.. this is no different.

suggest you preach your opinion somewhere else with a bit of substance before you dig your hole any deeper here.

personally i find self harm stupid and the peoplpe who do it too. it is a completly pointless act.


you shouldnt have started either.

i totaly disagree.
-TA- said:
that need the hugest roll eyes ever. it is.

a film featuring self harming is quite rare, but within context, with a background story, its valid.

joking about it is not. thats the problem i have.

I understand where you are coming from and I understand that you may have some pretty hard experiences in life, but I think you have unfairly attributed that to Gregoffs photo. I fail to see any humor in the photo and you can be fairly sure that he wasn't attempting to get a laugh out of posting the image.
I think the fact that Gregeff's pic is causing debate like this, due to the, dare I say it, emotions it involves, demonstrates why it will probably, and should win this round. This is the photography forum isn't it?

The fact that some people may find it offensive though doesn't surprise me. As I mentioned before, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
-TA- said:
that need the hugest roll eyes ever. it is.

a film featuring self harming is quite rare, but within context, with a background story, its valid.

joking about it is not. thats the problem i have.

I know the subject the photo trying to convey, I realise the seriousness of the subject. However i know it is staged, hence there is no difference to me than any motion pictures, disney or otherwise.
-TA- said:
you shouldnt have started either.

i totaly disagree.

assuming you are into self harm? why do you do it? plessure? sympathy? to cause strain on others/the NHS? All things that lead to depression one way or another, not just on yourself but for others too. This, I find is completly unacceptable and extremely narrowminded.
wunkley said:
I think the fact that Gregeff's pic is causing debate like this, due to the, dare I say it, emotions it involves, demonstrates why it will probably, and should win this round. This is the photography forum isn't it?

The fact that some people may find it offensive though doesn't surprise me. As I mentioned before, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I agree. There is a fine line in art between creating an image to flame controversy (through its shock value) and thus detracting from the validity of the image itself, and I think Gregoff has come close to that line but in no way in my opinion has he crossed it.

There was an incident in 1998 in Wellington, New Zealand (my home town) that I think did cross that line. An 'artist' was allowed to place a 'piece of art' on display at Te Papa (the National Museum) that consisted of a statue of the Virgin Mary wrapped in a condom. That I feel totally crossed the line.
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